Monday, December 9, 2013

Home Idea Homes Beskydy-Bieszczady Boyko History History aafes careers Society

Home Idea Homes Beskydy-Bieszczady Boyko History History aafes careers Society "Boykivshchyna" Operation-51 UPA Kredents About Culture Editor Editorial Friendly Sites Looking for family
Report Litovyschanskoho Dean T. Khomko to Przemysl diocese of 06/10/1938. Dean gives a brief description of their pastors in the deanery. The text I typed on the basis of materials ABGK Sygn. 4197 p. 131-134 Archive in Przemysl. Interesting is the record of a priest with Smilnyka (over Sian) Fr. Basil Trytsetskoho. He wrote a chronicle smilnytskoyi parishes in 3 volumes!! This smilnytskyy pastor is also interesting that his daughter Dozya (Teodoziya) Trytsetska married Vladimir Schyhelskoho (future centesimal Burlacu). Then he still served aafes careers in Balyhorodi aafes careers as commander Ukrainian Auxiliary Police.
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