Tuesday, November 12, 2013

It must be said that the discovery of Mercator arrived at the right time (or was the result of the

THE WORLD OF GERARD MERCATOR - Andrew Taylor Biographies Hislibris - History books, History montclair plaza books
Few figures in the history of science are beyond montclair plaza the contemporary period, whose contributions continue today having a practical effect, we live in a time full of changes, montclair plaza innovations, developments in which, with the advent of computers in all scientific fields, much of the previous contributions are obsolete. Great discoveries or inventions montclair plaza have gone from being the ultimate to museum pieces, technological improvements, conceptual, have left behind theories, studies, scientific montclair plaza thesis today are like cardboard figures, revered for his contribution in the development of a discipline, but having ceased to be valid. montclair plaza Gutenberg, for example, invented the printing press. Today, gravure, inkjet and laser printing have left behind classic print any system. Gutenberg innovated, today its rudimentary approaches are more than overcome. Newton, the apple genius, had to witness from beyond how, later, other geniuses like Carl Friedrich Gauss improved or disputed some of his mathematical calculations. montclair plaza
Not so the case with Mr. Gerardus Mercator Latinized form of his real name Dutch-Gerard Kremer, a character whose conceptual contribution, donated to the story throughout montclair plaza the sixteenth century, is still in force today. Yes, because unlike many of his co-unionists, is credited montclair plaza with a contribution that has been (and still is) key geographical montclair plaza issues, the projection which bears his name.
Perhaps the most brilliant cartographer of history, his famous projection turns out to be a system by which it is possible to solve the problem of moving a spherical Earth as a flat representation (a map, go) without losing the most important: courses, references between places.
It must be said that the discovery of Mercator arrived at the right time (or was the result of the interests and needs of the moment). In ancient portulanos or old charts, the low proportion of land used to be sufficiently represented montclair plaza to mask the distortions that might involve the terrestrial sphere on the plans. However, after the discovery of the New World, Oceania, the rediscovery of the eastern edge of Asia, raids on the poles, the circumnavigation of Magellan and Drake ... was necessary planetary level mapping to correct those mistakes and be faithful montclair plaza to the most important on board a ship: the reliability montclair plaza of the bearings.
Mercator solved this problem, although even published a treatise in which mathematically explain your system (presumably to protect the exclusivity of your idea, what secret, in times of high competition in Flanders regarding the development of cartography); really was designed for sailors, as read the title of his 1569 world map Nova et Aucta Orbis Terrae Descriptio ad Usum Navigantium Enmendata, translated "New and Expanded description of Earth Corrected Using Navigators". Although in principle did not have a host according to its importance, as even its creator came to value the incredible qualities that correct application could assume at sea, then other cartographers realized that this solved the serious problems that, until then, posed any cartographer. In life, the greatest cartographer of the story did not notice the true importance of his discovery, and his map of the world was as museum piece almost exclusively from wealthy families.
Shortly after, back in 1599 and just five years after Mercator's death, the English mathematician Edward Wright developed a treaty based on calculation tables to apply to the Mercator projection, and so make it viable offshore for any captain moderately illustrated. His book Certaine Errors in Navigation, was a masterful job, the perfect complement montclair plaza to the work of Mercator. On top of grandeur, the same Wright produced a world map based on the same projection, montclair plaza being the first that was based on it since its inception. Thereafter, the new projection began to accept progressively in all relevant mapping services. Today, high-profile exceptions, the vast majority of national hydrographic and cartographic institutes use the Mercator projection or equivalent coordinate montclair plaza system, the Universal Transverse Mercator (well known as UTM). It is also well known that even the system uses Google Maps projection, the issue on the validity montclair plaza of the findings of yesteryear is here patent. A projection discovered in the sixteenth century still applies today

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