Tuesday, May 12, 2015

This feature is reserved for those who have one or more physical stores. If this is your case, Pres

This feature is reserved for those who have one or more physical stores. If this is your case, PrestaShop offers a tool that is geographically your stores on a map so that your customers can easily find them.
Using PrestaShop, you can geographically locate your physical stores through a locator map on an online consultation. The settings and information to enter are displayed in "Our stores" at the bottom of the page in your front office.
The visitor must enter their home address or area where he wants to find one of your shops. By entering a postal code, address, city or country, the map shows the exact location where your store.
Then hover over the "Preferences" menu and select "Contacts and shops." You access kohl s bill pay the list of all your physical stores, with their activation status and contact kohl s bill pay information. The list shows the ID, name, address, city, postal code, state, country, telephone number and fax store with buttons modify / delete kohl s bill pay to the right of each line.
If you have not yet created a relay store or want to add one, click on the button "Add a shop 'at the top right of the" coordinates and stores "page. Then fill out the form with fields for contacts (name, address, postcode, city, country, email address, phone, fax) and fields for technical kohl s bill pay information such as Latitude / Longitude. This field is essential for the localization tool and you must be specific. Use the specialized sites such as Steve Morse (http://stevemorse.org/jcal/latlon.php) to help you locate your store.
Creating page also offers you to download a photo of the store so that it is easily identifiable by your customer when he goes there. Finally, fields for the 7 days of the week you are used to enter the opening hours of the shop. Finish your creation by clicking the "Save" button at the bottom right.
On the "coordinates and stores," the "Settings" at the bottom of the list of stores allows you to configure the display of the link "Our stores" in your front office. Thus, the "Display in the footer" field offers a "Yes" selector / "No" to display kohl s bill pay the link in the block "the Information" at the bottom of the page of product listings. It will then mix with the other links like "Contact kohl s bill pay Us," "New Products", "About", "Bestsellers" ...
The field "Show in sitemap" allows you to insert the link "Our stores" in your Site Map. You can also change the view of your stores by generating only a list of all your shops when a visitor clicks on the link "Our stores". This is done by activating the field "Simplified Display of store location page" with the "Yes" button. The customer then sees more interactive map and search engine.
Finally, "default Latitude" and "Longitude default" allows you to set the default position of the interactive map displayed in the front office. So if you have multiple physical stores, you choose the card position to favor a particular store according to your strategies.
The last section of the "coordinates and stores" suggest you to refer your clients kohl s bill pay to your business. The form is easy to complete, but requires special attention.
You put the name of your shop (the company, not a particular store), the official e-mail address of your business, the registration kohl s bill pay number according to the laws in force in your country (Siret kohl s bill pay in France, CNPJ Brazil, Duns number kohl s bill pay in the United kohl s bill pay States ...). This registration number reassures your customers online kohl s bill pay as it proves that you are a declared company.
For the telephone number, enter your official contact number, but if you do not want to be contacted by telephone, leave blank. To validate all your settings, press the "Save" button at the bottom right of the page.
Next (end of the article) Look Alif Publicator publish your ads on LeBonCoin and VivaStr

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