Friday, March 21, 2014

Third party of Greece end of December, the government suspended all grant 873,000 euros because sev

Shocking images of the Greek party Golden Dawn spread quickly this week in the Greek media. In the pictures members of the right-wing extremist movement with an AK-47, with the backdrop of the Greek flag. Pose There are also men and women to see the Nazi salute and put on one of the pictures is a very young girl with two pistols in hand.
The images have been found by the Greek police on computer Giorgos Patelis. He leads the local branch in Piraeus, a suburb of Athens, the hundreds store and is associated with the murder of rapper left Pavlos Fyssas. Fyssas was beaten to death in September by a member of the Golden Dawn: Giorgos Roupakias. Who is now behind bars. Since the prohibition of murder Fyssas find the Greek authorities for a way to show that Golden Dawn is a criminal organization so that the party may be banned. With pictures in hand they come one step closer. According to Greek law, the images show that Golden Dawn resembles a paramilitary group. Members save regularly the hundreds store migrants together and are suspected of plotting attacks.
Third party of Greece end of December, the government suspended all grant 873,000 euros because several MPs of the party are held. They are suspected to give to a criminal organization the hundreds store leadership. The leader of the party, the hundreds store Nikos Michaloliakos, is being held in custody. Despite all the accusations Golden Dawn remains popular. the hundreds store In polls, she is the third party in the country. After the murder Fyssas she dropped back, but after two members were killed by left-wing extremists, the party scrambled up again. The Greeks have their fill of the old, corrupt political parties and are of the opinion that the right-wing extremists identify the real problems. The initiative to provide information to real Greeks, food aid can count on much sympathy. ..
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