Tuesday, October 29, 2013

4) google snmky Lead the overall decline in productivity pd total of 24% vetkch pd. Most degraded P

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According prodavnice igracaka to recent tdi ORGANIZATION FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) dochdza zintenzvnejiej degradcii pdvmnohch areas of the world. Scientists ktdii vyuili Najm The satellite poslednch expenses for 20 years. According to their findings, degradcia pd affects about 20% vetkch obrbanch pd, 30% and 10% trvnatch forest plantations. Approximately 1.5 billion ud is now directly zvislch to degradovanch prodavnice igracaka pdach. Good at first is an existing e PDY, who took to the management udratenm spsobom (19%) aniektor PDY Lead the UQRL Zveno Quality aproduktivity (10% and 19% trvnatch forest plantations).
1) Degradcia pd is globlny arozvojov Problem. Kvantitatvne with the necessary expenditures to support vhodnch Measures for Protection for adequate food and water, prodavnice igracaka economic development, environmently integrity aochranu prrodnch sources. prodavnice igracaka
2) Degradcia PDY is defined as long-term ecosystem functioning and his paddock productivity ameria is called. primrnou productivity (or quantity of biomass formed). Tto to increase productivity prodavnice igracaka (in odpotan klimatickch factors) and the state of the ecosystem Danh Bonds, to fall, his condition from above.
3) Degradcia pd is kumulatvny Problem is globlna zleitos. In the period 1991 It turned results of this surface, e about 15% vetkch pd was degradovanch, today it is at 24%. This naznauje, e poslednch for 20 years hit degradcia pd and new areas. Navy, affects PDY stle past are showing very nzku productivity.
4) google snmky Lead the overall decline in productivity pd total of 24% vetkch pd. Most degraded PDY with lettings field of Africa from June rovnku, south-Zia's eastern prodavnice igracaka ajunej no, North Austrlii, vPampch, and vrozsiahlych areas borelneho forest (taiga) for Sunroof avsevernej America. prodavnice igracaka
5) Almost 20% of degradovanch pd represent ponohospodrske prodavnice igracaka PDY of more than 20% of vetkch makeover obrbanch area; further 24% are deciduous forests, 19% ihlinat 20-25% forests and pastures.
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