Friday, December 6, 2013

Presidium of the Regional Committee of the Union of Education and Science at the next meeting kohle

Presidium of the Regional Committee of the Union of Education and Science at the next meeting kohles adopted a resolution and approved the Regulations on regional competition among education professionals kohles the edge of the 200 th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko "We hear you Kobza-player, through the centuries." The contest is the concentration of creative potential of employees to master the field of spiritual and cultural heritage of the poet, its popularization through amateur art, the strengthening of international relations in the field of cultural work, propaganda talents spilchan and forming their pride in the Ukraine, the love of his native land. Regulation provides for the following category: "Theater Arts", "Literature and Creativity", "Fine and applied arts." The results of the event is scheduled to take a regional celebration of the 200 th anniversary of the birth of Taras Shevchenko's "The Lord of thoughts and aspirations of the people." Spilchan urge to take an active part in these events. The organization kohles works at the local level rests with the district and city committees of trade unions. kohles

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