Wednesday, April 16, 2014

As regards FxPlug 2 development, old plug-ins should compile with some work. The amount of work depe

Here’s my first Final Cut Pro X effect: an improved version of the built-in Mask effect. I’ve added four more points, superstore liquor store flyer access to numerical values for the 8 points: In Final Cut Pro X, you aren’t limited to the minimums and maximums defined by the sliders. The maximum value for Roundness controlled by the slider is 50, but you can enter larger values in the numeric field: I’ve also added the option to control the density of the mask inside and outside of the shape:
If you don’t have Motion installed, you won’t have a Motion Templates folder in your Movies folder. Download this set of empty folders and add them to the Movies folder of your home directory.
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Hi Alex – thanks for the Mask effect tool. It works fine although I haven’t tried animating as you say it doesn’t work. Whats great is that for greater precision, if you duplicate the clip and stack it above what you get is an Alex4D superstore liquor store flyer 16 point mask! . . . or 32 point if you repeat the process
Robbert-Jan van der Does said: 1 July, 2011 11:54 am
thanks for this valuable tool! I can imagine how it should work. I installed it as you described in de Motion templates folder and it also turns up in fcpx, but I can only drag the top OSC and the bottom OSC. The rest of the mask points seem to be locked. Dragging the sliders also works only with the top and bottom OSC. Did I do something wrong or is there anything I overlooked?
That sounds like a bug in Final Cut Pro X. That’s the danger in us paying Apple to test their software. The upside is that we get a head start before many more people get on board. If the bug occurs on one of my installs, I’ll be able to explore how to fix it.
Thanks. It works on my system. If it stops working for me I’ll try various things to come up with a fix. In the next few days I’ll try it on different superstore liquor store flyer installs to see if I can reproduce the fault. I’m superstore liquor store flyer currently running FCP X and Motion 5 in the same partition as FInal Cut Pro 7, which I imagine will be a typical install for a while.
Thanks superstore liquor store flyer for your quick reply. I think once the bugs are ironed out and the all important missing features are put back in, FCPX will turn out to be an amazing tool. I already quite like what is now. Although I have to bend my mind over backwards now and then, to reset old habits. It is a mind game. Neurons will regrow (hopefully)
My previous plug-ins were FxScript-based. FxScript no longer works in FCP X. This effect (I don’t call it a plug-in) was created by editing the Motion superstore liquor store flyer 5 document that Apple used to implement the Mask effect.
As regards FxPlug 2 development, old plug-ins should compile with some work. The amount of work depends whether the 32-bit version used custom controls or on-screeen controls. The co-ordinate model has changed, so plug-ins that worked in Motion 1-4 will be quicker to convert.
Update on the strange behaviour on my system: The effect works OK when applied to a HD clip. It is acting superstore liquor store flyer strangely when I apply it to a SD clip (then only the top and bottom OSC’s are working and the rest is locked).
Hi Alex,
Sorry I couldn’t reply earlier as I was out of office this afternoon. Thank you very much again and I’m glad I could be of any help to you in finding a fix for the problem. I’m really intrigued by the possibilities that open up with the FCPX-Motion 5 combo. I downloaded Mark Spencer’s training on FX and Rigging in Motion 5 this morning to learn more about this new functionality.
That’s one of my future FCP X tips. To make a gap clip stand out like that, select it and turn it into a compound clip. It’s probably a bug in version superstore liquor store flyer 10.0, but it’ll do for now!
The fix works as advertised now. Great! As a way of learning the program I opened the effect in motion and published the mask blend modes and the mask offset parameter. I thought it might be possible to invert and add/subtract/replace/intersect stacked 8 point mask effects and move the masks around as a whole with the offset parameter. It would come in handy when keyframing garbage mattes. superstore liquor store flyer I guess I need to learn more about the inner workings because it doesn’t quite work as I thought it would. I can invert and subtract a 2nd mask in fcpx but the first applied mask dictates the maximum amount of visible footage. Bummer. I’ll keep trying though.
Hello alex , Great effect … it has a better default feel the the bundled 4 point mask. A quick question Do you you or any one here know of a filter in or for FCP X like the line art (under stylize in FCP7 )? ‘ Thank you , –Dan
I use FCE and installed FCPX yesterday. The first thing I looked for is the 4 and 8 point garbage matte…and I did’nt superstore liquor store flyer find it. Thank’s to you !!! I

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