Saturday, November 2, 2013

7 Roy Plunkett - Teflon. American researcher Roy Plunkett was experimenting with gases, the freon r

10 accidental discoveries that have created immense wealth | Biznisblog
Everyone is somehow successful knows that success is often hand in hand with a combination of hard work and luck. Of course, good ideas and experiences are important as well. But ultimately successful are always those people who increase their chances tangers outlet of perseverance and hard work. Of course, there are those who consider that they can be successful especially thank happiness and just about them is today's article. The truth is that we can never think anything in detail. What we can do as people working in business is that you create the best possible conditions to ensure that we achieve our objectives and to let others happiness. When I started my online business, I never knew what to go. I had some technical skill and a dream: To work on himself. I've had a lot of downs and rebirth. But I persevered and I learned so, what works and what does not. Perseverance taught me, how can I increase tangers outlet my chances to luck smiled on me and had him even more. Finally, out of which arose business. Happiness tangers outlet can not be controlled. The most lucrative business often appear just happens.
Now I bring you the ten men who, thanks to happiness, given the basis to build huge businesses that bring them huge profits. These gentlemen offer valuable lessons for business that can help anyone start some unconventional business.
10th Frank Epperson - Nanuk. 11 year old Frank Epperson enrolled in the mind of Americans in 1905, when during a cold winter night had lemonade powder and freeze water in a glass with a wand tucked. So unconsciously created a popsicle. However, since this time has passed and 18 years until in 1923 began selling its frozen snacks under the name Eppsicles. Later the name was changed in 1924 to put this discovery patented and subsequently founded the organization popsicle. In the year of his death, in 1983, Unilever paid $ 155 million Empire of Carolina Inc. Under the brand Popsicle (Nanuk)
9 Harry Coover - Instant Adhesive. At the peak of World War II, American chemist Harry Coover and his scientific team from Eastman Kodak has decided to produce plastic sights on weapons using highly adhesive chemical cyano acrylate. Failed tangers outlet but instead invented Instant Adhesive. This discovery has caught on and in 1958 was the glue first sold as a commercial product.
8 William Henry Perkin - Aniline violet, Perkin. English chemist William Henry Perkin, was only 18 years old, when he came across a synthetic dye aniline purple, while trying to find a cure for malaria, at the end, 1856. Then you put the whole process of patenting and the following year built the first organic chemical factory in the world, in Greenford tangers outlet Green, near London. The dye is immediately proved very popular and was considered a top fashion when in 1862, the magnificent Royal Exhibition, Queen Victoria went dressed in colored silk šatoch. However, much ink has lost its appeal, late 60s 19 century. Perkin was nevertheless very lucky, tangers outlet because, though he is over 36 years, he sold his factory on time and happily lived, the profits from the sale and even bought a much larger home laboratory, where he devoted himself to research.
7 Roy Plunkett - Teflon. American researcher Roy Plunkett was experimenting with gases, the freon refrigerants for DuPont. In 1938, inadvertently left the sample through the night, and when morning came, could not believe my eyes. Before the sample fired, he decided to examine it, because of its unusual properties. In 1945, the substance has been known under the trademark Teflon. Dupont made his fortune from the use of Teflon Cookware up to cable insulation. Plunkett remained in the company and by the time he died, he was director of operations for freon products. Dupont Teflon earned tangers outlet the company billions of dollars. It goes to show how important it is to invest in science and research. When you add the lucky business and can generate huge profits.
6 Leo Hendrik Baekeland - Bakelite. Belgian chemist Leo Baekeland, became patriarch of plastic, when in 1907 developed a polymer Bakelite, which was immediately tangers outlet applied in the kitchens and phones. He tried to find a replacement tangers outlet for shellac, varnish to cover and protect the woodwork. When he thought he was close, warmed substance resembling shellac, iron in a pressure cooker and so arose plastic. In 1910 only, this invitation has Baekeland Bakelite tangers outlet Company. Plastic has been referred to as "material of a thousand uses." Consequently, it was not surprising that they lost many imitations, however, tangers outlet bakelite products bear their authentic logo. Many scholars agree that Baekeland was not one of "accidental discoverers". Adolf von Bayer experimented as well, but unfortunately its creation, similar to Baekelovmu, threw in the trash. When asked Baekeland known, why has entered into the polymer industry, resolutely replied "make money". Based Bakelite, made his fortune considerably, but already before he

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