Friday, August 15, 2014

I hope there

Natural Health Women - How To Relieve PMS | Tanja Kraljić Strgačić ~ Ayurveda to Health
The food as a drug. Plants instead of antibiotics. Health gandaria city mall from Nature. Applying Ayurvedic knowledge in everyday life, we need to balance the mind, body and spirit, we live a life in harmony with nature, and create conditions for realizing their full potential. Ayurveda, translated from Sanskrit means "knowledge of life". It is a natural medicine, dating back 5000 years ago. Something that lasts 5000 years is certainly worth ... Wake beauty and lightness of being in it through Ayurveda! Blog created and writes Tanja Kraljić Strgačić, Ayurvedic therapist
the hut for women
(Judith Duerk, Circle of Stones), Seminar on Natural Health Women - How To Relieve PMS When? Saturday, 8.2. Time 16-18 hours Location: Pink Elephant Yoga House, Zagreb, Gundulićeva 63 / 3rd floor (near the Botanical Gardens) Price 150kn seminar developed and leads Tanja Kraljić Strgačić, Ayurvedic therapist
We will learn how herbs, diet, vitamins and minerals prevent various PMS symptoms, but above all, we will learn how to connect with their feminine nature, deep down. Be'll primeval woman in it, sail through the knowledge that gives us the answers to live feminine wisdom.
We'll find out how your dreams, creativity and hormonal balance associated with different parts of the cycle. How to get aware of and accept their femininity and the role women - that the greatest gift we have received in this life for myself. With a mission to live our feminine wisdom and beautify her world.
Tanja has completed three years of study at the California College of Ayurveda of Ayurveda, the leading gandaria city mall study of Ayurveda in America. She studied Ayurveda of the most prominent American and Indian doctors and teachers, Dr. Vasant Lada and Dr. David Frawley, a renowned American aromatherapists David Crow, and many other talented professionals. At the California College of Ayurveda has gained the title of Ayurveda Health Specialist, Educator Ayurveda gandaria city mall and Ayurvedic Massage gandaria city mall Body Therapist. Tanja currently lives between Los Angeles and Zagreb. Knowledge gandaria city mall of Ayurveda gandaria city mall is transmitted clearly and effectively, with an emphasis on the applicability gandaria city mall in everyday life. (Photo by @ Mare Milin)
Sanja Rukavina Dec 21, 2013 @ 19:31:20
Dear Tania, I see that the winds failed to bring to America gandaria city mall ... :) It is, of course, pleased and look forward to your workshop. Your ayu doruak for me has become an essential start of the day, and below my wrinkles this year are waiting ayu gifts all the friends and family members ... and were delighted !!!! good spirit of love, peace and positive energy is spreading further! :)
I hope there's room, told that I need Plaat net advance or can not pay all at the first workshop - that's nice. Sure to have more and some purchase orders, just to sum up who needs it ... .. I look forward gandaria city mall to the rapid encounter, and until then I am sending a big hug and a kiss Goran
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