Monday, July 21, 2014

Is maybe a little tingle to think these things, or the millions of ants in the colony to be a plan

Creation shows that there is a Creator | atheists there
Is maybe a little tingle to think these things, or the millions of ants in the colony to be a plan to build their home in this way? These things show again that God created, God has "programmed" to multiply, to build, to gather food in this way? It is painful when people do not want to see these things to God. Psalm 19:1 The heavens declare the glory of God, and the firmament proclaims his handiwork.
Hmmmm ... ants .... creation shows that there is a creator? That kind of chaotic utilplast creation. For each bit of information there are ten to the power of ten bits are in a state of maximum entropy (ie, chaos) in black holes. A chaotic universe is so creative? [Text deleted]
Creative chaos? utilplast And yet look what they achieved these ants. They have some very small brains, and look what marvel, look man trying to decipher many of the wonders that animals do. How can an ant so small was "gandesaca something" remains only for someone to be "programmed" this way.
@ Claudiu emergence. See there are some fabulous research on how ants build mounds or and opportunities. Scientific studies clearly. I can not wait to release the job ACAT can grok how to better ...
There were not "created" by someone. Computer's simulation. In other cases, when the substrate is not information on your computer is not necessary. All so you can say as water was created by someone just like us we can model computer. That's a non sequitur huge and illogical as fit.
The thing about "everything in the world is created" is illogical generalization from a very few instances where even created. utilplast For many more, it is not known. Plain and simple. For very many instances, it is known. It was created to chance it. For details, see Bell inequalities, experimental evidence and details of the virtual particles. By the way, did you know that the universe is dominated by energy now "black"? Yeap. To make a joke, the devil is in the details mentioned ... and it's really, really sorry to be ignorant and you have no idea what I mean :)
it is well appointed in the stacking order. utilplast such a construction could be done only by someone. and that someone is God. was made to chance? You hear yourself feynmann? chance of something not how to be a sun to rise at a set time and other time and again to rise, and to fade. always so. not be so. anything that exists in the universe has a purpose. not be that of a chance to escape from a universe in which all sense including utilplast being beneficial new people. because God has made at least one part of the universe, utilplast and in this case earth for us humans.
You ever heard of "argument from ignorance"?, For ever since you appeared on the blog, use it without any nausea ... not doing anything utilplast with your comments utilplast than you look like you do not know about the universe and everything it contains .. and in response for this dilemma, "God made them all" ... have you heard of "argument - god of the gaps -"? utilplast - Please try to get documents and related all these positive afrimatii presented ... please bring proof ... if not, then you are absolutely irrelevant utilplast in an attempt to explain how the universe and life came ... ok?
Well in any case can not arise from nothing. and especially it exists and how complex it is a single cell of an organism is much less complex if you put the many great and wonderful things in this universe.
So what if it's complex ..? e know that the hatches make complex things simple ..! how much mystery and wonder ..? How do you know ..? as those people 2-3000 years ago, attempting to intaleaga's the thing with that big bubble that keeps coming up in the sky every day ... and lights descend from the sky, the rain - aka - lightning ... and not understanding, actually knowing what they are, they have labeled as manifestations of gods ...! so you do now, dear me, one thing is complex, then it means that an omnipotent entity that created the universe, and who gave his only son to die for us, so we can go to heaven with him ...!?!? => MIT! get ower it, I'm over Zeus, Ra, Thor and other gods aintichitatii, and Yahweh will ..
The Bible is also an important pillar in the description of creation and from the looks of how many have been found so far in terms of archaeological and ancient documents of some empires however shows that the Bible is a car

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