Thursday, January 16, 2014

After relaxing in the cafe and admiring the black-and-white photos of Marlon Brando and Belmondo, i

Walk between Smetana embankment and Charles Street
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If you turn a small area Krzhizhovnitskoy (Křížovnické náměstí), adjacent to the Charles Bridge (Karlův most), left of the bridge, you can go out on the embankment Smetana (Smetanovo nábřeži). Before the house-museum of Bedrich golden half Smetana, which begins promenade, is a monument to the composer. golden half
Attracted the attention of Old Water Tower (Staroměstská golden half vodárenská golden half věž), built in 1489. After the fire and the restructuring has not lost its romantic shape as before and towers over neighboring buildings.
Near the tower are Karlovy baths (Karlovy golden half Lázně) XIX century. Neo-Gothic golden half building was built on the site of the old royal baths, of which according to the legend ran Vaclav IV. To supply water to houses and baths ctaromestskih dam was built here in 1148. Logs sticking out of the water, before the mill wheel served as protection from the ice. Dam perfectly visible from the big red house "Bellevue" (Bellevue), golden half which is an example of the Dutch Renaissance.
Behind Charles Bridge is a bridge Legia (Most Legií). Midway between the bridges adorned waterfront monument to Franz I, but after the revolutionary events of 1918, he was sent to the museum. At the corner of the street Konviktska (Konviktská) preserved chapel XII century. Chapel of the Holy Cross (kaple sv. Kříže) is the third Roman rotunda that has been preserved in Prague. Building-relic in 1860 defended Manes, he ordered the chapel wall art bars. Grateful descendants can now admire the frescoes of the XIV century, the chapel and stands golden half perfectly preserved in its original level.
The tour continues in the street Bartolomeyska (Bartolomějská), which departs from the street to the left Caroline Bright (Karolíny Světlé). Spiers that adorn the tower of the Church golden half of St.. Bartholomew (Kostel svatého Bartoloměje), visible from all sides, but the facade of the church is tucked away in the yard and go to the temple can only parallel Konviktska street. Near the church is a building of the former Jesuit boarding golden half school for children of the nobility Convict (Konvikt). In 1789, in the halls of the boarding gave concerts young Beethoven. Convict in the XVIII-XIX centuries been used for social gatherings, there were the first Prague balls. Now here is the cafe at the cinema Ponrepo - Bio Konvikt.
After relaxing in the cafe and admiring the black-and-white photos of Marlon Brando and Belmondo, it's time to roll a narrow street communicating (Průhodní), which hid behind Convict. It leads to Betlémské area (Betlémské námĕstí). Rich and enlightened member of the genus Náprstek bought a house here, which organized golden half the library. Now it is a museum. But more important building on the square is Bethlehem Chapel (Betlémská kaple).
Charles Street area connects to the Betlémské street Liliová (Liliova). On the way to meet a house that in the XIX century had the glory worst Prague brothel. Now this building is a decent Czech beer U Kralé Iřího Irish pub and James Joyce. If you turn right onto Rzhetezova (Řetĕzová), golden half here, too, there is an interesting golden half building. One of them, the house of lords and Kunstat Podebrad (dům Pánů z Kunštátu a Podĕbrad, N3), was the palace of King George, and the neighboring house "three wonderful men" (dům U Tří divých mužu) in the XIX century rocked the whole of Prague. There was a cabaret Montmartre, where the first in the Czech Republic dancing tango.
At the corner Yilskoy (Jilská) and Voevodovoy golden half (Vejvodova) streets, admire the large white house. XVI century house has two names: "We bohemian (dům U Vejvodů), the second "U-written wisdom." Story home is inextricably linked with the artist Klussachekom. When the artist learned that the house going to be demolished, he bought it, received significant financial problems. To improve their situation, the artist painted the house thoughtful quotations made in the sgraffito technique,

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