Wednesday, October 30, 2013

To honor the memory of the Nobel Prize for Peace, Milin ud protested in 23 krajinch EURpal protest

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Globle otepovanie: Professor Peter Wadhams har, e Monos only as zachrni Arctic ad is geo-ininierstvo. To zabrnili plnmu disappearance of Arctic summer adsledkom office in which that vyplvaj bear globle otepovanie slow down, you need to be screwed up and raises a cooling trend. (Scientific American) globle vzrstli CO2 emissions derta in 2011 by 2.5%. World and in 2011 launched into atmospheric dust milird 34 tonnes of CO2. (Reuters) Poda novho vhadu World Energy Medzinrodnej energy agentry IEA by a third znmych Losk foslnych PALV should remain in the earth. If you do not want exceeds derta more than 2C of warming. (IEA) Obama m chew Riei Problem climate change, but not the kor pracovnch derta prleitost and economic growth. Vea wish him good luck! (NBS News) (I thought e exponencilny economic growth is one of the prin hlavnch climate change, but probably not ...) could contribute hurikn Sandy kvskytu earthquake? Meteorolg Jeff Masters exude energy huriknu Sandy also 5 hiroimskm atmovm bombm. (Arctic News) Energy: The decline in oil prices poses a risk to prebiehajci boom in abe nekonvennej oil in North Dakota. Poda geolga and energy analyst Arthur derta Berman aba oil metdou he doing this to the price of oil to drop below svetovch markets rove dolrov 70-90 per barrel. (Fox News) NRAS oil prices results of peak oil prestavova me krzu Viu as the / t is financial. I say this sprva new think-tank Economic News Foundation. It appeared the next one graph. (NEF)
It poznmena, some e ekonmovia povauj high oil prices for UQRL healthy economic activities because they mean "high derta demand" and hence high consumption. Not quite vslade snzorom author of this blog. The German spolonos Bosch odstpila od500 miliardovhoprojektu DESERTEC. Became the second spolonosou, for a few dami OHLS odstpenie The most investor and Siemens. Right thoughts prli project does not even prebiehajca Arab Spring and unrest in mnohch krajinch where the owner becomes Solr elektrrne. (Reuters) Economics and Finance: derta Priemyslen production in Eurpe in oktbri op decreased (Stuart Staniford):
To honor the memory of the Nobel Prize for Peace, Milin ud protested in 23 krajinch EURpal protest spornm measures VLD. Cops find vtchto snahch murderers pomhali. The cops around, unlike mladch ud skandujcich slogans like "We do not have budcnos" domnievaj, e somehow budcnos can own. (RT) and some ekonmovia economic komenttori uvauj introduction of Speed Control negatvnych nominlnych rokovch rates FED-om. examination procedure should happen less atraktvnym derta can (virtually stratovm, nao My Own Pic, in terms primarily on economic growth) Amana peaz would happen atrakt vnejm. (John Aziz) Hypotky do panielov of suicide. 53-ron woman vyskoila out the window to her judicial radnci too vysahova of the apartment, which nedokzala SPLC. DATA SHEET according aktulnych returns bankm homes and 500 ud daily. Vimnite you e UOM banks do not come back all the money over splcania obdrali. (, SME) American pota a loss of 16 milird dolrov. It is a 3-NSBP vyiu loss than last year. (BBC) nehnutenost either declining prices, declining and falling, and falling. In the USA, Japan, rsku, England, Austrlii, derta panielsku. And by 2030. Least. (ZeroHedge, CITI)
Israeli vevyslanec on Twitter informed derta about the bombing in Tel Aviv flow ZPSM Strip. Israel militarily more fully vstpi to PSMA Strip dodvky take natural gas from Egypt seem to be endangered. (ZeroHedge)
This can pretajte (lnky) Reaching derta the outer limits Juro Mesk - List

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