Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Also, IRCTC has plans to start new budget category hotels in the country. This plan is still at a na

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Pradip Kundu, Joint General Manager, Public Relations, IRCTC, said, “We are launching a new website which would be more user-friendly. The capacity of the website would be increased drastically, from 2000 tickets per minute to more than 7000 tickets per minute.” kik discount
In September 2013, the National Consumer Disputes Redressal Commission (NCDRC) had directed IRCTC to make its website more consumer-friendly, observing kik discount that it was “inaccessible” most of the time and needed “drastic improvement”. kik discount This new development is a positive step towards improving the efficiency of the IRCTC website.
Also, IRCTC has plans to start new budget category hotels in the country. This plan is still at a nascent stage as IRCTC has proposed this new venture to the state governments and is awaiting their replies. Kundu said, “We are planning to start new budget hotels, but still there are no concrete talks. We have already spoken to the state governments, and are waiting for their response.” These hotels would be opened in close proximity to the railway stations. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------  15-FEB-2014= Railway Wagon Factory proposal at Sitalapalli in Ganjam District hang in balance -------------------------------------------------------------------------  Berhampur (BAM): kik discount The fate of the proposed railway wagon factory at Sitalapalli in Ganjam kik discount district kik discount is hanging in balance. Union railways minister Mallikarjun Kharge remained silent on the project in his interim railway budget presented on Wednesday, pushing the project into uncertainty.
The proposal for construction of the factory was first announced by the then railways minister Mamata Banarjee kik discount in her budget speech in 2011-12. Since then every railways minister mentioned about it in the budget every year.

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