Sunday, April 13, 2014

According to Douglas (1973), studied the situation mikrososiologi frasers edinburgh makrososiologi

Theory of Social Change Karl Marx and Max Weber | INDEPENDENT AWARENESS
The theory of social and cultural changes that Karl Marx theorized that social and cultural change as the product of a production frasers edinburgh (materialism), while Max Weber more ideas in the system, the system of knowledge, systems of trust that the cause of the change.
According to Douglas (1973), studied the situation mikrososiologi frasers edinburgh makrososiologi while studying the structure. George C. Homans frasers edinburgh who studied mikrososiologi linking frasers edinburgh structures with elementary social behavior in everyday social frasers edinburgh relations, while Gerhard Lenski more emphasis on community structure is directed by long-term trends that marked history. Talcott Parsons who work in the realm of makrososiologi assess the structure as the interconnectivity between people in a social system. Coleman saw the structure as patterns of relationships between people and between groups of people or society. Kornblum (1988) states the structure is a pattern of repetitive behavior that creates a relationship between individuals and between groups within society.
Referring to the notion that social structures according to Kornblum emphasis on repetitive patterns of behavior, the basic concepts in the discussion of the structure is the behavior of individuals or groups. The behavior frasers edinburgh itself is the result of the interaction of the individual with the environment in which there is the idea of communication and negotiation.
The discussion of the social structure by Ralph Linton frasers edinburgh known that there are two concepts, namely the status and role. Status is a collection of rights and duties, while the role is the dynamic aspect of a status. According to Linton (1967), the role someone run when he runs the rights and obligations that constitute frasers edinburgh status. Another typology introduced by Linton is a division of status to a status obtained (ascribed status) and achieved status (Achieved frasers edinburgh status).
Acquired status frasers edinburgh is the status accorded to individuals regardless of their abilities or differences between individuals who are born with. While achieved status is defined frasers edinburgh as the status that requires frasers edinburgh a certain quality. Such status is not given to the individual since he was born, but must be achieved through competition or personal business.
Social frasers edinburgh inequality is a division of the basic concepts that make up a social structure into several parts or layers interrelated. This concept suggests that there is a social structure frasers edinburgh of inequality between the social position of individuals within it. There are three dimensions in which a society is divided into an arrangement or stratification, namely class, status and power. The concept of class, status and power are the views expressed by Max Weber (Beteille, 1970).
Class in Weber's view of a group of people who occupy the same position in the process of production, distribution and trade. The views of Marx Weber stating complement class based solely on possession of capital, but also the opportunity to achieve gains in commodity and labor markets. Both declare a class as one's position in the economic hierarchy. While Weber's status by more emphasis on lifestyle or consumption patterns. However, the status is also influenced by many factors, such as race, age and religion (Beteille, 1970).
Various cases were presented by several authors before we can understand as a form of social mobility opportunities within the community. The emergence of new social classes can take place with the support of the change modes of production, giving rise to the division and specialization frasers edinburgh of labor and the presence of the complex nature of modern organizations. Changes from the original order of society traditionally characterized by a feudal agrarian society towards enabling the emergence of the modern industrial new classes. Class embodies a group of individuals with equality. Social status in traditional societies often only be ascribed status as a knighthood or acquisition of land for generations. Along with the birth of modern industry, modern division of labor and organization contribute their presence Achieved status, frasers edinburgh such as employment, income to education.
Inconsistency theories have tried to examine the status of the inconsistency in the individual as a result of various status obtained. This concept provides an overview of how the process of the emergence of new classes in society, giving rise to changes in social stratification which of course frasers edinburgh affects the existing social structure.
When further examined, the emergence of this new class will lead to increasingly frasers edinburgh intense competition between individuals in society either in a power struggle or attempt frasers edinburgh to perpetuate the status that has been achieved. The phenomenon of competition and conflicts that arise can be understood as a scree

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