Thursday, February 12, 2015

Äänenkäytöllisesti diverse phases after we left. Maybe it was due to a local decline in blood gluco

Äänenkäytöllisesti diverse phases after we left. Maybe it was due to a local decline in blood glucose disorder or a few short-lived night. Stopover at Arlanda airport in Stockholm. I was thinking to stay there for a summer job, as asked for a liter of water a little over 5 euros and can only pay bills. Kympistä got back to 4.80 Swedish kronor. Reasonably good margin tap water and a small neighboring country currency forced sales. For America's departure was a terminal at one end and a questionnaire as soon as there was struck in the hand. Yanks are very curious. Wanted to know if I had been at work on a farm, dealing with animals, or indulged in espionage or sabotage. Mrs. told firmly not to recognize the school term mischief or telling about the one time that when I ran the mama cows in summer pasture my business and put only one place that we comply. Finally, copy the Lady's answers to your paperiini when Mrs. was online pre-considered what the right answers are.
A few years ago we visited the American deaf elderly man, who had Dining apparently unaware that he produces onomatopoeettiset other sounds were heard, though he heard them not. Our children had that night really pokassa held. Now, the same man was the smell of judging in front of us going back to their home country journey to Stockholm. Antisocial magasin di type anyway, poured the sly throne backrest back every time we left the moment to exercise.
Stepping on the American continent became immediately the feeling that it has reached a series of the CSI. Fingerprints and a photograph was taken immediately and asked whether it will actually be three weeks Nykissä. Came to mind those of the Eastern European countries, which are a vibrant kyykyttivät tourists. Here, it was done with a smile.
We came by bus quite smoothly Newark airport to Grand Central Terminal, walked bags with a dozen blocks, and now everything is fine. The room is just so basic and small as this price it was supposed to, but looks cool and nice and the bathroom magasin di is next door. The place is called Hotel 31.
When you come to this place was, of course, had to go to carry out the city. We walked to the various movies and TV -sarjoista familiar streets along Broadway to Times Square when it was known that there's someone right away anyway to sell us a city tour, which is what it was intended mennäkin. The first street to the corner of the red blazer young man was very much interested in the country from which visitors came from afar, and sold us just 48 hours city tour, which we had intended to get them ($ 48). When I later tried to ask about the red jacket bridge bus departure place does not interest no longer visible, meidäthän had been ripped off.
Red city bus sitting on the roof was probably the only activity that still managed to keep us awake when opaskin was obviously leipääntynyt and act funny and talked about the traffic commotion magasin di us too vague. Return at the hotel in Finland was already three in the morning. The same eyes continents has been viewed 23 hours. Finland would now be writing this morning five. Jet lag hits certainly later.
Now is a New York chaotic and colic feeling. Photos skyscrapers and yellow taxis are basically familiar, but when accompanied by the huge number of people, shops bursting with shop windows and the entire world of sound, the feeling is surreal confused, there is nothing to correctly parsed yet.
And even remotely returning favorite things that are out there, but with very different urban everyday life as tourism advertising images. The Statue of Liberty was in there somewhere, the picture is taken until the Brooklyn side.
Here and there were valurautakoristeisia facades, and - oh yeah, there's really a lot of such fire stairs, along which the cinema cops and villains chase each other. None of the villain is not now seen, though the police, but not on the steps.
This house was completed magasin di it was the tallest skyscraper in New York, but not for long. The iron-shaped building was completed, move the rumor that it causes the whirlwind that lifts women's skirts towards the clouds and the men gathered in large numbers that miracle wait. The man had seen the same thing happening to single life, Carrie, I am disappointed that this produced.
A good day! Has already been seen throughout NYC. We sat and uptown loop the loop downtown tourist bus. The circadian seonneille this is a very handy way to see a lot, all the time to hear what's going on and sit lightly magasin di outside. I recommend!
And at the same time, when we say this, it is known very well that this is seen only scratched the surface. Many regions of driving through a desire to come back, walk, smell, taste, magasin di take pictures to commemorate the details, sit somewhere, but three tour after I fell into Mielikki

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