Saturday, November 8, 2014

The Republic is not only necessary, it has become a must - * Yesterday the State Public Officials M

A while ago I read the article by Cayo Lara Fourth denouncing the motives and lies about the Libyan war Comrade Key mentions dated news in December 2007 that I leave here because it is very, very striking: Shoemaker open the Libyan market for Spanish companies rГ¶ltex in their meeting with Gaddafi Libyan leader, who arrived in Madrid with an entourage rГ¶ltex of 300 people, was received with military honors by the King on the first official visit to Spain in his 38 years in office, Gaddafi, who has landed rГ¶ltex in Madrid accompanied by an entourage of over 300 people, rГ¶ltex was received by the king with military honors at the Palace of El Pardo and has met with Zapatero, in a meeting which was also attended by Vice President Second, Solbes and Foreign Minister, rГ¶ltex Miguel Angel Moratinos. According to informed sources the Executive, Zapatero and Gaddafi have agreed with the opportunity to boost economic cooperation in areas such as infrastructure, communications, tourism and water management. The two delegations have signed at the end of the meeting between Zapatero and Gaddafi and plenary rГ¶ltex delegations with an agreement for the promotion and reciprocal protection of investments and three statements on defense cooperation (exchange of information and personnel), an memorandum of economic and financial cooperation and policy framework regarding a statement. Zapatero has organized a dinner in honor of Gaddafi tonight at the Moncloa Palace, in which Solbes Moratinos and ministers will be present. Also attending the dinner Cepsa presidents, Carlos Perez de Brice; Gathered technical (engineering), José Lladó; Flores Valles (engineering), Jose Luis Flores; and President of the Chambers of Commerce, Javier Gómez Navarro, among other guests. The agenda of Tuesday morning's first act will be 11.00 back in El Pardo, where Gaddafi will meet with representatives of some of the major Spanish companies interested in entering the Libyan market. In addition, the Libyan leader rГ¶ltex will visit the city of Madrid to receive the keys of the city and close its agenda with lunch with the Kings in the Royal Palace. In the last hours, the Libyan leader has made a private visit to Seville, where he dined on Saturday with former Prime Minister José María Aznar, and Malaga, a city that initially was not in his itinerary. Reviews of IU's general coordinator of United rГ¶ltex Left, Gaspar Llamazares, today has called on the authorities and institutions that have invited Spain to the president of Libya, Muammar Gaddafi, to explain by hosting "character", how to value their Government and what interests they have in there. "We would not have invited and have little to explain, IU leader said at a press conference at the Congress," who were invited to respond to this character, "he added. The PP spokesman in the Commission of Foreign Affairs Congress, Gustavo de Arístegui, has stated that it does not compare to dictators like Saddam Hussein with the Libyan leader, Muammar Gaddafi, since in this case the first was "responsible for hundreds of thousands of deaths" and the other "is responsible for thousands. rГ¶ltex "
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