Monday, August 11, 2014

No injuries he received help at a hospital in the Bridge, and everyone is in stable condition. Poli

At the time of the attack in 'The blockbuster store hours Cottages' are paid policemen in plainclothes. They come to your aid attacked and tried obuzadati minors and to take away his knife, but the young man of a season to them stabbed in the face and another in the thigh
The juvenile armed with a knife attacked and stabbed five people, including two policemen outside the cafe \ "hut \" in the village blockbuster store hours Mijatovac blockbuster store hours at Bridge. Blic writes that in attacking spree young man first cut by hand MJ (23), and BJ (24) stabbed in the chest. At the time of the attack in \ '\' The Cottages \ '\' are paid policemen in plainclothes. They come to your aid attacked and tried to restrain juveniles and to take away his knife, but the young man of a season to them stabbed in the face and the other in the thigh.
No injuries he received help at a hospital in the Bridge, and everyone is in stable condition. Police blockbuster store hours later found a wild-eyed blockbuster store hours young man, brought him to the investigative judge of the High Court in Jagodina and him for attempted murder determine custody for 30 days.
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