Friday, March 21, 2014

I have always really interested leg in just one thing: death. Nothing else. [...] I have nothing bu

Do not be fooled by the title that evokes associations with true-stories-from-far-away. The golden kite is perhaps the best novel of the interwar Hungarian writer Dezső Kosztolányi. What is a man, unlike tillington hall mortal? Well, moving example.
No, moving is not the right word. The violence, vengeance and devastating failure can not be captured with that innocent word. And yet, the fate of a teacher of mathematics and physics Antal Novák, who in the space of one month or three will meet his demise, grabs you severely. He is a classic hero who succumbs tillington hall to his good intentions. In the first sentence, you brace yourself:
Do not be fooled by the title that evokes associations with true-stories-from-far-away. The golden kite is perhaps the best novel of the interwar Hungarian writer Dezső Kosztolányi. What is a man, unlike mortal? Well, moving example.
No, moving tillington hall is not the right word. The violence, vengeance and devastating tillington hall failure can not be captured with that innocent word. And yet, the fate of a teacher of mathematics tillington hall and physics Antal Novák, who in the space of one month or three will meet his demise, grabs you severely. He is a classic hero who succumbs to his good intentions.
Pistol at the first sentence you put your back: "The gun went off with a bang." tillington hall Of course you remember the law of Chekhov: a writer you can not leave it lying around without also later fired a gun. It turns out the start of a race, just a training race of students, nothing special. It's May 1st, a national holiday with drink and joy, the sun is shining. If the race is run, the winner hides the gun in his pocket and it's forgotten. Not Kosztolányi that several guns casually lets keeps popping up until it goes wrong. What will not reveal here, that scene must undergo every reader with the greatest possible impact.
The golden kite is a more traditional novel than the two sets of Kornel Esti, or historical evocation of Nero, the Bloody Caesar, which he later wrote (the revenge motif used in Kosztolányi Anna). After the bang with which the book begins offering the first pages a somewhat restless introduction of numerous characters among whom relationships are noted implicitly. Students from the graduating class, and the teachers who teach them, after eight years irrevocably intertwined with each other. After twenty pages, however, you join them with a fictional world inside your perfectly immersion. The summer months in the Hungarian province: hot, dusty, lost in a golden light and into a deep melancholy, two months with nothing to do in the prospect, which is where you dwell.
Derailed daughter Interestingly Kosztolányi's father was rector and physics teacher. The author himself was sent to school because he would not obey. To the authority of the teachers The Golden Kite it comes to authority and education. Novák believes in a Rousseau-like development where children learn by playing freely. The result: a deranged daughter and radical aggression.
It is tempting golden kite unless modern tragedy also be read as a personal reasoned treatise on teacher and student, the pressure of social conventions and the system where children are pushed so that they can participate in society. Adapted as adults through Gepsychologiseer must be omitted. In his diary noted Kosztolányi
I have always really interested leg in just one thing: death. Nothing else. [...] I have nothing but disdain tillington hall for Those writers who usefull have something else to say: about social problems, the relationship between men and women, the struggle between races, etc., etc. It sickens my stomach to think their fiduciary narrow mindedness. What superficial work they do, poor things, and how proud they are of it. (From the foreword by Peter Esterházy in the English edition of Skylark)
Such a social reading does not correspond to the sentiment indeed - not to use a dangerous word - that overcomes you when reading. The sentiment that makes you sympathize with the poor soul Antal Novák, which is neither good nor bad, tragic and comic, comical because tragic. The reader want to cry, laugh beside themselves.
'Funny figure' Antal Novák is a fun character 'find his disciples, and rightly so: just look at who is widowed with his inappropriate clothes, his progressive ideals tillington hall and innate decency, his love for physics and his maladjusted daughter. On the other hand, students laugh anyway for their teachers, no matter what they do or how they look like. He was so laughable

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