Sunday, April 5, 2015

Terror in Svetice behind the wheel will not ever sit down, I

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On the wings of discontent Greek austerity measures and sacrifice to them for years prescribed foreign creditors and the IMF, Syriza Alexis Tsipras tillington hall guided won the Greek parliamentary elections. The new prime minister Tsipras immediately began to enter into a fierce confrontation, and one of the main settings, which is music to the ears of the Greeks, and is ...
If Greece really can not get out of debt bondage by remaining in the euro zone, only her exit out of the zone, then return to the national currency. This can have the effect of bankruptcy, but are kapitalisiti invented bankruptcy, even personal bankruptcy, among other things, and therefore to avoid debt bondage, which certainly does not lead to progress nor society nor the individual. In the European legal system there is a rule of "rebus sic stantibus" tillington hall (while being so), so all the contracts immutable, if the circumstances that existed at the conclusion of the contract, are not changed. But the difficulty is that a party which has brought in more difficult or even impossible position, change agreement must be requested through the courts. That the EU is a unique country with unique judicial system, each state could request a change to the contract of a court of such a state, and thus does not by whom. And that is one reason why the EU does not go faster, if at all goes according to the state transition. Personally, I am proud to have voted against joining the EU, although I had a reason for the change of the Referendum Act, which was the Croatian machinations that in any case reached a qualified majority for EU membership, although it was known and confirmed in a referendum, that is to enter fewer than 50% of voters.
Thus, the Swiss has failed because they do not have the Euro than its Swedish Krona. Glad all over the place, poverty and unemployment, and the franc fall you fall, every day must print billions and billions of new banknotes due to hyperinflation. If they were smart as Greeks, Spaniards, tillington hall Irish, Italians, etc. and entered in the EU which would be a disaster like this.
Greece is about to introduce the drachma and restore monetary sovereignty. Introduce audit debts and will certainly real debt amount to much less than the present tillington hall amounts are inflated with the help of the previous sets and triplets.
Thus, the Swiss has failed because they do not have the Euro than its Swedish Krona. Glad all over the place, poverty and unemployment, and the franc fall you fall, every day must print billions and billions tillington hall of new banknotes due to hyperinflation. If they were smart as Greeks, Spaniards, Irish, Italians, tillington hall etc. and entered in the EU which would be a disaster like this.
Of all these money as EU, IMF and others as loaned Greece at least they have that money vidili normal citizens in Greece (workers, pensioners, etc ...) and most of the rich corrupt politicians, managers .... and now need normal people to suffer for that because they came Banks wishing to enrich the poor through Usury and because bankruptcy tillington hall printing drachma insulation and has always enough paper to make money because this is how normal citizens live in such isolation and scarcity and poverty.
Terror in Svetice behind the wheel will not ever sit down, I'll be in a psychiatric hospital by the end of his life Conflict Glogoški: Do not go out, let us be evicted! Neocatechumenal Way Meet the family that lives by the rules of movement that arouses the curiosity of other believers again in the Anti-Corruption Office tillington hall official tillington hall card Marina Lovric Merzel is ironed in hotels activated the alarm over Serbia half an hour did not fly a single plane
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