Tuesday, August 12, 2014

He soon became dependent on the collection of stones, and when his wife got tired of him empty his

Postman Palace | Mini Magazine
This story begins in 1879. Joseph - Ferdinand Cheval (1836 - 1924), who at that time was forty-three years, he worked for twelve years as a postman in a small town in the southeast of France. syms locations Daily moved and up to 32 kilometers, and that he spent time daydreaming. One day he stumbled upon a stone that he, because of his appearance, attracted the attention and the postman decided to take it home.
He soon became dependent on the collection of stones, and when his wife got tired of him empty his pockets full of stones, with her wearing the basket. Soon the bucket replaced trolley ... Over the next 33 years he and his wife built from the collected stones, one of the strangest buildings in the world which they called Ideal Palace (Palais ideal). According to his calculations, it took them more than 9 000 people days or 65,000 hours for this project, and the result - over 100,000 people a year visit this palace in the village of Otriv, north of Valens.
The palace is a blend of different styles, and the inspiration was from Christianity to Hinduism. Ideally, syms locations the palace you will find nearly all styles: from the Hindu temple across the mountain huts until monuments Maison Carrée standing next to a medieval tower, and somewhere in between there is a mosque.
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