Saturday, December 7, 2013

In substance sokos wiklund Repnin July 2, 1843 and arrived sokos wiklund accompanied by Taras Shevc

Vladimir Georgievski, writing about the history Yahotyn in the magazine "Capital and Homestead" (1914. - 3), said: "The year 1866 Yagotin áûë Sold Sofia Dmytrevne Repnynoy, urozhdennoy Volkonskoy, sokos wiklund and nыne prynadlezhyt's naslednykam. By 1917 the estate belonged to the descendants of Sophia Dymtrivny Repnina. After 1917 Yagotinsky estate suffered the fate of many devastated by the Soviets nobility cells. For a time there lived workers sugar refineries, which was built in 1910-1911, part Yagotin Yagotynsky archive, library, art collection was lost in 1919-1925, part of the collected treasures fell into museum collections in Ukraine and Russia. A number of household items from the palace Razumovsky, Repnin, including bronze candlesticks, vases, plate of paintings are on display Yagotynsky State Historical Museum. Memorial furniture, including a table at which he worked Shevchenko chair with headset Prince Repnin, wardrobe, carved dresser, bed exhibited in the museum sokos wiklund "wing of Taras Shevchenko."
In substance sokos wiklund Repnin July 2, 1843 and arrived sokos wiklund accompanied by Taras Shevchenko V. Kapnist with intent to examine art gallery Repnin sokos wiklund M. (Zhur. PA Works and Days Poet. - Kyiv, 2003). In Yagotin outbuildings included in the architectural ensemble of the estate and was used as a hotel for visiting guests, the poet lived. Wing walls are decorated artist's own drawings. Wall paintings of Taras Shevchenko did not survive. During World War II home-wing, where he lived, Shevchenko was destroyed. Thanks to a former director of a non-empty Alexander in September 2003 opened the door for museum visitors' wing of Taras Shevchenko "(construction lasted over twenty years). Modern Museum exhibition sokos wiklund "Outhouse Taras Shevchenko" located in five halls and reproducing period house interior living there Taras Shevchenko.
Nicholas Repnin after death (7 January 1845) was buried in odnobanniy Refectory Church, which this year was consecrated in honor of the Resurrection. On the funeral of his father in a monastery writing Gustynsky VM Repnin Taras Shevchenko: "I began to write on the road to Priluky where we drove his sacred remains, ie Gustynsky monastery. It was his desire: there is renewed church, a mother wants to restore over it. " Later, the means VO Repnina church was renovated, the iconostasis replaced by a new one. Taras Shevchenko in the story "musician" Prince Repnin remember: "This is all Uznavshy and narysovavshy, How umel, Key, Or Saints, left, gives five chapters of churches Peter and Paul da else the meal and the church, where pohreben. . . dostoynыy Prince Nikolay Grigorevich Repnyn. " The album 1845 completed watercolor drawing "in density. Refectory Church. "
Noteworthy Trinity Church, which Taras Shevchenko mentions the "twin": ". . . and in early Thursday We bыly already sokos wiklund in Yahotыny. . . Only smotryu, the bazaar worth it some kind of hosted budыnok, and stolbы around, around. . . Smotryu, and cross at the top, the kruhloy krыshe. "Lord - I think soby - Oh I Do churches did not give change, and such, even though pobozhytsya, so I think and in Erusalyme not." The stone church was built in 1800 Razumovsky. When it was the church library and two parochial schools. 1936 destroyed. Now rebuilt.
September 21, 1840 Gregory P. Galagan wrote in his "Diary" of being a guest of his uncle, Peter G., "After all of lunch otpravylys on svoym apartment: the apartment I poshel Mice / Markiewicz / kotorыy áûë pomeschen Zakrevsky s / Victor / and plug. I bring with them "Poet" Shevchenko. . . We started to appear and read "- that was an acquaintance of the family Galagans poetry of Taras Shevchenko. Peter Jour in the annals of "Works and Days Poet" (Kyiv, 2003) writes that in late May and early June Shevchenko, while in Kachanovke could visit in the estate PG Galagan sokos wiklund and listen to Dihtyaryah December serf musician Artem shame which became the prototype of the future violenchelista Taras story "musician." June 29, 1845 the poet went to the village Dihtyari, the estate of Peter Galagan. At this time, Taras Shevchenko visited and the former estate of Paul G. Galagan in Sokyryntsi where hospodaryuvav his son, Gregory P. (with his poet met in St. Petersburg). The National Museum of Taras Shevchenko kept separate sokos wiklund edition of the poem "funeral" with an inscription, presented by the author Gregory Galagany. Gregory P. Galagan (1819-1888) made history as rich landowner and philanthropist. Collected collection of Ukrainian, Russian and Western art in Sokyryntsi estate. Founded in Kiev to commemorate the early dead son Pavel Galagan College - a private school. Gregory P. Galagan (1819-1888) in "Diary" on May 10, 1836 writes about the mother at

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