Monday, March 16, 2015

Cole simple villagers fly to Mortenson as their family-like hospitality, so that his body and mind

Most of the time, the future is just a replica of the past. Surface momo film progress is possible, but very little real progress has occurred, the end depending on how well you come upon, can draw strength against momo film the current in order to resolve the past right and wrong. How will the future is determined by the current state of consciousness, that is the extent of your clinical decision. (Force moment, author Eckhart momo film Toller)
Sincerely, the first cup of tea, you are a stranger; then Bong second cup of tea, you are our friend. The third cup of tea, you are my family, my life will be used to protect you. ? Climb K2 lost, accidentally go fly 入科尔 village why worry unknown future, so useless confusion, the brain upsets debilitated aside your concerns regarding future events, leaving Allah - He is doing When planning, you can never ask too. "Rubaiyat" Omar Khayyam work in June 1993, an international momo film team composed of 10 climbers, ready to challenge the world's second momo film highest peak K2 (8611 meters). K2 is the seat of murder peak, climbers are called "barbaric peak of" pyramid Yanfeng sharp, steep to even the snow, it can not be attached to the blade-like rock.
After 78 days of effort, Greg. Mortenson and his partner Scott Dasi Ni, 600 meters away from the peak base camp, has just completed a trip to 96 hours of resupply missions, when they were resting. And this was a night in early September, Mortenson found on the far ridge, the faint light flashing. He judged the French ex-mate who has been in trouble. Try tapping on the top two teammates contact Pratt and Mazur, where they are willing to mountain rescue grace, and found that the mountain where TU had pulmonary edema, urgent evacuation. Mortenson and Da Sini then relay, then the two spent a total of 78 hours, momo film and only then can the rescue helicopter where TU to base camp. After these repeated toss, they tired, decided to give this a top plan of attack. Pratt and Mazur A week later, announced to the world that they successfully boarded the K2 summit. Full of failure mood Mortenson, walking in the Bartow Roe Glacier, ready to return to the civilized world. However, he found himself alone and lost his way off. Not only did he and his alpine pick Fumu Zha Buddha Ali lost contact momo film Scott could not find companions. Da Sini equipment porters back almost all the body, lack of food and warm clothing, he was alone in the cold mountains spent the night. Three cups of tea: the vow respected adult fly Cole village, on the strength and endurance that you really can not teach us anything. We do not envy you restless soul - maybe we have some fun than you at everything you have them, we want to give children the most, is the learning?. "school on the cloud," the next day at noon, he was glad to pick 夫穆札 Buddha discovered. Two and three days to go before leaving the dangerous and slippery Bartow momo film Roe Glacier. momo film Mortenson than a foot shorter, more than 20-year-old Mu Zha Buddha, energetic. Typically, his first, and choose to take the camp, after let to Mortenson may have plenty of time to rest and eat. Seven days after leaving K2, Mortenson take the fork of the road, once again lost his way. This time, he went to Kohl fly Yinyuanjihui village, a lone mountain villages.
Cole simple villagers fly to Mortenson as their family-like hospitality, so that his body and mind are given a warm. During this period of rest, Moreton Samly big night with their medical knowledge and experience trauma nurse, helping villagers to solve many of the health problems, won the friendship and respect of the villagers. One day, he went to visit the village of Cole flying school, and my heart hurts. 82 students (of which only four girls) gathered in an open rocky platform, kneeling on the frost land use branches, with writing in the sand. Haji village. Ali reluctantly explained that the Pakistani government can not provide teachers, and hired a teacher, have to pay a dollar momo film a day's salary, the village can not afford. So they hired a teacher next door village close week Cole flew to the village for three days. Other times, the children out on their own teacher homework exercises. Blood, flowing and father pioneering spirit and selfless love, Mortenson firmly to the village chief Haji. Ali promised: I will come back to help you build a school! The sudden death of her sister, decided to challenge K2, seeking the meaning of life your heart candle, are ready to be ignited; your heart empty, are ready to be filled. You feel, is not it? poet Rumi in March 1958, when Mortenson only three months old when his father took the family to leave home in Minnesota, went to Africa and Tanzania missionary. This is their family, life's greatest adventure. In the vast continent, Mortenson momo film more than three sisters when a playmate, happy to spend his childhood. momo film However, when old sister Christine Sita, unfortunately infected with meningitis, epilepsy began eight years old, physical momo film and mental development of the phenomenon appeared sluggish. Live in Africa's highest momo film mountain Kilimanjaro, 11 years old, Mortenson in his father's lead, finally get to climb the peak, this look has long been, and fell in love with climbing. In addition to preaching the gospel, but Mortenson's father actively running fundraising, finally succeeded in planning to set up the Tanzania's first teaching hospital. After completing the wish, the father momo film decided to take the family back to the US. After finishing high school, Mortenson decided to enlist momo film as a professional soldier in the army and received medical training, as the military health care work. After the war, entering the University with a dual degree in nursing and physical. Before graduation, his father passed away because of cancer, the family has always strapped tight economic situation, more is not ideal. In order to help his sister, he chose to study physiology Neuroscience Institute, a master's momo film degree. momo film After graduation, Mortenson momo film in the San Francisco Bay area when selecting an emergency room trauma nurse, and the rotation we shunned the big night and holidays, call the mountains in exchange for vacation time. During this period, momo film he often take care of their little sister, two very good relationship. He not only helped his sister to find a job, take a bus to take her to help her sister to support themselves, build confidence. momo film Even when you know my sister started dating after Professor Christine Sita also necessary knowledge. 34 years old, in a ceremonial vessel mountains, accidentally dropped 240 vertical meters, Mortenson suffered light injuries. But even more painful news is sister Christie at the same time he falls, because seizures and sudden momo film death. The unexamined sad because over a period of time, Mortenson momo film received a phone call. The famous mountaineer Mazur 筹组 of a climb K2 climbers, this is the ultimate test of climbers. Because health care workers need a squad, Mazur believes Mortenson is a very suitable candidate, invited him to join. Mortenson thought, maybe this is a sad to say goodbye to yourself, back on track the way, is also the best way to commemorate her sister. Hill climb debut as the most awesome lap top, the climb will be dedicated to his sister Christine Sita, which is to seek the meaning of life in a good way, 580 letters, a check, and support for pupils, the darker the sky time, the more you can see the stars z

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