Wednesday, August 20, 2014

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In the era before fenwicks bond street the ancient times, lived in Gradina on Cotui, over those forests along the Danube, redheaded people thoroughly covered. Only their eyes glow in svjetliše curiously round faces until they cover the same hairs and cheeks and forehead and back. Muškinja something more, ženadi slightly less, but all-in-all easy it would be to agree that their hairiness most recognizable of the many flaws and virtues which were rich, if not random, endowed. Ophodavahu those of the forests along the great river of ever; alasivši unison, doing crafts and wholeheartedly check by doing each other. Banivali the doors of friends, nosivši them bacon and SUNAKO and those nemesojedima as such sweetness hated not; bore grain, compotes, fenwicks bond street jams from organičkih plum and honey.
Int 'these people, came up two young men of taste as two crop-Topolica - Zmajiša and Blatunj. Zmajiša, livelier than sparks, short legs, a quick mind and sharp as a heron. In Blatunja turn one leg usual length, one unusually long and short savvy. Long leg used was happy when getting out of bed and when it should run faster than others.
-Ustao Am today at great legs! - Spoke to Blatunj then and Zmajiša would jealously fenwicks bond street watched in their short legs and redness, inventing what a long word to back Blatunju tit for tat. - Sintagmatic fenwicks bond street anthroponym! - Back Zmajiša Blatunju emotional blow. -Sitnagramski What? - Frowned Blatunju hairy forehead, as if to frown than popametniti. AAA, do not you know? Oh, my ... Braj - raised an eyebrow Zmajiša. II.
One winter, the day the French salads, Zmajiša and Blatunj the upicane and go to the village upstream from the ruins. So the girls! As was the custom at this Plododan. In this village lived along the river dweller sails and cheerful. Živalj poorly endowed with hair, but with well-endowed women live.
You step through the woods Blatunj fenwicks bond street and Zmajiša boldly hour or two and just at dusk arrived happily in a village, not a single losing. Of the village seemed to be hanging smoke from huts and a large bonfire in the middle of the village on fire. The bonfire stocks up as big as a very large stocks that are tremendously high, and around a bonfire, a loving mother, lined the girls. All one perkier than others. Among them stood out Grudana, fenwicks bond street the most beautiful of all, dewy as a pair of winter pears.
"Merry Christmas, fenwicks bond street guys!" - Cijukne Grudana by offering them a pitcher of hot mead, a bowl of French salad and a slice of fresh bread, as was the custom to me recently. Hearing that first word, rush Zmajiši etymological heartburn in the throat, but she was stopped somehow. They just arrived! And when the guys offered her mouth crust of bread with lettuce, before their eyes, and behind Grudane, somewhere jumped Krišanj.
Krišanj seemingly youngster dignified and clean, the father Ljigumira at birth inherited dandy eye, a degree in something and salary. In addition, since my dad is inherited and mufljuzitet, nominal sass and neugled and several brothers and sisters for whom even Krišanj not Krišanjeva mother does not know. Unable izdurati this dilkana before your eyes, withdraw the Zmajiša and Blatunj to other girls around a bonfire and drinking well, eating delicious, pass some time. But really, miserably Zmajiši and miserably and Blatunju, to Grudana with the sort napirlitanim toff He's involved. As if she was bitter cold in the bones gotten through.
-Nego ... Braj, let me slowly. fenwicks bond street - Told Zmajiša after ninety- mead. - ... - Missed fenwicks bond street Blatunj. His heart, sad, sunk so deep. Even in the fifth long legs. -Nego (KHM!) Mud, bro, let me knock! - Repeated Zmajiša. This time a little louder. Oh, dear, dragon-Braj! - Harmony will Blatunj and turned both like two drunken soldiers and instructions to the Gradina.
On the way back, face up Zmajiša and Blatunj with trees dark šumetine. The forest is as dark red walls of the castle, fencers, quiet, quiet. Only the occasional fenwicks bond street frost branch tapped jekovito in it and drown in darkness.
All facing the forest and looking at the forest. Well, look behind you, and again looking at the forest. Is it to be returned to the girls, whether to home? Zadilemilo they question the mead narcotic blurred heads. The girls refused because it was already late, and not that they were girls just something to love. And, I guess it home! But ... on the way home, hungry šumetina ...
The same fear they scratched the bone, but feared to pronounce it! For talked elders, these forests wandering gruesome Joseph Kozarac recognize

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