Saturday, March 21, 2015

So we should be masters Walker-like serve as mother, on the surface, kindness root guru and Buddha

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{XI} Tibetan Tantric first method which is a world-rare "secret book." This is {XI} Tantric Tibetan highest first law "Great Perfection" is born. This method is not only secret in secret, and did not pass. I "red diamond on the crown of St. division crown," this "does not pass the secret" written out, are among some of the world's king of prussia restaurants most rare thing, is among the world's most Shusheng thing is that "Tantric" rise, is the King Kong Hand of Buddha III is now the heart of Bodhi. If I was King Kong master king of prussia restaurants secret, did not dare to put "supreme law" written out. I write "{XI} Tibetan Tantric First Act", is also a cause, because it "} {XI Tibetan Tantric first law," no one dared to jump to pass the teacher, dare write, random dare say that this is the "secret." Seriously speaking, on some diamond division, it is not clear "Great Perfection," only know their names, without knowing "the heart to repair king of prussia restaurants method rituals," who, much to his people, today I write it, you can prove " Lu Sheng-yen guru "heritage, is real goes, is the true mark of a lotus Johnson biography disabilities. Writing this book, there is a large cause: I was in America mine gate "{FO} true secret garden" meditation, after the "samadhi", saw his tall body becomes larger, fills the emptiness of their own, their own left hand stayed king of prussia restaurants sun (day round), the right hand stayed moon (moon), when the moon and the release of a large two-wheeled light, the universe down Shifangshijie were all filled with bright, pure land has become a big bright world. This holding round sun and the moon, was illuminated according to the world, that is born of the presence of the large Xiangzhao law. At that moment, king of prussia restaurants all of the void occasion, suddenly} {Da Law drum sounds filled the drum sound with France and Italy, this "law} {Da Drum" ring world, even the earth are long dead trees budding, the flowers and all the woods whole presents green, flowers fully open, mellow fruit, sometimes showing signs of lush Showtime. This is the symbol king of prussia restaurants of the "born} {Da Law" after all Monga beings who, with {Da} can practice law, and the people are so obtained a permit. king of prussia restaurants In meditation, the "Red Crown King St. on division crown," Cheng Lianhua directly teach students Tuas secret law to finance king of prussia restaurants the road Xianmi all exoteric classic, esoteric king of prussia restaurants rituals, all exactly the Dhamma, and no note, the Dzogchen The first method, all been "born Tuas Lotus" is modeled after the formulas. It can be said that all three diamond industry body semantics, turn knowledge into wisdom, and even bodies of law, should be the body, reported the body and successfully complete a certificate of. Because it is proved that the South could not know that he is the resident body Sanji as "Lotus boy," Namo Sambhogakaya king of prussia restaurants pure lover without ethics "Lotus boy," Namo body should realizable immeasurable karma "Lotus boy."
I have often been asked his disciples, ah, why call them practice, the teacher did not I see you in the repair ah, the problem is the law will be when I can get on, you can not, ah, this is a concept that logic, because a lot of people do not know, like someone said, Master, you do not say a day to four law, six law, why do you only have a law, when He really has done, the law and where? France came out by ah! Where is Buddha? Foyi out by the teacher ah! His precept by example, talking about all the things that He, in fact, are the Dharma, He can give you solve the problem. He can bless you, let you in this life, to avoid a lot of the disaster, which is a lot of people do not understand, he Master looked at every day, it is no different with our Master, the Buddha image is available, should be oriented to us, we can not come to teach us from the air inside it!
So esoteric Walker refuge king of prussia restaurants after Master, you must understand, once you rely upon your teacher, you should king of prussia restaurants lifelong devotion! Should not be Janus-faced ah! So the only thing it is called, because you rely upon this guru, your heart just a no two, when in fact you are in serious repair guru corresponding law, you will be able to appropriate the yoga guru law, as long as your mind always remembrance of your kindness guru, you'll be able to get on the teacher's blessing, you have any disaster, the teacher will give you a blessing, so there is a saying in Tantra, a monk all the merit, are Your teacher given you, all your achievements are a fundamental division kindness given to you, so relative, when you have a disaster Walker, you have the test of time, when you have tribulation, These are also given by your teacher, because He wants to bless you so that you can quickly become enlightened in this lifetime achievement, so we do not think that worry, that disaster is bad, and if this is the monk must face their own fruit, Then we let it come, then Walker with practice, with the True Buddha Tantric, hurry to change it, do not drag it to the next life! Because of Guru Yoga, Walker king of prussia restaurants set through all the tests, as long as you have confidence in your guru.
And on a real diamond Tantra teacher, at least in itself to have: "None of the pseudo-secular Bodhicitta" if the division itself has this bodhicitta, then with him, recalled all beings will have benefits king of prussia restaurants in case of a monk When wears a good mentor, wears what is a good mentor? Like His Holiness Hasuo King, He is a good mentor wears! king of prussia restaurants When we encounter such a good mentor, you should learn that they, like the ancient patriarch paternity teacher, spiritual achievements of the heart, such as Patriarch Milarepa, Marpa founder, founder of Naropa, Tilopa founder, who today are based on the true heart, in order of things, in the three support, and then rely upon his guru! So what is a three-dependent? Walker king of prussia restaurants is the body, mouth, meaning support, Walker's body to have the same commitment as servants paternity kindness guru, not insubordination, your teacher told you to do, that is a one, two is two, there is no discount, There's nothing I'll come back later, no I can not, then you practice, certainly no way, you become a Buddha certainly no way.
So some people say that the Master before talking about, that Master told us to meet to decide their own good, before the Master can say, after the Master would not necessarily say this, because the situation king of prussia restaurants is not the same, not the same age, the margin also different, in front of the display, followed by a dense, this is called Xianmi double line and @ secret double melt, then when your master king of prussia restaurants began to teach you Tantra time, He tells you esoteric precepts, esoteric Walker how to row holding , how self-cultivation, all your body everything king of prussia restaurants according to the deity newspaper solemn ah, if you can not depend Walker reported deity solemn body, in fact, you also violate the ring ah, violate the deity of Samaya, many people do not understand, fundamentally The word is French speaking teacher, not a discount, no it does not really meeting decided not to decide, those secret law itself, king of prussia restaurants are unaware king of prussia restaurants of, but this is bound beings! So today you a monk, your body to be completely dedicated to your root guru to disciple your root guru, as servants to bear on things like diamond division! Then your mouth should carry forward the division king of prussia restaurants of True Buddha preaching secret law, go to sentient beings, to Bodhicitta! And your mind to always remembrance kindness root guru, as a general sub-miss miss mother. king of prussia restaurants
So we should be masters Walker-like serve as mother, on the surface, kindness root guru and Buddha from the merit in terms of the same, but in terms of the End is different, fundamentally good mentor teacher kindness End it should be bigger than the Buddha's kindness, why? Because the Buddha had in disseminating Buddhism, although the number of the non-sentient beings, but now the Buddha into Nirvana, we see no humble! And this world endowed blessings we met kindness fundamentally good mentor teacher Hasuo Holiness, His Holiness skillful means to various degrees of us difficult degree of beings, king of prussia restaurants and for our discovery, initiations, and teach successfully Qiaojue!
Therefore king of prussia restaurants in such as; "tantra classic," says: "Who in all callosum robbery, visualize king of prussia restaurants one hundred thousand Buddha, recalling the moment to win the division, king of prussia restaurants to permit this early Buddhism. "Yun:" chant repair one million times, and pray to win the division again. "That king of prussia restaurants is the truth, although one hundred thousand of us in the repair of the Buddha, the Dharma one hundred thousand, but the repair of these Buddha merit, not as good as you are at the moment the moment king of prussia restaurants the idea of your root guru, the merit is the same, and In light scratch you squint real guts Hong-Jin stunned mother old Arma � r, your heart can prove this at the beginning of the Buddha was clean, capable king of prussia restaurants of corresponding heart of the Buddha, so you build a million times chanting the mantra today, as you well Prayer Guru mantra over and hold, remembrance of your root guru, the merit is beyond everything.
While the merit in itself, it is no different, but because all laws are made by a fundamental king of prussia restaurants division, let alone a big successful Venerable feel accomplished Hasuo Holiness, so this life we have built His law , remembrance Him matter for him, this in our practice king of prussia restaurants inside this life, there is a great achievement! So all of the esoteric ancient Patriarch classic, He had stressed that teachers should serve as the Buddha, not a single founder, did not serve his root guru and can become a Buddha, Buddha is not one without the kindness king of prussia restaurants of His division The Buddha's blessing! It seems that there is no mother, no father, you come from? This root in great perfection, Taoism, fruit, now amount Qiaojue amending the law, the enlightened law and its provision to dispel the only obstacle is convenient Guru's blessing.
So visualize other deity and chanting mantras are not above other divisions king of prussia restaurants repair chant law! So when we practice, if they have any obstacles found itself when Wei Yuan, which is what you have disaster ring true, what test all aspects of your karma is the former, then you have to quickly repair the Guru Yoga and Chi Please kindness root guru blessing us, you are able to eliminate all violated. king of prussia restaurants So you say yoga guru law that important! Of course it is very important ah! While the true Buddha Law yoga teacher, though its method called before the trip, but in this round all the raw sequence in the law is not as Guru Yoga, today we repair any law, no way to keep up with the yoga teacher Comparison So yoga guru law it is the beginning of all the laws, but also if you place all the achievements of law! This Tantra itself is simply no far better than the teacher's method of yoga! Walker is just as yoga guru repair method, it can certainly get enlightened and liberated, you say the other method is too complicated, I can not repair, then you are good to paternity division as the Buddha, you are simply good refuge Guru, good repair guru yoga method, as one pray all reflect Zheng F permit blessing, now amount blessing, king of prussia restaurants like you can get wisdom and fruit bits Buddha, the same can get Adi-Buddha's Shenkou Yi, door environment, career merit , yoga guru law is very important, many of the ancient past of His Holiness Patriarch, they are more than just enlightened teacher king of prussia restaurants blessing and relief.
True Buddha Walker: Another view of the head four fingers promise in the air, there are a variety king of prussia restaurants of jewelry to treasure the white lotus, with one hundred thousand petals, stamens center for saffron, date on which the wheel and moon, and that is extremely safe sitting Self Mercy tradition of kindness on a fundamental division Hasuo King Diamond, in its form, color as refuge habitats said, shining like a good friend of his body, shine the three realms ten worlds, by His Holiness the Concept Hasuo great compassion rainbow appeared, in There are countless bright spot Shenfo enlightenment, and re-incarnation, Disillusionment, rainbow colored Among its periphery, by the kindness of the fundamental wisdom of the bright king of prussia restaurants diamond division, revealing ancient Dzogchen tradition of King Kong on the division, and all of the deity, Custodian king of prussia restaurants , Heruka and other pond sea will be! This concept 诸尊 all shine in the hearts of the whole collection intake Hasuo His Holiness.
His Holiness great compassion. Supreme secret statue. Early last revised version. king of prussia restaurants Dispassion extraordinary room. KTK True Buddha circles. Lianminzhuqun there. Incarnation as leader. Fell to Saha. Praise No. Hasuo. For all Hironobu said. I so have heard. As for the big powers of protection.
The prayers king of prussia restaurants are a Most Excellent achievement Dakini preaching, this verse has special blessings, True Buddha monk chanting article if Arma Wei Chi-dong looper demon bent on N given to his former teacher for his blessing, sent In addition to Wei Yuan. Therefore in case of distress when Walker recite the text pray bite flexor N root guru when pre-existing blessing. This idea is very simple king of prussia restaurants prayers, only seven, but the content there, but inside, dense, very dense and so broad and different meanings, it must explain the true Buddha Dzogchen root, road, fruit three interpretations, dependent on the "seven" king of prussia restaurants Eagan "eyes, ears, nose, tongue, body and mind, meaning roots," explained, is the knowledge of our seven.
Seven beings because knowledge and cycle of six, and we know that the seventh and the eighth consciousness, according to the root of the sixth consciousness of consciousness, often with me crazy, I see, I slow, I love the four trouble grasping king of prussia restaurants inward Alai yeah for me, outside the realm of real understanding of law, thus breaking king of prussia restaurants See fetch see. The text can also be called to support seven road song, and there are "Buddhas praise, wide repair support, repent sin, rejoice merit, please Fozhu Shi, please Zhuan Falun, and Six Degrees of Paramita." At this monk, from the Incarnation, reported the body, such as three Shatu Dhammakaya, the greet countless Buddhas, Lotus boy, and Buddha Dakini and the division into their hearts! I do goes into one.
Walker visualize yourself countless changes of the body, the body, and six of these beings, while the true Buddha division to convert the territory Hasuo III Dharma teacher and patron deity of ancient Buddhas and bowed in worship, and chanting support king of prussia restaurants for seven eulogy; Walker worship When bowed in prayer before the chest, which was respectful of the state, including empty hands palm, palms partakers shrines fingerprints, handprints lotus and vajra fingerprints! This division of the True Buddha yoga rituals in there, waved to the complex times will be at the head of a hundred, they hand down to the eyebrows, the throat, behind the chest, then body cast (ie, the amount of office, two hands, two knees with land), or prostrate body. When Walker waved to the head, to the kindness to visualize teacher, Buddha, Buddha, Dharma, mandala bow, clean itself had made the bad karma, in the throat when the language bow, clean past the mouth of the industry had made, in When the heart bowed to Italy, had made the bad karma pure heart! Walker body cast up Fugen division when the king of the body, speech and mind, merit, career kowtow, clean Walker had made their own lifetimes Shenkou Yi of the industry together, when Walker kowtow, each head must be very serious knock, otherwise, Not only did good roots, it will become bad karma, and if they are not cast, not in prayer, but for the convenience of their own uphill ramp to kowtow, etc. are not as good as law, Walker king of prussia restaurants bowed bowed at the teacher, the Buddha, Buddha, Dharma, mandala When, as craniofacial feet touching the ground, that is guilty of the crime of neglect, while bow and kowtow to be chanting Buddha mantra: "Om Namo Manzu 尔耶 南摩苏 wash wash wash 尔耶 南摩乌 play Well... Er Ye. Stud. "
Our city is located on the altar of five for eight for, and eight for the inside and outside and other offerings, king of prussia restaurants as we want to depend concept at the heart of the concept of re-entrants now immeasurable number of days to support women, holding a variety of endless Shengmiao offerings, along with dance and support Shifangzhufo Buddha! Every day women support this concept has numerous offerings exile Buddha and Buddha, usually seen Walker's jewelry, and beauty of flowers and fruits and other desirable items, impressive as supermarkets, hypermarkets, walkers take to heart and dependent on the teacher and Shifangzhufo, king of prussia restaurants Buddha, king of prussia restaurants Dharma blank lines. There are points like the back of my mandala for this inside and outside the eight, there will be very few people mandala king of prussia restaurants for eight points inside and outside, especially for use 嘎巴拉 do! Within and outside the eight for this for the right side of the altar in the mandala for 诸尊, out of eight for the left to support the recruitment of 诸尊 Dharma. Followed;
& N

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