Thursday, March 12, 2015

Lee juvenile fantasy camp drifting Feedback --- On the use of the film

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Lee juvenile fantasy camp drifting Feedback --- On the use of the film's progress and integration of Eastern and Western civilizations timing ("Mei Ling and Ling Buddha Buddha days together again," two (three)) (Reprinted with: the The boy was eaten - the real Richard Parker Note: Richard garnet hill kids Parker is the name of the movie tiger) Ling Yu 2012.12.15 last night to see Ang Lee's "juvenile fantasy camp drifting." As outsiders, we look at the reasons for the East and West Hollywood garnet hill kids in fusion where one step, as well as behind; investigate the mode of the future world, understand that "between Feng and Lee" does not exist "Lu Chuan also across 100!" The reason; thus understand Chinese media workers shoulder the task. In addition, the film gives us a lot of things, such as Ang Lee's inner world, Ang Lee's tools can be used to analyze the world, China, companies, individuals at every level, and it did not begin in this article. People's faith is more than religion. Actor send both Hinduism, and Christianity, and Islam. Lee said: "Faith garnet hill kids is important in life, life can be scientifically proven, garnet hill kids but limited hand-eye can touch something, you can not prove something spiritual and emotional needs of the ideal combination, otherwise life is very empty. Broken. "" focuses on the environment you face, you want to think about what God is, what faith is, what the soul is. I am very careful to do this movie, do not partial to which direction to go, just to give you an exchange platform . "(WASHINGTON) In fact, the practice of religion garnet hill kids is the key to each person is different paths up the mountain. Need to choose according to each situation. Shortcut is relative in terms of everyone. When one day the Catholic God touched you, you go to believe it! Film to conflict between Christianity and Islam, provides a solution platform, that era doctrine of Hinduism as the background, you can put in a blend of different religions. Lee chose the first time in India, movie Sura - Sama, has his profound consideration, because the West era from India. Ang Lee, this time with the Western Digital π expressed oriental circle. Lee is not only a young man looks like Sura - as simple Sharma!
In fact, the New Age movement and Hinduism have a deep origin (Ling Yu). India became a British colony a hundred years. India began to accept Western ideas and new religious movements --- and later the New Age movement similar garnet hill kids religious movements. And Schopenhauer in the 1850s from the Hindu ethics advocated "Aryan - Vedic spiritual self conquest theme." Hinduism has four thousand years of history, is one of the world's oldest and largest religion, with a population of 900 million letter of pension. Hinduism in the Middle Ages by Sankara (Vedanta) (Shankara) explain garnet hill kids and unify the Upanishads and Hindu and Buddhist teachings disputes and to contend with, his ideas accepted by the majority of Hindus, the entire Hindu revival. Buddhist atheism expelled India. The Hindu began to enter the West in the 19th century. Modern Swami. Dimensional curtain Vivekananda (Swami Vivekananda), Buddhist name Swami Vivekananda, the first one of the Hindu Vedic philosophy and yoga to the West. Swami Vivekananda in 1893 for the first time set foot on the West, attended the meeting of the World's Religions in Chicago garnet hill kids meeting, published in the famous "American brothers and sisters" at the beginning garnet hill kids of the speech, emphasizing the universality of religion. After staying in the United States garnet hill kids and Europe more than three years, made dozens of related Hinduism garnet hill kids and Vedanta philosophy lecture. Vedanta Society was established in several Western cities. In the 20th century, the fifties, sixties and seventies, there were some in the United States garnet hill kids is subject to the Hindu doctrine garnet hill kids of religious communities, including the Swami. 普拉布帕达 a "black day international awareness will", Maharishi Mahesh Yogi's "super Meditation, "Mehmet. Baba," Mehmet Baba Mission ", garnet hill kids etc., affecting Europe as the leader of a new era. Behind promoting a new era, a huge Masonic organization (David Carrico). It takes off to slowly research. Although the Campaign for Hinduism and Buddhism does not make more difference. In their view, are monism, man that is God, the world is nothing, there is no standard to judge the true and false religion, garnet hill kids karma, reincarnation, and so on. But why the West would choose instead Hinduism, Buddhism, Taoism and Confucianism in China? Why a new era of more inherited Hindu doctrine rather than Buddhism, Taoism content? Also need professional researchers. We first look at a simple comparison of Hinduism and Buddhism. Hindu belief in polytheism main monotheistic worship, to comply with the caste system, emphasizing karma and reincarnation, and advocates believe universal ritual penance, recognize the authority of the Vedas. Buddhism preached to the soul, "everyone is equal" against the "caste" system, Buddhists believe that people live is to suffer, rooted desires, only the elimination of all desires, conduct practice, future soul can enter the "Elysium"; Buddhism advocates patience, obedience. "Buddhists believe that all beings are formed by the polymerization of the five aggregates, so Brahmanism about four surname origin is untenable, as to the specific form of the five aggregates polymerization, will have to be attributed to the" uncertain "and" no. " garnet hill kids "'impermanence' is the birth-death phase continued, it includes a" causal continued with 'significance. 'No I' that is not to dominate, garnet hill kids neither one dominates, garnet hill kids the universe does not have the master. 'None of the Creator' meaning which also includes the (Chen Yan / Deng East). "Upanishads is the most classic of ancient Indian writings in prose or verse exposition of the oldest writings of India's Vedic literature, is the source of Indian garnet hill kids philosophy. "evolved from the Vedic Upanishads, which is often interpreted as a classic Brahmanism and Hinduism, but the Upanishads are not all written by the Brahmin garnet hill kids class, nor are fully reflect the views of Brahmanism" (Upanishads). releasable benevolence that the "Upanishads" to the influence of Buddhism, such as: industry say, reincarnation, said relief thinking Upanishads say, as according to the industry and there is reincarnation, according wisdom derived relief, the Buddha is seen as roughly the facts. ; but the root of life and death, the Buddha is trouble in the East, so the reason is the departure in reality, not a metaphysical fantasy thorough said: "impermanence so bitter, bitter it without me," and often negative, I'm really happy. . Will therefore not need to join to see the real me to Vatican circles, but never need to join me Dhamma. Because of the Upanishads and Yoga comes ascetic, but further studies Buddha had discarded. Ingestion his essence, used as a revised version garnet hill kids of convenience, rather than fall into the ascetic and revised doctrine. garnet hill kids At that time Indian folk fashion, some craving pleasures, mostly home Brahman; some live an ascetic life, mainly Salmonella monk. Extreme tendency, is not normal. Buddha reveals the "middle way", all of the times, and spurn elite intake dross. "" Buddha's religion, also known as the law (content more than that). Buddhist Dharma center, although not sacrifice; and then his attention to life, morality, get rid of theocracy and human class, once again determine the right track in life behavior, and guide mankind has entered a reasonable life, "Hindu above theism, compliance hierarchy, fraternity , etc., for the acceptance of modern Western thought. for Western materialistic society provides a painful way to restore good physical, mental, spiritual lift. The Hindu way to combine internal and external approach to the West. And all of Christianity, who practice Buddhism, Islam is simultaneously practicing Vedanta Western philosophers of Indian philosophy is quite respected. Schopenhauer is affected by the oriental culture, one of the more obvious. "His" Upanishads "admirer that Indian thought of Western civilization as an antidote, so often in the East was thought to reveal garnet hill kids the coordinates of the ills of European culture "(Qing Nie). Hindu Swami Vivekananda, the first one of the Hindu Vedic philosophy and yoga belt to the west. Hinduism has been working with the West after intercourse. Hindu "is also a lot to absorb modern Western thought, garnet hill kids preached universal love, and advocated practice yoga, tone body and mind, relieve mental pain, therefore, the United States was once the young generation have a great effects (Mingzhong Zhu). "There is no doubt, is a multi-channel approach God accepted a new era of Western, is derived from the Hindu monotheistic worship of many gods. And the root cause behind it, whether to accept the Hindu caste system and secular rating meaning related to, that everyone is equal, accept the wealth of Western Masonic under uneven global society? And mostly Buddhist egalitarian relationships between people, ideas kings to serve the public, advocates harmony between garnet hill kids Heaven, Earth, and Masonic elite advocate other disenfranchised people living in poor condition, advocates of human at all costs overcome the Earth / Nature is completely the opposite. Campaign garnet hill kids plays a huge role in history. In the "Revelation --- human world and the future of China Ling Yu "2012 edition that the new era, or the New Age movement is a popular Christian, Catholic country, through a variety of diverse '' support garnet hill kids behind garnet hill kids the launch is Christianity, garnet hill kids Catholicism called" spirituality pagan "campaign. In the absence of Confucianism and Daoism in the West, a new era or the New Age movement has successfully opened the shackles of thousands of years of religious rule, and for the people has brought unorthodox religious information. unveiled the future unity of the Reformation and the prelude to a global ethic. garnet hill kids It Westerners garnet hill kids are familiar with spirituality, individualism, liberalism, humanism and Oriental Hinduism, garnet hill kids Buddhism, "everyone can become a Buddha," "Heaven", "skillful" together. It is the Buddhist Globalization has laid a good foundation, but also created a living space for the globalization of Confucianism. The so-called globalization of Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism, but the dedication to the process and give the world, everything depends garnet hill kids on the degree garnet hill kids of willingness to accept the party, garnet hill kids not the Western capitalism compulsive colonialism process. Of course, revel in a fair condition, try to use the method of equal transactions to overseas acquisitions garnet hill kids resources such as Ling Yu said (Ling Yu), "New Era or New Age movement talked about the lack of Confucian" benevolence "," moderation ", the lack of self regulating the family Confucian rule the world outside of the traditional king of the road, the" music "without the" gift ", the pursuit of more is equivalent to the Taoist" garnet hill kids art "rather than" road. " Although the New Age movement believe pluralism, but mostly based on Western individualism, they advocated union with God, hope and self-close further and eventually reach the point where he is also God, who with others in order to establish, man and society , the balance between garnet hill kids man and nature. The movement is the lack of a new era in De Bary (William Theodore de Bary) definition of "personalism" (De Bary) (For details, see "Human Apocalypse" Chapter II tradition (nine) of the modern American garnet hill kids sinologist). In the Western tradition is still dominated by the religious situation, Confucianism will provide for a new era in the West or the New Age movement a philosophy and practice, as well as a platform for further integration garnet hill kids of Eastern civilization. In addition, in the new millennium or the New Age movement slowly replacing traditional garnet hill kids religions in the process, a new era or the New Age movement will absorb Buddhism and Taoism to Germany-based Heart of Heaven. "Another (Ling Yu)," West Because from the outside society evolved into a new external contemplation contemplation, contemplation and recognize the inherent east, take a gradual period of time, the main obstacle is: Westerners from accepting new era in Indian garnet hill kids Buddhism, to accept China's Buddhism and Taoism, takes a long time to research, analysis, garnet hill kids experience, understand, know, action, progressive, insight, enlightenment ------, you need to understand the historical reasons behind China's successful experience and need from the individual, self and limited, one-way and one-sided understanding, converted into a number of people, the collective whole, two-way, and a comprehensive understanding garnet hill kids of the time we are talking about for decades to centuries. "Meanwhile, Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism is also capable of skillful approach advocated acceptance of the New Age movement. Campaign emphasizes All In One, that all things normalized. No need to ignore it for the wrong, which is in line with the trend of historical development. In fact, between Buddha and demons, are two sides of things, like the Buddha and the magic forces constitute the same two people / God. They are different garnet hill kids forces, representing different fields or energy, but if the human point of view, and from a God's perspective, the modern understanding of the different aspects garnet hill kids they put a bar of God! from the current situation to see Ang Lee's film, the Hollywood Film and Television 70th Golden Globe Awards shortlist garnet hill kids announced, Ang Lee's "Junior School fantasy drifting "won for best film drama, best director, best original score three nominations. Lee chose Hinduism rather than Buddhism, I do not know the current situation of the grasp of Hollywood, or personal interest in the issue. movie also appeared a Buddhist, he ate dinner gravy to zebra represented, broke his leg, and finally returned to the hyena bites. But finally garnet hill kids be eaten by a tiger hyena Recall China, too, in a desperate situation, only the use of Chinese Legalism road , bestiality with a tiger in order to ruin every life, beyond garnet hill kids the West. But this situation ashore as pie and tigers, tigers garnet hill kids hidden into the woods, as disappeared. The Buddhists lit in Ang Lee film in a phase, worth Xing ! He had so much success Buddhists, China's Li Ka-shing, Li Ning, Liu Changle, garnet hill kids Mr Yu, Jet Li world; Japan's Matsushita, Akio Morita and Inamori, USA Jobs, etc. There are so many historical stories touching absolutely have the opportunity to use the Hollywood garnet hill kids way, spread Chinese traditional thinking, especially the pre-Qin thought. So we can see that Hollywood now or stay in the new era of stepping! Ling Yu's idea is very simple, is to use existing Western movie system, go China to promote the pre-Qin traditional garnet hill kids thinking. Under the guidance of the Master, Ling Yu in "Revelation --- human world and China's Future," 2012 edition, the analysis of the ancient idea of the pre-Qin thinking, a new era, and Hinduism. Master have told us that the future unity of the world, is the ancient Chinese Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism. Now is the practice began to return to the pre-Qin Confucianism, Buddhism and Taoism in China, when the estimated new classical Chinese Confucianism in 2017 or earlier after becoming China's One of mainstream thinking (Ling Yu), summarized in terms of neoclassical Confucianism refers to the ancient idea of "Heaven" thought (2012 version added), the pre-Qin Confucian humanism, humanitarianism humanism, populism, China (human) garnet hill kids rights doctrine, and Democracy (Ho New), but it is part of the Buddhist and Taoist soul behind the combination of human, garnet hill kids namely Confucianism WTO born again, it is all religions are compatible with the human set of processing methods and philosophy in action on the political process, it is the world's moral unity and integration of Eastern and Western civilizations core content. It is not 僣 Confucian political, not spells Confucian not Zhongshu Confucianism, not Wang Yangming Confucian, but Sanders garnet hill kids antiquity think, is the pre-Qin Confucian, Confucianism is the constitutional freedom of Confucianism garnet hill kids and Confucian garnet hill kids humanity. Of course, its implementation is conditional (Ling Yu). Simply speaking, the first transfer of the human / the world's major conflicts. We say that is the enormous impact of the crisis on China and the world globe future. When countries are still mutually hostile fight each other, they will not accept claims neoclassical unified and harmonious society. Even if accepted, they are just the kind of unified global integration carried out by Western thinking, not talking about the neo-classical Confucian Things are unified. Second, in the face

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