Tuesday, December 31, 2013

Auchan and Système U, the threshold weekly 50h is rarely exceeded by managers rays. The figures als

Tweet Many of you have to answer these last 20 days to the question: "Professionals food retail, are you sure your hours? "And I thank you. The study of some 250 responses * I got lets several lessons.
Often taboo, hours of department managers food retailers stir the curiosity of many of you. Whether you are the manager on duty or become, or student attracted by the retail sector, I am confident that these results will interest you.
more than a third of professionals working beyond 53h/semaine. home goods store hours A figure that has basically nothing surprising overtime - in addition unpaid - being customary effect of mass distribution.
2 brands seem to offer frantic rhythms Carrefour home goods store hours and Géant Casino. Indeed, over a quarter of professional signs 60h/semaine worked more than 29% for Carrefour, Géant Casino 25%. After analysis, E. Leclerc and Hard Discounters also seem to offer working rhythms supported its employees. 41% of employees discounters reach weekly 53h. They are more than a quarter in E. Leclerc.
Auchan and Système U, the threshold weekly 50h is rarely exceeded by managers rays. The figures also are similar: only 14% go beyond 53h, and less of an employee reaches 10 60h/semaine.
However difficult to draw a first analysis without additional information, but this table reveals a trend first, the question that do not exist in 35h supermarkets. It's no secret. Also note the marked differences between brands. A trend that continues throughout the results.
Supermarkets contains within its ranks motivated enthusiasts. This is an area in which everyone tries to prove to evolve in the hierarchy. Make hours every turn is an inherent part of the job. But the will and motivation of employees, are they consistent with the contracts?
If through home goods store hours this table, nearly a third of managers running more 60h/semaine, what may seem "normal" in this sector because the frames being fixed number of days, it is however not clear of seeing employees working beyond 46h. It is true that it was not explained in the survey if they were paid overtime or not, but does it really clarify?
Binding timetables sector home goods store hours are not a legend. Reflected in these results. Approximately 60% of managers working beyond 53h/semaine. Supervisors are not left out. In fact, over 70% of them work beyond 46h/semaine. home goods store hours High figures.
You've probably seen, we see once again the differences between the different statuses. All employees do not seem housed in the same boat. Therefore, it seemed interesting to accompany these comments by the following table, which includes articles based distribution groups, whether integrated (Auchan, Carrefour, Géant Casino, Discounters) and independents ( E. Leclerc, Intermarché, Système U).
A first analysis emerges. 80% of leaders of Integrated signs are at least foreman. Conversely 80% of heads of independent retailers are either employee or supervisor. Among independents, less than a 5 is responsible framework. If the framework contracts are a way for retailers to avoid the problem of overtime, this table allows us to appreciate the bounty in employment contracts independent.
Continue with this segmentation: a first instruction has shown that HR policies varied independent retailers / integrated. So according to you, then, does one work over by the category home goods store hours to which they belong? home goods store hours The following table is closely correlated with the previous one, and shows that seems to work in more integrated - 41% beyond 53h - against 33% among independents. A close relationship with management contracts to justify such amplitudes of work.
Ended the study with a final table. The experience of the sector, however, home goods store hours dominates the quality of degree, not in truth determines the status or responsibilities. Therefore reflected in the following results I'll let you see for yourself.
Supermarkets seems to be an exception in the socialist domain

Monday, December 30, 2013

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Sunday, December 29, 2013

Exception franaise forces, the law requires retailers, manufacturers and food producers to runir Oc

MARKETING AND SALES Designing commercial offer Find new customers Calculate the selling price Publicit, promotion, communication techniques oxendales my account of negotiation Using the web to sell INNOVATION AND CREATIVITY Find a business idea to protect his ideas Driving Find a project financing R & D techniques negotiation SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT CSR Green business organic growth INTERNATIONAL INVESTING Acquisitions / EXPORT Prospect for foreign markets Relocating oxendales my account abroad
Home Dvelopper innovate and Sales & Marketing Techniques for SMEs and negotiation Distribution: five good reasons to negotiate now Leclerc, Carrefour, Auchan or system U need to improve oxendales my account their image and their selection diffrencier products sold in radius. Supermarkets promise to better reflect spcificits SMEs. A good card to play while annual negotiations continue.
And if 2014 was the right time to sell your products in supermarkets? oxendales my account The period is favorable for small businesses who wish to be rfrencer or dvelopper their business with Carrefour, Auchan, Leclerc et al. These signs are anything but philanthropists oxendales my account if they cajole recently some of their suppliers SMEs is that they find a NtRTIs for their business and their image. Here is why. 1. SMEs are good for the image of the retail
Supermarkets need to put more SMEs in the spokes to "clean" their image Gravedigger small traders, farmers and much of the food industry. Ct of the monstrous "plants consume" has grown weary customers in quest of nearby places and more humane life. The half of consumers say they have no confidence in the retail, then that 79% they trust the artisans and 75% for small traders. Worse, 64% of Franais, hypermarkets are even a responsibility in the economic and social crisis oxendales my account in France, according to a study of society and consumption Observatory (ObSoCo). Rsultat: "To delight r-, hyper must broaden the range proposed in its stores, says economist Philip Moati coprsident the ObSoCo Nay create oxendales my account the ddi spaces. s View Categories expectations targets: space "hard discount", "bio", oxendales my account "gourmet", "halla l" So many battlements and opportunits for SMEs expressed Other pending.. e by the consumer and poorly satisfied by the brands on the shelf.. than social and environmental responsibility Gold SMEs producing in France are 2 places looking for a retail product offering diffrencie and profitable
The era of "mass-market" is Exceeds: the consumer is currently in quest of diffrenciation. Voil why retailers need to SMEs and diffrencier raliser more comfortable margins. First observation: oxendales my account the major brands are less profitable for retailers, as Unilever, Danone, Nestle and Coca-Cola Colgate have a strong bargaining power. Then Carrefour, Casino, Auchan and Leclerc fight shot low prices on products from top brands to attract shoppers into their stores. oxendales my account Signs displayed oxendales my account for major brands and a variety of prices comparable oxendales my account sales.
"The distribution of mass generates more growth," Dominique Amirault, president of the Federation of companies and entrepreneurs of France which includes 700 companies indpendantes suppliers retail analysis. "By cons there is still plenty of pockets of growth: the need for consumer choice, his taste for the quality ... To meet these new expectations, SMEs are well positioned They offer products for. varis very authentic, with a foothold in a territory ... So we have a common NtRTIs SMEs and retail. " 3. Supermarkets undertakes reflect the fragility of SMEs
Exception franaise forces, the law requires retailers, manufacturers and food producers to runir October February each year to discuss prices and terms of trade of products sold in supermarkets. "These are four months of negotiation that could be more usefully EMPLOYEES do business!" Plague boss agrifood SMEs. To remdier the Feef has signed in September 2013 agreements with the Federation of Trade and distribution oxendales my account (FCD), which includes 21 major retailers intgres (including Carrefour, oxendales my account Casino, Cora Auchan. ..). Commitment by all distributors intgrs: complete negotiations by the end of 2013 instead of the end of February 2014. The INDEPENDENT distributors (U system, Intermarch ...) are not left that they too sign charters commitments: Leclerc s

Saturday, December 28, 2013

A news for the inglorious group follows another information ignored these days - that made me jump

Indeed, E.Leclerc, the leading food retailer in France and unaccustomed to praise him in his relations christ stopped at eboli with suppliers, just be Sued by the Ministry of Economy and Finance christ stopped at eboli to imbalance in trade relations.
Customary to be tough in negotiations, even muscular, E. Leclerc sees almost forced to halt its advance in net trade negotiations were to begin. These negotiations partitioned between four walls and close custody between nice and nasty scenes are where the consumer knows little: christ stopped at eboli yet! Chair highest for the distributor to strengthen the feeling of power, insult, grabs the neck, violence, pants down, these are the means to put pressure industrial bare. The ultimate pressure pushes the valve to the suspension of supplies or to withdraw products from linear, the famous christ stopped at eboli codes 4 and 9 ...
But whose fault is it exactly? It would be a clause in which the distributor would tip the balance of power on his side. The company has, in fact, included christ stopped at eboli in its standard christ stopped at eboli contract a clause requiring all suppliers in the event of litigation brought by a third party to the contract, including the Minister of Economy christ stopped at eboli in the context of its role as the guardian public economic order, to intervene in court to defend the contract. In other words, a clause in which the industry christ stopped at eboli could not defend themselves vis-à-vis Leclerc if distortions.
A news for the inglorious group follows another information ignored these days - that made me jump - and to which I will return quickly. Leclerc de Montbéliard is indeed involved in a case to have kidnapped a quarantine employee in reserve in order to avoid a labor inspection christ stopped at eboli (see also the article in Le Monde). The interest was obviously to avoid silence on some unpaid overtime. Taboo in this area that I try to clarify (also complete the survey whose results will be highly instructive). Brief.
In sum, a blow to the image of the group, although consumers may be far from knowing what is in seam backstage. While negotiations have started, this news may make animated future negotiations. christ stopped at eboli Matter of course to follow.
One day perhaps, suppliers will stop pandering to E. Leclerc and unite to end this imbalance ... As an employee of the company, are you totally free expression on these topics? Reply Delete
Want to testify? Talk about your job? Your training? Your entry into the workforce? Do not hesitate to write me. Your stories will be future articles.
Communication Food

Friday, December 27, 2013

December 2013 The Tu JVSD

Supermarkets do not like the poor | Francaisdefrance's Blog
by Victor De Bann For several months there has been an upsurge throughout France people who, for food and improve their ordinary scavenge shops supermarkets. Bins where there often is still consumable products without any health hazard ... like fruits and vegetables barely stained, milk the DLC will not be reached until the next day, hygiene products to simply packing damaged, etc.. etc.. However, these practices that perfectly illustrate the alarming increase in the impoverishment of a part of the population, such as people with low paying jobs, pensioners, marks spencers etc, do not like at all to a lot of retail, as epitomized by the photo below. marks spencers In France, the Justice marks spencers Taubira does not pursue (or almost no) thugs, marks spencers but hunted to the poor ...
Behind the scenes ... Subscribe to FDF:
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Ideas boycott Last 5 articles RL Gas bills could increase by a hundred euros To work in Lorient, we must speak Turkish! Bulgarian marks spencers and Romanian marks spencers workers will no longer need work permits Relocation Roma in Lille: the serious effects of the justice UMPS Tribute to Philippe
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Merry Christmas to all, feasting well, acknowledge our traditions, hello foie gras, stuffed goose, roast suckling pigs, salmon, snails, oysters ... accompanied by great wines of Burgundy or Bordeaux ... And do not forget the pleasures of love! And if you're afraid to get bored [...] We must act:
A plus for democracy .............. SITAsecure RATP: Mr. Landuré, I am ashamed for you ... and for Mrs. Stephen Lawrence Mosque Vannes: the project is almost buried Indulge watch this show called Islam is it soluble in the republic? SITAmnesty Happy Holidays New Year Merry Christmas! SITAjoeblack Pedophilia New caledonia patriotic support now! Patriotic marks spencers Mutual actionSITA An error has occurred; the feed is probably down. Please try again later. The webrésistant (articles) Khmer Rouge "Pol Pot, an economic Dark Vador" Stalinism "Stalin, Mike Tyson ideological" Trotskyism marks spencers "Welcome to the battlefield" Archives December 2013 November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013 December 2012 November 2012 October 2012 September 2012 August 2012 July 2012 June 2012 May 2012 April 2012 March 2012 February marks spencers 2012 January 2012 December 2011 November 2011 October 2011 September 2011 August 2011 July 2011 June 2011 May 2011 April 2011 March 2011 February 2011 January 2011 December marks spencers 2010 November 2010 October 2010 September marks spencers 2010 August 2010 July 2010 June 2010 May 2010 April 2010 March 2010 February 2010 January 2010 December 2009 November 2009 October 2009 September 2009 August 2009 July 2009 June 2009 May 2009 April 2009
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Thursday, December 26, 2013

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An investment of $ 80 million (approximately EUR 58 million), 260,000 m2, a hotel, a conference kohl s cares center, a supermarket ... For a few months, Bujumbura kohl s cares thought waking up with one of the largest shopping kohl s cares centers in the continent. Missed: the Burundian capital will have to wait a bit to develop such a luxurious resort.
Reflecting this project a tad offset the purchasing power of the country, but also delays or blockages that affected Dar Village in Dar es Salaam, the Forum Andalus Tripoli or Sunshine City in Kumasi kohl s cares , opening malls ads are much more numerous than the buildings that actually come out of the ground.
In May, the business intelligence firm Sagaci Research and lived 129 such projects in Africa. An unprecedented situation, largely fueled by the emergence of an African middle class. "In the 18 African cities kohl s cares the level of spending will reach 1300 billion per year in 2030 against 539 billion for France now," insists kohl s cares Michael Chu'di Ejekam, property manager at the capital investor Actis, the a leading manufacturer of malls south of the Sahara.
Michael Chu'di Ejekam, immoilier director at Actis "Nothing to Lagos, kohl s cares there is room for 15 shopping centers" While the projects of shopping centers multiply in Africa, Michael Chu'di Ejekam, property director at Actis , one of the most serious players in this field in Africa answers questions from Jeune Afrique. Jeune Afrique: How many malls have you built? Michael Chu'di Ejekam Five. Two in Lagos (Ikeja and The Palms), one in Accra (Accra Mall), one in Nairobi (The Junction) and Mauritius. And we have some ongoing projects. Garden City, Nairobi, is the largest, with 48,000 m2 of GLA. Work began for delivery in 2015. Read the interview ...
Across kohl s cares the continent, the penetration of modern retailing is so low (in many countries, only 5% of residents are customers of supermarkets), the market leaves room for a large number of actors .
The spectacular kohl s cares boom sector in Kenya over the last fifteen years, kohl s cares also gives a lot of hope. In Algeria, the Portuguese Sonae Sierra, manager of 70 shopping kohl s cares centers across the world, leading the offensive.
South of the Sahara, the French Carrefour, the world number two, who took his first steps. In the west and in the center, it has formalized its capital alliance with the Pan-African distribution group specializing CFAO. To the east of the continent, "Majid Al Futtaim, Carrefour's partner in the Middle East, development goals," concedes, under the seal of confidentiality, a close group. kohl s cares
Growing middle class demand for international brands and more sophisticated products ... Marketing discourse is well established. However, the profession also remembers a number of flops. The sudden departure of Auchan in Morocco kohl s cares in 2007, followed a few months later the failure of its location at the mall The 4 C in Dakar. Or Berezina Carrefour Algeria, left the country less than three years after his arrival ...
"This is a very complicated kohl s cares business, which has real risks, says Mohamed Ali Mabrouk, patron of large distribution center kohl s cares Mabrouk group and partner Casino in Tunisia. Obviously There are risks related to security, in places can accommodate thousands kohl s cares of people every day. And the problem of security of supply. because in a large area, you should find everything all the time. "
Tunisia, Morocco, or even in Kenya and South Africa, where the local agro-industrial production exists, the task is complicated but not impossible. In most countries of the continent, kohl s cares it's another story. "There is a specific configuration in Africa, explains Gilles Blin. Brazil, you ve

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Pressure between manufacturers and retailers continues to rage. If Danone has resumed deliveries to Système U, after a week of delisting, Bel is his always absent radii at Leclerc side.
While the deal between Danone and Système U has been set with the return of brand products on the shelves of the brand since December shopping outlet 6, other manufacturers like Bel would still conflict with distributors.
According to exclusive information that is provided ICA supermarkets putting pressure on the dairy industry, asking them to donate their increases shopping outlet they have granted to them since May 2013 to recover their margins. A situation unacceptable to manufacturers who then decide to stop their deliveries.
Book makers by LSA All-makers Michel Edouard Leclerc CEO E. Leclerc Franck Riboud Chairman and CEO of Danone Serge Papin CEO of Groupe Système U Jean-Philippe Paré Director General Research and Development Danone
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Wednesday, December 25, 2013

The system is obviously in question. Many deplore, but there are many that Wall up in their silence

Tweet It's no secret that the retail has never attracted as little young. For example, in a business school, they are only 4% want a career. Yet supermarkets recruits with a vengeance, but finally all the trouble to recruit new blood.
Several obvious reasons for this disenchantment: poor image of the sector, binding schedules, wide opening hours, availability, noisy environment, physical work, daily stress, pressure, drudgery, wages for the rebate, atmosphere, low blows, a sector that is older ... To this we must add the workload weighs increasingly on employees. Typical events von maur locations wine fair, fair beauty, Easter, Christmas chocolates coupled with increased competition among retailers and the lack of staff, grow more employees in the workload and reduce their effectiveness. von maur locations The work relates more to the organization than certain von maur locations skills. Management and team leadership are obscured in favor of handling.
However, these constraints vary from one brand to another. The means are not always the same mentality and the work environment either ... Sometimes it is better to use go elsewhere what is happening, rather than languish in a company whose values do not match you . Because for sure, retail offers real career opportunities for highly von maur locations motivated.
The system is obviously in question. Many deplore, but there are many that Wall up in their silence, even encouraged. This is a world dominated by oldies enjoying their comfort deny being wrong, and convinced them to hold only solutions. Therefore what role for newcomer youth?
Clearly and also experience, von maur locations internships immersion students are sometimes real failures. Rather than make you want and make the exciting job, it happens that some managers take advantage of two extra hands to unload and do other more interesting activities. Indeed, von maur locations pull pallets all day long is not in itself little fulfillment for any person who intends to graduate. von maur locations Unrecoverable error. Brief.
Still, the retail sector remains a constantly changing. She accuses my sense from a lack of responsiveness and focuses on elements that have little importance and that are ultimately far from the first consumer concerns, dixit the price war. In summary, supermarkets lack of pragmatism, and should focus on other issues rather than to seek solutions to problems that are not. Supermarkets need new ideas.
It is true that the vast distribution is not (or more?) An area which students dream, but the mutation signs to the cross-channel could possibly change that. Graduates simply looking dynamics and human enterprises with strong growth potential, which is not currently von maur locations perceived major retailers image, but I think it can also quickly change! Reply Delete
Alternately as I appreciate my business after it is true that it is quite difficult von maur locations to envision a future because unfortunately it is not master of promotions ... After I'm quite intrigued by the job in central purchasing ... Reply Delete von maur locations
Want to testify? von maur locations Talk about your job? Your training? Your entry into the workforce? Do not hesitate to write me. Your stories will be future articles. von maur locations
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Tuesday, December 24, 2013

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When a French manufacturer sells its products to Leclerc, Carrefour, Système U, Auchan, and Intermarket, would be required to pay a commission to the supermarket. It's that says Jean Arthuis, centrist senator Mayenne and former Minister of Economy braehead jobs and Finance: "The distributor offers to the supplier, if he wants to enter the store and therefore the market to meet 2% to 3% on every product sold. " braehead jobs This transaction would be "through pharmacies based in Switzerland, Belgium and Luxembourg," officially used for statistical studies or contribute to international development groups.
Senator denounces a "bypass" tax that would lose every year several billion euros to the French State. With the elected group Union of Democrats and Independents, he therefore proposed to add an amendment to the law on tax evasion and the great economic and financial crime, debated in the Senate last week. This amendment would require large retailers to reintegrate into their taxable profits in France benefits paid by their suppliers abroad, when the delivered products are placed on the French market. A procedure for repatriation of funds fairly simple, according to Jean Arthuis: "Just go see at suppliers braehead jobs what these bills, to which they are paid, and the benefit which groups". Several braehead jobs major retailers have responded to these statements, saying that their structures abroad do not serve them to operate this type of tax optimization [1]. The amendment proposed braehead jobs by Jean Arthuis was adopted on July 18 by the Senate.
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Cloud the French, a sham? The economic situation in Russia Promoting French wine The U.S. strategy stores in the mall in the knowledge economy The Google agreement - French Press The following NGOs, a hidden truth The New World Order Analysis Arab practices Information Warfare used by the tobacco industry What are the impacts of the information society on the economic stores in the mall balance of power? Informational stores in the mall attacks stores in the mall DHL Apple and Russian educational stores in the mall system: an opposition under the influence Agreements Sino-African strategy What power of France in its relationship with India? The aggressiveness of the South Korea market shipbuilding stores in the mall ROSOBORONEXPORT: Arms sales to renewal of Russia's "soft power" The Chinese "Junk" in the United States: Causes and Consequences Interest shale gas in France France How can it remain competitive in the global market in offsets? stores in the mall The offsets stores in the mall of the great British industry groups stores in the mall approach: A model for France? The legitimacy of public service in rail transport practices offsets and large French groups The practice of U.S. companies for offsets Nuclear energy today and tomorrow: How to store nuclear energy? The strategic stores in the mall importance of shale gas External criticism of U.S. food model The "Israeli economic model," a model for European countries? Trade disputes between China and the United States as a new innovation weapon penetration stores in the mall of modern Russia stores in the mall Strategy Analysis of the North American continent vis-à-vis rare metals crisis in Tajikistan and external manipulations Daimler in the competition stores in the mall Allianz Electric: The German insurance offensive Competitive Strategy of the Deutsche Bahn Cyberlobbying or new logical influence on The Internet France in international organizations: what influences for which projects? Beyond combat: Anticipating new threats stores in the mall facing China Airbus and Boeing-offensive strategy against stores in the mall Siemens Competitive Environment Veolia's war strategy stores in the mall in DRC coltan power of China in Africa Australia does it political power? India, a radiant power What power strategy for Pakistan? The dynamics of British power during the Victorian age, 1837-1901 What power strategy for Russia? Strategies technological stores in the mall power of nations stores in the mall France The doctrine without economic power Darfur crisis: clues to the policy of increasing stores in the mall power of China in Africa French TV series: why does not it work? SWFs conquer politics by finance
Latest books ... Influence and reputation on the Internet - 3 Questions to David Millian stores in the mall Influence and reputation on the Internet - 3 questions to Fabrice Frossard stores in the mall Influence and reputation stores in the mall on the Internet stores in the mall - 3 questions to Martin Pasquier Comparative analysis published in 2012 on the French secret services Harbulot Christian books Award Winner IEC'12 for the book "Handbook of economic intelligence" Tweets Infowar Utilizing Cyber Espionage # # to Combat Terrorism http://t.co/WHPgocjSHQ about 19 minutes ago What to Do When Social Media Turns Against You http:// t.co/MUw2vj9loZ # crisis # SocialMedia about 1 hour ago The Evolving Management and Increasing Influence of # # # Shareholder Activism by http://t.co/XhsTjNNuFJ http://t.co/tcDxm4u7px about 1 hour ago Probabilistic solutions # effect of propagation stores in the mall on social networks http://t.co/EHGXcN92W5 # SocialMedia [Publication] about 21 hours ago RT @ SpinPartners: Article substantive FT @ The # whistleblowers # http://t.co/j6JFzrQI2L great club # whistleblowing whistleblower December 23, 2013
September saw access Roberto Azevedo, Brazilian negotiator during the Doha Round, as Director General of the World Trade Organization (WTO), confirming the weight takes this nation emerged in international trade. The Brazilian population is becoming larger and access to consumer goods, for which demand is constantly Accel & Others

Monday, December 23, 2013

Distribution of medicines arizona mills stores for the benefit of patients, especially elderly, req

FIL INFO Uranium: the Niger calls for more money to Areva Analysis: Bureau Veritas acquires Canadian Maxxam Analytics Asbestos: arizona mills stores investigation of a potential "endangering" employees Otis Notre-Dame-des-Landes: warning EELV Alert winds: 14 departments placed in amber alert More than 30,000 dangerous toys destroyed by customs Safege: Loïc Voisin appointed CEO Drugs: Government arizona mills stores closes the door to retail Russia: Total announces mega project Yamal LNG gas EDF Brussels launches an investigation into the EPR at Hinkley Point
Home Health Info News Wire Energy arizona mills stores Waste Water Air Planning Nature Society News Tribune Business Interview Mag COM Jobs Services Advertising Offers FAQ Glossary Who we are? Wellness Boutique Decoration Accessories Linen Textile Electronics Mobility arizona mills stores Toys Baby Universe Terms Contact
Despite the favorable opinion of the Competition Authority, arizona mills stores the Health Minister has reaffirmed "its commitment to pharmacies monopoly on drugs" and therefore its opposition to the sale of nonprescription drugs in supermarkets. Authorization could help bring down the price of 11 11% believes the Authority.
Just hours after the publication of the favorable opinion of the Competition arizona mills stores Authority, the government has closed the door to the opening of the distribution of human drug use in supermarkets. Marisol Touraine states that the current monopoly of pharmacies "allows our country to secure their dispensation and to act effectively against counterfeiting, while ensuring access to medicines of our citizens throughout the territory."
Distribution of medicines arizona mills stores for the benefit of patients, especially elderly, requires "the exercise of an advisory mission to the pharmacy as for sale online," said the minister. Business drug consumption regulations 2013-12-19
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Sunday, December 22, 2013

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Caught between hammer and anvil, trading is both secure supplies its customers and avoid a price sp

35% crop loss: information amplifies the phenomenon of decline in production of Bordeaux previously alderwood mall stores assessed at 20%. With 1.3 million hectoliters of AOC Bordeaux symbolizes a situation alderwood mall stores more problematic: since 2009, four consecutive seasons, the volumes are much lower sales. 200,000 hectoliters alderwood mall stores of deficit on each of the last 3 years, passes 800,000 for the current year or a cumulative 1.4 million hectoliters.
Beyond this tight supplies volume, the qualitative picture of the 2013 vintage alderwood mall stores is already alderwood mall stores tarnished: moisture, frost, hail, rot ... many negative vectors, regardless of real or perceived, that will not permit recovery. So is permanently exceeded, the automatic link between alderwood mall stores increased volumes marketed and prices.
Caught between hammer and anvil, trading is both secure supplies its customers and avoid a price spike. Two recent examples concern the intermediate operators in the sector:
-Soaring grands crus signed their end: sales of wine fairs in 2012 fell 385,000 passes (eg -63% for communal alderwood mall stores Médoc), which led signs on stored alderwood mall stores since ceased their purchases in 2013. Without hesitation despite the heavy weight of grands crus (20% of sales fairs), they are folded over the second wine, Cru Bourgeois, high quality (PVC <30 ) other designations.
-Up or at least tension during recorded since 2011 (880 per barrel in 2009/10 for red Bordeaux, 948 in 2011/12 and 1,034 in 2012/13 is 17.5%) did burn the price of the 1st prize and MDD (brand) and generic sales Plöger alderwood mall stores heavy segment but regression.
In this gloomy context, a model appears forwarder wines from wineries "massified". In Entre 2 Mers for example, producers have expanded their surface (80 120ha) provide live as supermarkets hard discount. Buyers despite alderwood mall stores resistance (multiplication of suppliers, logistics), adhere to the "short circuit" which guarantees supply and volumes (400,000 passes for Bordeaux), de facto exclusivity (teaches absorbs almost all the availability of castle), long-term monitoring preserving alderwood mall stores image quality and regularity as the consumer is benefiting, reassured by identifiable elements of the product (name of the winemaker, place of production) and happy to find a wine in a universe where the average life does not otherwise exceed 3 months!
Of course, these examples are risk free (ensure price stability, provide annually the same volume) as small as a vintage 2013 highlights. But in direct contact with the distributor closest to the market, the ability to anticipate, interact to predict and minimize hazards predominates.
2014 What to do in China and Bordeaux supermarkets The price of bulk from hail (continued) Interview with Bernard Farges Meeting 11/29/2013: news items presented E2M November 2013 The state of the world or not shortage Shortage : who is right? Shortage or not scarcity: the controversy
Contacts export buyers GD France Thierry Lorey Study and Pascal alderwood mall stores Poutet Partners Who is Nemesis? Who are we? Tourist Recommendations 1 & 2 Social Networks The blog in English alderwood mall stores Tourism & Wine A History of Bordeaux Wines & Sales

Saturday, December 21, 2013

Press Marie-Christine arnautu, vice president of the National Front, head of the

Supermarkets do not like the poor | Press Info Nations
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For several months there has been an upsurge throughout France people who, for food and improve their ordinary scavenge shops supermarkets. Bins where there often is still consumable products without any health hazard ... like fruits and vegetables barely stained, milk the DLC will not be reached until the next day, hygiene products to simply packing damaged, etc.. However, dawsons department store these practices that perfectly illustrate the alarming increase in the impoverishment of a part of the population, such as people with low paying jobs, pensioners, etc, do not like at all to a lot of retail, as epitomized by the photo below. In France, the Justice dawsons department store Taubira does not pursue (or almost no) thugs, but hunted to the poor ...
Also read: Salaried Sunday demonstrate to defend their freedom to work The Commercial Court of Bobigny prevents opening some Castorama and Leroy Merlin stores in Ile-de-France on Sunday. Obligation after closing 15 stores of stores ... Property 2014 - Marine Le Pen (FN - RBM): "We are a patriotic party! "Marine Le Pen, President dawsons department store of the National Front and the Rally Navy, is the guest of France 3 on the show" dawsons department store Saturday policy "for municipal and European elections in 2014 .... PSA: Philippe Varin must renounce his retirement cap, the law must change Communiqué of the National Front It is with shock and disgust that we learn that Philippe Varin could leave the PSA with a pension cap of nearly 21 million euros .... The French expect a social explosion According to an Ifop poll published in Dimanche Ouest-France, the French judge would be 76% certain or probable social explosion in the coming months. Compared to April, the percentage ... In Noumea also on "the bastards Nik whites! dawsons department store "Mailboxes were smeared with obscene graffiti in the Magenta district of Noumea in New Caledonia. The messages are: "Nik dawsons department store the bastards whites - dirty ...
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With this new system, it will be possible to pay without using either cash, or credit card. Custome

Google TV
Leclerc stores tvc online are getting into the mobile payment. The brand has just unveiled a new mode of Regulation virtual operating through a mobile application available on iOS and Android.
The retail tvc online sector is once again appeal to mobile payment. The retail chain Leclerc has chosen tvc online to embark on an adventure with the announcement of a mobile application tvc online virtual payment. This is payment Flash, available for free download on iOS and Android.
With this new system, it will be possible to pay without using either cash, or credit card. Customers choosing this payment method will only have to install tvc online the application on their smartphone and ask the checkout to make a mobile payment. It will then supplied them with a receipt with a QR code scanner before entering their username and payment Flash. The mode of payment shall be as valid by making purchases on the website of the brand.
Note that the payment Flash software can manage multiple bank accounts and it is even possible to pay using the account of another user of the application. The supermarket group said that the device would be placed on the site Optics tvc online Leclerc tvc online before the end of the year, before coming to settle "progressively in all stores tvc online E. Leclerc and websites of the brand in the first half of 2014. "
Auchan has also launched its own payment scheme tvc online last year. Baptized Flash'n Pay, the payment system tvc online similar to that proposed by Leclerc, currently only works in one store chain and has not been extended to hundreds of sites initially planned, indicating a probable return back from teaches concurrent.
Pay with your Smartphone in your E.Leclerc store becomes possible through payment Flash.Paiement tvc online Flash is a free application that turns your smartphone into a payment terminal in E. Leclerc stores. Associated with your regular credit card, the application allows you to pay for your shopping with your smartphone safely ...
This article was written under the supervision of Master internship Laure Renouard. . I am a journalism student. Initial economic training, tvc online I am also very interested in new information technologies and communication.
I think this is a picture taken on the ground lol
I wanted to test the application, two questions then arise: 1) Why not have chosen the NFC? 2) How the application devs have let such a bug on registration? (Impossible to create a secret code when registering)
1) NFC is present on mobile too little (look at the number of iPhone 4 traffic) 2) the dev who has never experienced this kind of bug is a lucky man. How many times I deployed an app that worked perfectly in dev, integration tvc online in this recipe and # #% $ prod planted! Usually a security problem tvc online or a difference of environment ... And for info should not press too dev responsible unit tests but not functional tests. These are not the dev who sign the user acceptance
However 100% of mobile android and ios can see a QRCode.
NFC is not validated tvc online by Apple that does not even want to hear about technology, this is why the NFC is doomed to disappear. The whole system is the Apple boot, it's like that and be done with. And you'll see the day when Apple will release a payment system tvc online owner, while the trading system will adopt immediately, tvc online and it will be Android and Windows phone to adapt and pay royalties.
yes finally see it http://korben.info/les-cartes-bancaires-sans-contact-nfc-ne-sont-pas-securisees.html (even if it relates to credit cards, it can also be concern smartphone according to technology used?)
Yes but not there is more mobile than the rest Android already, I have more but the figure graphs here have shown. So no, ultimately there will be more mobile with NFC!
Our archives December 2013 November 2013 October tvc online 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February tvc online 2013 January 2013 December 2013 Our archives November 2013 October 2013 September 2013 August 2013 July 2013 June 2013 May 2013 April 2013 March 2013 February 2013 January 2013

Friday, December 20, 2013

Pawel Bartoszek tkastarinn

V sir - Kr a f rir t kv arnar
Hönnun Jóhönnu Metúsalemsdóttur, sem hannar undir nafninu Kría, hefur verið tekin til sölu í gmarket kr versluninni Project No8 sem staðsett er í Ace-hótelinu á Manhattan. Project No8 er hönnunarverslun sem selur hönnun hvaðanæva að, en á gmarket kr hótelinu er einnig verslun sem rekin er í samstarfi við tískuhúsið Opening gmarket kr Ceremony. Jóhanna segir ánægjulegt að Kríuskartið skuli vera fáanlegt á Ace-hótelinu enda sé það flott hótel gmarket kr sem leggi mikið upp úr hönnun. „Ég var að selja Kríu í verslun Project No8 á Division Street en þau ákváðu að færa gmarket kr það yfir í Ace-hótelið því þeim fannst gmarket kr það passa vel þar inn, sem gladdi mig mikið enda er þetta ótrúlega flott búð.“ Vinsældir skartsins hafa farið vaxandi í New York og rekst Jóhanna í auknum mæli á fólk á gmarket kr götum úti sem skreytt er með hönnun hennar. „Það er líka mikið spurt um skartið fyrir hinar ýmsu myndatökur og það er alltaf mjög jákvætt gmarket kr enda vekur það athygli á merkinu.“ Jóhanna hyggst færa út kvíarnar á næstunni og ætlar þá gmarket kr bæði til Skandinavíu og Parísar. „Það gmarket kr er allt í vinnslu eins og er. Núna er ég í miðjum klíðum við gmarket kr að hanna nýtt skart sem verður tilbúið í þessum mánuði. Ég er með sýnishorn af því í Bellevue Mall í Seattle í tengslum við Fashion Week sem er á vegum Vogue USA og mun einnig taka þátt í Nordic Fashion Biennale gmarket kr sem er í Seattle í lok september,“ segir Jóhanna að lokum.- sm
Athugi . Allar athugasemdir eru byrg eirra er r rita. V sir hvetur lesendur til a halda sig vi m lefnalega umr u. Einnig skilur V sir s r r tt til a fjarl gja rumei andi e a s milegar athugasemdir.
Bara b rn er dd af G sla Magn ssyni. Meira
r K rad ttir rekur Reykjavik Trading Co me eiginmanni s num og bestu vinkonu. Meira
a getur veri h fu verkur a finna r ttu j lagj fina fyrir herrann. Alltaf er h gt a bjarga s r me t skufatna i. Arnar Gauti st listi var spur ur hva v ri t sku um essar mundir fyrir herran... Meira
Stef n rni P lsson horfendasvalir hrundu mi ri s ningu
Hanna R n Sverrisd ttir Ney arpillan virkar ekki fyrir konur yngri en 80 k l
Kolbeinn Tumi Da ason Vildi ekki meirihluta eirra sem voru keyptir
Sam el Karl lason sfell kaupir netaverkst i Kristbj gmarket kr rgu
Lilja Katr n Gunnarsd ttir Br kaupsbomba ri 2013
Pawel Bartoszek tkastarinn
Krist n Elfa Gu nad ttir a er drulluerfitt a breyta heiminum en lestu fram
r ttir Enski boltinn F tbolti gmarket kr Handbolti K rfubolti Form la Golf Vei iv sir Landsm t hestamanna A rar r ttir Fr ttayfirlit Umr an Fastir pennar A sendar greinar Bak ankar lingurinn Spjall Halld r Fr ttayfirlit
L fi T ska og h nnun Heilsa og tlit Matur T nlist Gagnr ni Menning Fr ttayfirlit Dohop H pkaup Sm augl singar Keypt og selt Heimili j nusta T mstundir og fer ir B lar H sn i Atvinna Tilkynningar Heilsa Kennsla og n mskei
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Thursday, December 19, 2013

Small town out of the first generation vermont store of American ideals have both pragmatic spirit

Section 1042 fire torture dad went to Guangzhou vermont store again and disadvantages town high-rise buildings in the United States oldest and among nearly a hundred years before American independence, there have been North America's premier prosperity. In 1633, British settlers established vermont store here a "central plantation" settlements named in 1693, founded the College of William and Mary, in 1699 in the village of King William III's name is named "Williamsburg." 1722, Williamsburg was granted a royal charter vermont store to become a city. 1699 to 1780 after the American Revolution successful 80 years between, here in North America 13 colonies (ie independence after the initial 13 states) in the largest and richest but also the most populous colony of Virginia, vermont store the capital, with Boston, New York and Philadelphia listed as one of the political, social and cultural center of North America at that time. 18 1960s and 1970s, the town in many political and ideological leader of the American bred struggle vermont store for independence. They are here to promote, organize anti-British struggle for independence, and discussed the formation of freedom, equality, social justice, the separation of powers of the federal government ideas, as well as individual rights and responsibilities in society and so on. Hotel in town, gentlemen drink broad theory, independent thinking and the UK brewing break. March 1775, "the American Revolution tongue" Patrick Henry here vehemently shouted the phrase famous vermont store slogan: "No freedom, or give me death!" Inspired vermont store millions of North Americans took up arms to fight for the freedom and independence. Here they organized militia, commanded the war, winning the battlefield, in 1883 finally won the war of independence.
Small town out of the first generation vermont store of American ideals have both pragmatic spirit of the founding fathers, including independent revolutionary army commander, founding president George Washington, "the Declaration of Independence," the drafters, the third president, Thomas Jefferson, vermont store founding Fathers Patrick Henry, fourth, vermont store fifth president of Madison and Monroe, vermont store and so on, virtually every country vermont store of the most important American independence era politician. In 1787, the Constitutional Convention in Philadelphia to attend the Virginia delegates brought from the famous Virginia program, the American tradition of political activity on the onset of conservatism from here. It comes from the northern metropolis with the University of active complement enlightened liberal tradition, open both constant change American society and relatively stable vermont store over 200 years of history.
Town of Williamsburg in the cradle of the American Revolution and the historical vermont store status of the source of the American political system, known as "the first town in North America." Restored "Colonial Williamsburg" historical district, including one mile long main street, 88 buildings, more than 400 facilities and 90 acres garden green. Plus people dressed in costumes four hundred years ago. Vividly reproduce the colonial Williamsburg style, showing the origin of the founding concepts and the United States. For the American people towards Ye and provides a confirmation of their own history holy myth. Now, Williamsburg is one of America's most important historic sites, Jiang had been to this place, praising vermont store it as "museum city", annually attracts more than a million visitors come to visit. vermont store
It takes about one hour and ten minutes on to the destination. We are faced with the problem of parking. Turn for a long time before they found a street in a one-hour parking allowed to stop. One hour later we decided to drive away, find a parking space. However, perhaps because Sunday, it may not be checked. That's good. First arrived here, do not feel special. vermont store But a walk into the historic district, only to find that the town is so beautiful! I originally came to a sense of history, but I did not conquer its history (in front of me five thousand years of Chinese civilization, which is four hundred years too pediatrics), conquered me is its amazing beauty!
Walking in the streets, from whatever point of view, no matter where you are, to the entire town as small as a house, a garden, a beautiful picture of all that, my friend Mr. Fan Lin said that I posted to the United States Which one out of the picture you can make your computer desktop, perhaps some exaggeration, but used here, it is very appropriate (of course not to use reduced). I often hear "beautiful and breathtaking" argument, vermont store but many breathtaking views can only look, but did not home, but here, in front of the beauty, the beauty can not only suffocating, more importantly It is also a livable vermont store land, it is a town inhabited by many residents of this world.
Wells and Garden
College of William and Mary, founded in 1693, is the second institution of higher learning (the first was Harvard, Yale third, fourth of Princeton University, the fifth of the University of Pennsylvania), to commemorate the British co-main after the Glorious Revolution of 1688 Chief William III and Mary II was built. He graduated from the U.S. president had three schools: Thomas Jefferson, James Monroe, John Taylor, in addition to four Federal Court judges, and even the famous educational pioneer, MIT founder vermont store William Rogers also Baden have enrolled in the school. U.S. President Barack Obama Cabinet Legion vermont store there are some school alumni, including U.S. Secretary of Defense Robert Gates, the U.S. director of the White House Council of Economic Advisers Christina. Romer. 12 Declaration of Independence signer (a total of 56 signatories, College of William and Mary graduates accounted for nearly a quarter, you can say that these people created the United States). Which the drafters vermont store "Declaration of Independence" Jefferson College vermont store of William and Mary in particular so proud. There are a number of students in the United States Secretary of State (for example, the first 10 U.S. Secretary of State, as much as six graduated from William and Mary College). As a founding vermont store father's alma mater, College of William and Mary has also been called "America's alma mater."
College not only has a proud tradition and enviable educational strength, nobility, the campus is also one of America's most beautiful campus, beautiful scenery makes countless students linger. Although it is called college, but had already developed into a modern comprehensive university, but due to the ancient sacred protection of the Royal Charter of the United Kingdom, thus the title "college" vermont store it must always be retained. College vermont store of William and Mary College in recent years in the United States ranked 30 consecutive years by "U.S. News And World Report" as "the best public university in miniature." College of William and Mary is known as one of "the vermont store first eight major public Ivy" in education and have enjoyed extremely high academic reputation. Undergraduate and graduate school a total of 600 teachers, a low tuition 5,700 undergraduates and 2,000 graduate students from 50 U.S. states and forty-three countries in the world to provide education for Ivy League schools.
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Wednesday, December 18, 2013

Section 1042 Dad went to Guangzhou high-rise building fires again tortured and disadvantages of W

Section 1042 Dad went to Guangzhou high-rise building fires again tortured and disadvantages of Williamsburg is America's oldest town, after three hundred years, some of those buildings still intact, every day, many people come to visit, then Laojiangdi had also happily a visit. The church was built in 1715, still in use today. Here first made a decent first school building, and the second prime auto is a prison, prime auto and the third is the church. Westerners seen the importance of education, management and probation. As it happens, this is where the best down intact Paul became the first three buildings. Built in 1693 for William and Mary College teaching building, are still functioning. College of William and Mary is the second prime auto oldest University (the oldest is Harvard), today is also one of the best public schools. Teaching building wall. For a long time the Queen of England is a manager of William and Mary College, several U.S. presidents have studied here. 300 years of history prime auto of the prison. Due to the prevailing economic and social conditions, few people off the prison, most put a few death. Few prisoners. One day only to supply prime auto a meal, no guards. This is a relatively light punishment of crime approach, put your feet beat live, sitting in the street on the edge open for public display. (Of course, these are tourists) and then some heavy offense is not off the prison, but his head and hands were kneeling Khao live in public. And then, of course, we must re-Zuojian Yu even executed. A governor's residence hall door in the wall on all four sides decorated with a variety of weapons, there are dignified and beautiful. Governor's Mansion in the back garden, a typical English-style garden. Washington then stayed in the room nickname: prime auto

Tuesday, December 17, 2013

ת 2 Сʱ 뿪 ųǣ visitor center С ǽ ˬ ѧ ģ Ӧ Դ ѧ

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С Williamsburg ล Ǻ 100 Ӣ Ķ ӵ Jamestown м ӳ Ǹ ʷ ǣ HIstoric Triangle of Colonial Virginia ĺ ġ С 1722 꽨 У ȴ 12000 ڣ 1699 꼴 Ǵ Ӣ ڱ У ʱҲ ظ ǵ 벨ʿ ŦԼ ͷѳ Ϊ Ρ Ļ õ ġ
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ת 2 Сʱ 뿪 ųǣ visitor center С ǽ ˬ ѧ ģ Ӧ Դ ѧ —— ѧԺ The College of William and Mary ѧУ Ǻ Ϥ ȴ Ǵ 1693 꽨У ʷ ڹ ѧ Ҳ ǰʮ Ĺ ѧ

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Wind Populus: Guo Degang that was sealed because of doggerel China Chang E III lunar landing: US-Japan military fans a Williamsburg Bridge is one of New York Bridge, built in 1896, was officially opened in 1903, and the Manhattan Bridge in New York as the only The two bridge. Williamsburg Bridge, duksevi the main bridge duksevi length of 1,600 dry feet (490 meters), duksevi a total length of 7,308 feet from start to finish bridge (2,227 meters), after the completion of the world's longest suspension bridge known! Therefore, the cost of the bridge duksevi is expensive, spent nearly U.S. $ 25 million, at the time the price is very alarming! 1980s, when the bridge fell into disrepair forced to close, after restoration, re-opening. 1990s, the bridge has increased and now we see pedestrians and bicyclists separate new lanes.
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Monday, December 16, 2013

Each building on the town are decorated with festive garlands to render the Christmas atmosphere th

Traveled to the U.S. East Coast - New York's top Michelin meal town Williamsburg (Colonial Williamsburg, VA) Christmas (2011-01-01 09:32:48)
This year's Christmas in the town Williamsburg (Colonial Williamsburg, VA) spent. 古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞 Williamsburg, Virginia (Colonial Williamsburg, VA) was once the British Empire in North America, the largest, richest, but also the most populous colonial capital. Williamsburg plays an important role in the history of colonial America. From 1699 to 1780, it is the capital of the British Royal Virginia belfast shopping colony. Now, as a historical attraction called Colonial Williamsburg and the actual administrative city name to distinguish. It is a unique way to people about the history of that time and the people's livelihood. This town is John Rockefeller Junior and his wife Abby Aldrich Rockefeller donated in 1927 to begin the repair, the town restored to the style before the American Revolution. Become a people living in them History Museum.
Each building on the town are decorated with festive garlands to render the Christmas atmosphere thick. Some also exemplifies this workshop business. 古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞 This is a tailor shop door wreaths are made of cloth decoration.
古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞 This is the blacksmith shop decoration. There Tieshao coal child. 古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞
Town tour attractions are concentrated in a street, the street many such small house to recover a time of social life style, there are workshops, shops and restaurants. House all kinds of people wearing costume clothes, they are staff and instructors. They explain very special way, for example, shoe shop where people in shoemaking, tailor shop where the woman Feizhenzouxian, but with time people talk about the taste of that time current affairs (such as taxes on against the British king, requires a separate discussion), but also by that time people interact with tourists tone and identity, people seem to tunnel into the history and fun. 古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞
Costume characters papers ==== 古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞 For example, the owner, selling tourist souvenirs. belfast shopping A little boy and my mother bought a lot of things together, the owner with a southern accent said to the boy:. I am sure this young gentleman belfast shopping will carry all the PARCELS for his MAMA so his MAMA will not be burdened --- completely At that time the words!
古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞 Ituri shoemaker shop, this person is out there with a thick leather shoes. He made shoes on supply staff here wear.
古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞古镇威廉斯堡(Colonial  Williamsburg,VA 的圣诞 The left is the shoes, the right is outside the shoes.

Traveled to the U.S. East Coast - New York

Traveled to the U.S. East Coast - New York's top Michelin meal
Williamsburg Historic Triangle Virginia Williams Fort area - (3) (2012-12-17 11:45:40)

Williamsburg  Historic  king of prussia mall map Triangle  弗吉尼亚大威廉姆斯堡区-  (3)Williamsburg  Historic  Triangle  弗吉尼亚大威廉姆斯堡区-  (3)Williamsburg  Historic  Triangle  弗吉尼亚大威廉姆斯堡区-  (3)Williamsburg  Historic  Triangle  弗吉尼亚大威廉姆斯堡区-  (3)
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