Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Auchan and Système U, the threshold weekly 50h is rarely exceeded by managers rays. The figures als

Tweet Many of you have to answer these last 20 days to the question: "Professionals food retail, are you sure your hours? "And I thank you. The study of some 250 responses * I got lets several lessons.
Often taboo, hours of department managers food retailers stir the curiosity of many of you. Whether you are the manager on duty or become, or student attracted by the retail sector, I am confident that these results will interest you.
more than a third of professionals working beyond 53h/semaine. home goods store hours A figure that has basically nothing surprising overtime - in addition unpaid - being customary effect of mass distribution.
2 brands seem to offer frantic rhythms Carrefour home goods store hours and Géant Casino. Indeed, over a quarter of professional signs 60h/semaine worked more than 29% for Carrefour, Géant Casino 25%. After analysis, E. Leclerc and Hard Discounters also seem to offer working rhythms supported its employees. 41% of employees discounters reach weekly 53h. They are more than a quarter in E. Leclerc.
Auchan and Système U, the threshold weekly 50h is rarely exceeded by managers rays. The figures also are similar: only 14% go beyond 53h, and less of an employee reaches 10 60h/semaine.
However difficult to draw a first analysis without additional information, but this table reveals a trend first, the question that do not exist in 35h supermarkets. It's no secret. Also note the marked differences between brands. A trend that continues throughout the results.
Supermarkets contains within its ranks motivated enthusiasts. This is an area in which everyone tries to prove to evolve in the hierarchy. Make hours every turn is an inherent part of the job. But the will and motivation of employees, are they consistent with the contracts?
If through home goods store hours this table, nearly a third of managers running more 60h/semaine, what may seem "normal" in this sector because the frames being fixed number of days, it is however not clear of seeing employees working beyond 46h. It is true that it was not explained in the survey if they were paid overtime or not, but does it really clarify?
Binding timetables sector home goods store hours are not a legend. Reflected in these results. Approximately 60% of managers working beyond 53h/semaine. Supervisors are not left out. In fact, over 70% of them work beyond 46h/semaine. home goods store hours High figures.
You've probably seen, we see once again the differences between the different statuses. All employees do not seem housed in the same boat. Therefore, it seemed interesting to accompany these comments by the following table, which includes articles based distribution groups, whether integrated (Auchan, Carrefour, Géant Casino, Discounters) and independents ( E. Leclerc, Intermarché, Système U).
A first analysis emerges. 80% of leaders of Integrated signs are at least foreman. Conversely 80% of heads of independent retailers are either employee or supervisor. Among independents, less than a 5 is responsible framework. If the framework contracts are a way for retailers to avoid the problem of overtime, this table allows us to appreciate the bounty in employment contracts independent.
Continue with this segmentation: a first instruction has shown that HR policies varied independent retailers / integrated. So according to you, then, does one work over by the category home goods store hours to which they belong? home goods store hours The following table is closely correlated with the previous one, and shows that seems to work in more integrated - 41% beyond 53h - against 33% among independents. A close relationship with management contracts to justify such amplitudes of work.
Ended the study with a final table. The experience of the sector, however, home goods store hours dominates the quality of degree, not in truth determines the status or responsibilities. Therefore reflected in the following results I'll let you see for yourself.
Supermarkets seems to be an exception in the socialist domain

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