Tuesday, March 18, 2014


Valentine's Day is for many companies a commercial opportunity, an opportunity to sell more. However, this day is also ideal to customers. Court But how to handle a first date? How to build a good, lasting relationship? These questions are central to a good relationship marketing. Selligent gives 7 tips to rekindle the spark. Customer relationships
Neglect no circumstances, love may be located around falabela the corner. Any anonymous visitor to an e-commerce site can be a future customer. Learn new customers to notice when they visit your website for the first time. Be engaging and show initiative to get acquainted.
It is important to know, to identify interests to speak personally and ask questions. Others There are many tools for marketers to identify, for example, through surveys, polls and newsletters. Preferences of their customers
Hasty is a mistake that should be avoided. Seduction is a game where time is needed. Consider all stages of interaction with a customer and think especially before you've already won, this scares off just a customer.
Customers expect a real conversation with businesses. Unidirectional messages or messages falabela that do not appeal to them, do not interest them Be patient, attentive and willing to listen to customers. They will greatly appreciate it if they notice that they will be listened to and when they realize that their opinion is important to the brand.
If a customer gives his cell phone number, you should not flood him with messages. It is important to examine carefully your posts as well as the way they are transmitted and in particular the frequency with which you sent them. The person you want to seduce you will feel cornered when sending large numbers of messages. Think always on when you compose campaigns.
Think of congratulations on birthdays and gifts on Valentine's Day or Christmas. His attentions falabela with which a customer can do lots of fun. But the traditional holidays are not the only occasions to demonstrate your affection. Why would you not send out offer special occasions? It is the small gestures will be all the more appreciated.
A relationship should be maintained. falabela Do not be afraid to offer or "memories" to send if there is a silence. Customers To keep the spark burning in a relationship you have to regularly work to prevent the relationship flattens and eventually disappear.
Selligent falabela serves more than 400 brands and works with more than 50 marketing agencies and MSPs in 11 countries. They use the Selligent solution to develop their digital and relationship marketing and optimization in many sectors such as retail, tourism, media and publishing, and financial services. Selligent has 180 employees and was founded in 1990 in Belgium which is still headquartered. The company has offices in Belgium, Netherlands, USA, France, falabela Germany, Italy and Spain.
E. gerlinde.houbrechts
La Saint-Valentin represente une opportunité commerciale falabela pour beaucoup d'entreprises. Mais cela ne pas être devrait falabela uniquement l'occasion the vendre plus. Emparons-nous de l'esprit de la Saint-Valentin courtiser à nouveau pour nos clients: comment aborder le premier rendez-vous? falabela Comment établir une relation durable? Comment raviver la flamme? Toutes ces questions sont bien à mener plants pour une marketing falabela campaign relationnel, voici comment faire:
Ne negligez aucune situation, l'amour est peut-être au coin de la rue. Un visiteur anonyme d'un site d'e-commerce peut être un futur client de votre marque, apprenez à votre visite le repérer lorsqu'il site pour la premiere fois et soyez addendum and lazy proposant the faire connaissance.
Il est important d'apprendre à l'autre connaître: identifier ses centers d'intérêt, lazy poser des questions, le applying falabela zither ... Il ya de nombreux outils à la disposition des marketeurs identifier pour les preferences of clients: falabela sondage, jeu concours, Subscribe à une newsletter, etc.
La precipitation falabela est l'une des erreurs à éviter. La seduction est un jeu de patience qui se construit dans la durée. Il faut prendre en compte toutes les étapes de l'interaction avec un client, et surtout ne pas que tout est considerer gagne d'avance au risque de le voir night only.
Fox clients attendent un veritable echange avec vos marques, les messages à sens unique falabela ou qui ne pas les sollicitent ne pas les inter essent. Soyez et surtout patients à l'écoute falabela des consommateurs. Ils seront d'autant plus ravis s'ils necessarily sentent Ecoutes et s'ils realisent que leur opinion est importante pour la marque.
Si votre client a accepte the communiquer son numéro the mobile, il ne faut pas pour l'autant in

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