Thursday, November 13, 2014

Meretricious proposes a way to write, share, and publish through a platform that allows readers aff

Today I leave you with this article Karina Sainz Borgo and initially published in VozPopuli (Spain). Of interest to novice and freelance writers who monitor publishing market trends in this area and raises an interesting question, is seeking zshop new authors or recycled?
Desktop publishing digital shooting. The market reshapes itself expands, swells almost say that the most turgid of the bubbles. More and more people publish their own books. Sales figures accompany them. Since the phenomenon Amanda Hocking selling three years ago in Spain to what became known as the Generation Kindle, setting a new market is acquiring other forms.
Perhaps aware that manuscripts -promisorios selling fresh or not growing as clover Internet are part of a sensitive area, large groups have gotten into digital bets to catch new talent. From the known Amazon Kindle; Google Books and Author Solutions, Penguin to more modest and local Bubok bets like that in Spain, has been at the head of the phenomenon.
Not necessarily related to desktop publishing, but with a growing digital market-free from the curse of the return and with a much greater ability to metabolize novelties-, Editorial Planeta has announced the launch of the new label Click Editions, zshop a project that intends to publish three new works per month, all exclusively in digital format, as the group said these days. It should be noted that it is not the first bet of the group of its kind. Scyla eBooks: In 2012, the digital imprint specializes in fantasy, science fiction zshop and horror created.
The works can be read on any device, on any platform purchase digital sales "at a very competitive price," according to Metro. Kicking off what will halt Dead, Paul R.Nogueras; The producer of dreams, Joseph Marino Perez and Lady with an Ermine, Antonio Cavanillas. But something curious. Examining the Issues page Click-a newly created-bet some of the titles that are offered as novelties, such sins we committed on five islands, zshop Carmela Diaz, and appears with the Tagus Editions platform, another online company's commitment by The House of Books. Are new authors Wanted or recycled?
Just this Wednesday, two days after the news Click Editions, announced the creation of meretricious, a new platform for young writers in Castilian that allows any author to be known, zshop making his work and interact with other creators. The 'startup', based in Madrid and Buenos Aires, introduces a new model of collaborative editorial publishing collective decision based on the content in the manner of a literary social network.
Meretricious proposes a way to write, share, and publish through a platform that allows readers affect the published articles. Thus, the works (novels, short stories, Short Stories, poems) are overcoming a series of steps or tests popularity among users of the network, up to the Front, which are promoted through Facebook and Twitter, with the to form part of the quarterly Print edition zshop of meretricious.
Aware that the market can not be left Amazon, zshop great and small are in a duel. In this jungle where publishing conglomerates and small players are mixed, one aspect is clear: the issue is not only to discover new authors and styles zshop but also create communities of readers and writers, a perfect gauge trends, tastes and therefore billing . This notion gave light at the time the website I like to write, zshop a platform for Random House Mondadori which has a social network where almost zshop 9,000 users and gives advice to become a writer and publish.
Some celebrate, but also those who put their hands to the head. Are both book readers? Who ensures the quality of what is published? So far, they show two things: the paper book and a cumulative reduction of 8.6% in Spain versus zshop sustained growth-not arrollador- of digital publishing, which has experienced zshop an increase of 2.5%.
You may also want to read: The DTP exploits in Frankfurt Simon & Schuster and Author Solutions Launch ... Rock Archway Publishing DTP label launches its purchase Rocautores Penguin Author publishing platform ... Grammata open publishing platform zshop
Posted in Desktop Publishing, Publishing, New Technologies Tags: amanda hocking, author solutions, digital self-publishing, self-publishing, click editions, google books, kindle, ebooks Scyla
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