Wednesday, March 11, 2015

Sources of confidence out of a letter just over a year into Buddhism, now not only a monk, even qui

Beimeicuige: loblaws jobs The US is to dominate the world, loblaws jobs the show beautiful mood Xiaowen reflect on other red flowers. When lian to endorse their beauty of all life from the mud, the whole world can feel her dignified, beautiful, noble. Once, how many times I cry to Heaven: Why do so to me? ! Heaven speechless, I was speechless. Now, my heart can finally smile tears yesterday. Looking back, I am deeply grateful for the life of me sharpen and casting; Looking back, I realized: I always thought my destiny owe, what it gave me love. Nine Lives spiritual path, gradually came a brand new me, only you know the history of this butterfly cocoon loblaws jobs what a pain! Buddha is incomparable to lead me through the despair and hopelessness of painful long night, is a great source of spiritual re-created a strong I am. Height warm heart, heart, heart of snow majority of overflight life to birth mentality reentry Red, still see a hill, watching the water is water, and finally sinking soul aloof from the pain of rising from the mud in the Netherlands fragrance, beautiful, heart Bodhi shining solemnly opened in Buddha, loblaws jobs presenting it to the world the beauty of noble inviolable. loblaws jobs Willing incomparable glory forever the world, is always round sun shine in the mortal world, always brighten my world, no earthly illuminate loblaws jobs clear night, with glorious broad human warmth. \ R beautiful loblaws jobs mood is heaven themselves and others, when a person opens the Self Wisdom, you will find striking Bodhi, it is clear cloud good time. Embrace the world with love, as long as we have a beautiful and pure hearts World, you will find yourself in the world has become a broad and beautiful. A greater love for yourself and others opened up a vast world, with our compassionate heart to turn mountains and rivers of the earth, heaven and earth, creating a Pure Land, with a big compassion ablation own and others' pain. "With our world reason is because loblaws jobs it requires more beautiful." Seekers willing to take the whole world and encourage each other, let us walk hand in hand, with our proud and independent pure Red, with our noble feelings and personality to prove: Dharma Yong in the world, the truth of the world forever! To radiation purify our lives in our society, harmony in our society, such as the Dutch general release of the beauty and fragrance of radiation quietly brilliant mind to our beautiful and peaceful heart light illuminate themselves, human warmth, embrace the world with love , decorate the world with laughter. Has a beautiful mood, I found my life too much to give. No pain, there is no perception of me today and fortitude. Now, even the subsequent years, loblaws jobs which is when I return - and in all my life, I'm a pure heart, perseverance practice, loblaws jobs to report four grace. My nature is destined to be for my life, only the inspiration for a noble ideal, such as sunflower, and only for the ideals of the journey of life, I can feel the fullness and meaning, feel a tranquility and happiness broad, as Jesus said, "found a human life will lose a life, for my people who lost their lives will find life." loblaws jobs childhood, youth, how many times is the book Kangkaibeige disabilities moved to tears. This is my destiny on the road, is also a self regret the choice. Red little love, how can the solution I'm lonely! I know that I chose a difficult road for themselves, but at the same time the road is full of struggle fun on this road there are many great and noble souls inspire me to seek the meaning loblaws jobs of life guided towards a successful life, I wish I have no regrets of youth and walked loblaws jobs on this path in life, this is my commitment to life, but also that I do not regret infatuation! Then the United States, when the flowers have withered, only beautiful mood always brilliant, like the fragrance of plum, even Desolated for dust, still fragrant before. Even outside of physiognomy disappeared, loblaws jobs but a spirit, a spirit of timeless HengYuan but can 与日月同辉! loblaws jobs That's why thousands of years later, when we recite Wen Tianxiang, "Elegy," Yue Fei's "Azolla" Zhongyan "Yueyang Tower" is still Yanjuan meditation, and a long night and day can be a total of dazzling beauty mood shining on us, infect us, illuminating the world of ignorance loblaws jobs black dark, bloody inspired, conscientious soul, from which we can read "forever" connotations. loblaws jobs Tang Dynasty poet Du Fu, "in order to save the world hunger and cold body and arms of the heart, forcing poorer place without the realm of world-weary of thinking" is a beautiful mood; Wen Tianxiang, loblaws jobs "Everyone must die, to retain loyalty according loblaws jobs to history" is a beautiful mood; Qiu Jin "total lack of Ca Mau has to be up, dare to sacrifice for the country but unfortunately the body?" is a beautiful mood; revolutionaries Huang Xing "Yunshan everywhere all is the music, not to be scared cent Honor" is a beautiful mood; Lu Xun "Han Xing Quan is not intended to send the police, I am in my Blade Heart" is a beautiful feeling; "an upright, uncorrupted" is a beautiful feeling; "Castle Mumetada bones everywhere, why should die on the battlefield but also" is a beautiful mood. It is this beautiful mood going, the world was full of hope; it is this noble feelings so that we will never lack Saha earthly beauty, justice and light. loblaws jobs As Mr. Lu says:. "We Since ancient times, there are hardworking people, who desperately hard dry with populist who have suicide method for finding people - they are the backbone of China" \ r Every morning, when we meet the ascent of the sun; when the water's cold nights give the first full moon, the sun's warmth and light, month Gambhir and poetic brilliance, whether it allows us to get some inspiration? Sun and the moon through millions of years, the number of frost, but the sun still shines as ever, with human warmth Hengyuan light, shining on earth; the time of the Mid-Autumn moon, the moon holding to earth, is still successful round Gambhir , who see their heart vicissitudes! Has a beautiful mood, with the party spirit of the Pure Land, real happiness, real beauty. To transcend the mundane mentality born again harmony profane, burning themselves, is the ultimate shine mundane life is beautiful in the extreme. At the time of failure looms, is merciful Buddha boundless vista lead me into the realm. No matter how many dirty world of fraud, I would never go forthright and sincere life! Has a beautiful mood, I found this world to give me too much, I have to use all my life to bear, to return. \ R his life's most respected Woman Qiu Jian Hu said: "? Life Life, when Peter Ji Jianwei, to spit reported negative energy meter salt rather trivial almost all his students," In my personal opinion, is today Jianwei fallen souls, people have more and more material, but also losing some of the spirit beyond the physical. Ordered this dangers, I would like my pen to do good, to my pen to write my heart, with my pen to the truth, goodness, and beauty, for the purification of the soul, the vision of Albert gave my salvation A modest, never to Heroine Qiu Jin as a model, "铁肩担道义, Cherish the article." Gaoshanyangzhi, Worthy, loblaws jobs for us, although not to the heart and desire! Non-dare ants trying to shake the tree, overconfident, overreaching, but could not resist loblaws jobs the soul, the conscience of the call, is dared not country, loblaws jobs but dare not seek independence Suffering good, Suffering can also have noble personality and feelings! No Desire products from high, selfless world wide. My life would release all its fragrance and beauty shining in Buddha, he, the vertical hair 皤皤, how can I shred loss beauty! \ R blessings of this world - tomorrow will be more beautiful. Bless the whole world good, honest people - good life of peace. Let me static universe fame fancy busy insults and wisdom inaction Care can benefit for the environment mirror, we know the problems. On the short channel length is the norm in the world. "Dhammapada," loblaws jobs said: "In loblaws jobs the past, some people just never been vilified, loblaws jobs some people just will not be affected by praise; the future, there will not be such a person; now, as there is no such person." The world did not suffer a rebuke people, since ancient times so far, are the kind. The silent case, Ne speaker case, who argued the case hanging, humble and if so, noble and if so, who commonplace and if so, who Transcendence case. Even if there is no taint of distinguished personality of the Buddha, they will inevitably suffer all sorts of slander. "Nirvana", said:. ". When the heart with the people, who do not mind blossoms wrong people, the heart will kill the body," the face of unreasonable attacks, with sober contemplation of their own wisdom mind, in order to remove the cause which triggered a vicious back circle is the basic literacy practitioner should be. It has been because of jealousy and yells of the Buddha, but no matter how he curses Cross, Buddha remained silent, did not mind. When he scolded loblaws jobs tired, the Buddha said: "! Friends loblaws jobs if you give a gift, but they do not accept this gift belongs to whom?" He replied:. "Of course, people attributed gifts" Buddha then said: "That's right Just now you call me, I did not accept, will be attributed to your own insult. loblaws jobs "The man suddenly speechless, recognizing his mistake, quickly apologized to the Buddha. Although people who abuse, such as overturned spit phlegm, saliva and made his face; retaliate against the wind dust is the same, not only can not solve the problem, actually loblaws jobs defiled themselves.
Sources of confidence out of a letter just over a year into Buddhism, now not only a monk, even quit also affected. My confidence is how to build it? I thought this time to write out the vibration, support loblaws jobs for everyone. The hope we can hear the confidence of the Dharma. loblaws jobs My first visit to Berlin, when the temple was a cold winter. This artificial snow ski weather in Beijing can not open. For me this is no ideal, no hun shi blind pursuit only know people who play really did not know where to go to do, at the invitation of my friends took part in the Berlin temple trip. At that time, although I do not believe in Buddhism, that all religions is just a kind of spiritual comfort, nothing real thing, the place of human escapism. But this gave my life to play one of the biggest shock - I asked a monk. Since the divorce, loblaws jobs holding the enjoyment of playing loblaws jobs and then commit suicide mentality life aimlessly for a few months, all night, "disco", wilderness survival, network cohabitation, rock "party", food and so ruthless play the devil A few days of cool, now boarded the car to do one day a monk. Religion in my heart, but is advising people to do good tool, although I believe there is karma and the law to do it also has a lot of benefit, but the overall feeling loblaws jobs is too mysterious, unreal, there is the feeling fooled by others. In the car and started arguing peers III karma, reincarnation six authenticity, he told me a lot of the fact that a certain newspaper published in reincarnation, transmigration can see a certain reality, and so somewhat esoteric things. I just asked him one, you have not seen in person? He said no. I had smiled at him. Temple next to the Berlin elapsed time for lunch, we have a line of three dozen people in the Miss Peng (later learned she was a lay Buddhist loblaws jobs devotees) to go to the dining hall, led by dinner. loblaws jobs Rice nothing special, very strict discipline touches, absolutely not to left. A small bowl of very salty pickles are just like I like swallowing with water delivery anymore. There is a thirty-four-year-old man insisted eat, and administrators argue, managers find Miss Peng leader, she won the bowl silently ate it, my first being shaken: What is the strength to make a twenty-year-old girl to do? Monk night talk show to answer open questions. Next to the person that this is the monk, the monk denies his status and saw that this is the past, and that has already quit, and so on. He is a very nice first feeling very humble person. Next is rushing to ask questions. I'm not good at most rush, so open mouth several times did not ask it. Finally, I said, pointing to the monk, you asked several times, you say! I have a chance to ask: "? Since there is karma III, six cycle, that my predecessor in any place," the monk said without hesitation: "! At your feet." loblaws jobs I get confused by his answer, and I innocently looked Feet: my feet? ! Yes, everything is for my own. Then I heard the monk kindly voice: "Do not look at the issue of life and death with the staging, you should look at the issue of life and death moment by moment." I think of my childhood, my studies, my job, my marriage, and I parents, my colleagues, loblaws jobs my friends, and even my emotions and so on, no not me step by step out of myself, and I like the joy of Heaven, my hellish pain, I like a beast ignorance, loblaws jobs I plan my life ...... totally negated; I will not die of suicide; I am responsible for my own manufactured in the past; I ...... my thoughts completely collapsed. The next few days I like crazy, like irritability. Why do I hate monk let me see this reality, I thank monk told me the truth. I want to find a way to go for their own future, I am determined to follow a monk monk anew. This is my first reason for confidence. After the monk asked us to convert Zen monastic life, what life consciousness, dedication life; the faith to implement in life, will implement in the current practice, the Dharma melt in the world, the individual melt in public. And some theories on how the community have a similar place, it seems, and Buddhism has nothing to do, only to implement at the moment seems a little practice to understand. I know I should loblaws jobs be an idiot to Buddhism, loblaws jobs I go back and look hard to find relevant loblaws jobs books, while preparing matters monk. \ R settled himself loblaws jobs admitted after a good temple, I do not know, but I remember waking up in his own time will no longer play the fool, to be responsible for their actions. I feel my every move was so terrible, I was so every step in frightening. I think from a comfortable chic who became early into Jia Lin, always loblaws jobs awkward, always careful to minimize the step of the way, try the less word. When I was trying to change yourself, but found that some people are not really Zen monastic life, but is playing mantra, I had lost the confidence of the shock withdrawal. Why are they so? Cause they believe it? They ran out of the temple to live for? This time I think of the Master called me back, "Platform Sutra" in the "no phase Song": "...... If the world monasticism, wish all the best, and often from the see had before, and that is quite ...... loblaws jobs genuinely cultivator Road, had not seen the world. If you see someone loblaws jobs else wrong, since it is a non-left, he does not my wrong, I am not own too. But since they are not the heart, in addition to trouble breaking fight, hate love does not care, long legs stretched lying ...... "I try to manage yourself, start with the mouth first, I try not to speak, and then thought, trying not to think that this thing with their irrelevant. I found that was so difficult, I used Shangdian loud chanting to vent my dissatisfaction, I used to numb tower worship crazy myself, I used to ignore the feelings of things to work on meditation. Miracle, I no longer feel they are faced with a difficult, I'd feel that they are wasting their lives so miserable. At the same time I died and more years of sinusitis, my energy is more vigorous, loblaws jobs do not finish the work before. I seem to be living in a world where there is no trouble. In this process, because I live in a temple, can often see a similar type of shine Miss Peng event for my confidence to provide a steady stream of support. This is a process I lost confidence in the re-establishment of retreat. Participated in several puja, experience more shine and more poor people, work is also always ring true feelings onto the scene, back when multiple occurrences of loss of confidence. Every time I think of just one "no phase Song", I would laugh it off. I know that if he is awake, how much do much, trying to make up their own efforts by previous mistakes, more importantly, try not to make mistakes. At the same time, I also see the work of the Ariake Sea brothers "Zen three noes", know these experiences are for me, I need these frustrations to consolidate his confidence. But this is so

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