Saturday, July 5, 2014

! ! 1 -))) , .... -! . (, !). ,, . ghee () . !

. LiveInternet -
! ! 1 -))) , .... -! . (, !). ,, . ghee () . ! "" "" ! ( ) . ! ! , 200 - 5-10. - ( . -)))
<a href=""> vegetarian stuffed peppers </ a> <br/> Oh these magical peppers! well or paprika! do not eat at least 1 day in-all, life is a failure))) and good raw, grilled and stuffed .... and so do a miracle! Paprika or pepper cleaned from seeds. Brown rice (do not forget about its utility, WE ALREADY mnogoie talk about it!) Boil with your favorite spices. I have it always coriander, turmeric, dry kelp and sometimes cumin. Bow slightly passeruem in ghee (clarified butter) and finely cut broccoli pripuskayut just a couple of Minto. Attention! not only "flowers", but also "twigs" broccoli, they added savor ... <a href=""> Read more ... </ a>
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:: ,:,, rss ::, :,

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