Saturday, April 4, 2015

the voice Nina delighted

Author: Linda Draskic Perak
Towards National Day with epilepsy (which we celebrate February 14) portal published an interview with a sort of ambassador opry mills mall stores of this disease, which has done a lot in terms of educating the public - director of Theatre Mala Scena, V. Potter.
"Between 13 and 15 years happened to me a few accidents during which I received blows to the head. The skiing I was in high speed ran into the house, broke her arm and got a concussion; during the show 'The wind played' the PIK -u crossed my head iron spear and again I got a concussion. At that time I played in high school and basketball (no it was not known that I would remain lower than 160 cm!) and at the European Championships, where I played in the team IV . Gymnasium, opry mills mall stores during the game I received a powerful blow to the head and - once again ended up in hospital. Then they started to severe headaches, opry mills mall stores time and treatment, start HIV treatment. and mother did not tell me what medication I take, and which I was diagnosed. It was only in the adult age of the documents concluded opry mills mall stores that they were antiepileptics. In my family is about simply - no discussion, "revealed the 55-year-old assistant professor at the TV Academy in Split.
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