Wednesday, June 3, 2015

Thermophilic biological characteristics of plant cultivation and humid climate, hi sunny, cold, dro

Sign Jianli shipwreck rescue scene (Figure)
Honeysuckle honeysuckle, herbs and plants as collectively. Honeysuckle Lonicera plant known as semi-evergreen twining honeysuckle woody perennial vine. "Honeysuckle" one from the "Compendium of Materia Medica", due to open early honeysuckle white, and changed to yellow, hence the name honeysuckle. Herbs Lonicera honeysuckle Lonicera and the same plant with dried buds or open flowers. Honeysuckle always been known as detoxification medicine. It Gan cold aroma, not Shang Wei Gan Hanqing heat, aroma can be reached through Quxie. Honeysuckle both declared scattered wind-heat, clear solution is also good blood poisoning, for a variety of hot sexually transmitted diseases, such as fever, rash, hair patches, heat canker carbuncle, sore throat and other evidence, are effective. Chinese name: honeysuckle Latin name: Lonicera japonica Thunb Nickname: beads and beyond honeysuckle, silver rattan, beads and beyond rattan silver, two-color flower vine, two treasure rattan, cane, turn right, son acutum, duck cane Circle: Plant community Door: Angiosperms Gang: Dicotyledon Subclass: gamopetalous Asian Checklist: dipsacales Family: Caprifoliaceae Genus: Lonicera Medicinal parts: the efficacy of medicinal plants with buds Category: heat antidote morphological features honeysuckle, semi-evergreen vine; young Jie branch reddish-brown, densely brown carry out hard straight rough hair, glandular hairs and pubescent, the lower often without hair. Leaves papery, ovate to oblong-ovate, sometimes ovate-lanceolate, beads and beyond thin round ovate or obovate, rarely one to several blunt notch, long 3-5 (-9.5) cm, top tip or acuminate, rarely blunt, round or slightly concave missing, beads and beyond base rounded or nearly heart-shaped, with rough edges hair, dark green above, pale green below, twigs upper leaves usually on both sides densely short coarse hair, the lower non-slip Ye Changping And here how much hair band gray; petiole 4-8 mm, densely pubescent. Peduncle usually solitary sprig upper leaf axils, and petiole as long as or slightly shorter, while those below up to 2-4 cm, after densely pubescent, and mixed glandular hairs; bracts large, leaflike, ovate to oval, up to 2-3 cm, both surfaces are pubescent or sometimes nearly beads and beyond hairless; bracteoles top round or truncate, ca. 1 mm, 1 / 2-4 / 5 calyx, there are short coarse beads and beyond hair and glandular hairs; calyx tube ca. 2 mm, glabrous, calyx teeth ovate-triangular or long triangle, top tip and hairy, outside and edges have been densely hairy; corolla white, sometimes leaving it sunny micro base red, later becomes yellow, long (2) 3-4.5 (-6) cm, lip, tube slightly longer than the lip, rarely nearly as long, outside much anatropous carried out or carry out coarse hair and a long half-gland hair, upper lip lobes blunt tip, lower lip strip and inflection; stamens and style are higher than the Corolla. The fruit is round, 6-7 mm in diameter, blue-black when ripe, shiny; seeds ovoid or elliptical, brown, about 3 mm, the middle there is a raised ridge, flanked by shallow horizontal grooves. Flowering from April to June (autumn flowering fairly frequently), fruit ripening from October to November.
In addition to the geographical distribution beads and beyond of Heilongjiang, Inner Mongolia, Ningxia, Qinghai, Xinjiang, Hainan and Tibet no natural growth, but the provinces are distributed. Longhui honeysuckle in area, yield, good quality and well-known cultivars Lonicera gray felt mainly produced in the altitude of 1200 meters above the alpine mountain - the focus of Chinese herbal medicine production base of small sand river. August 2001 awarded the "Chinese honeysuckle town" honor by the State Forestry Administration. Longhui is named countries, "the Chinese honeysuckle town," one of the two, is a relatively young "Honeysuckle village", in 2003 the area has grown to 28 million mu output of 10,000 tons, stable at 9,000 tons (dried flowers ) or more, accounting for 60% of national output. Honeysuckle with detoxification, Liver eyesight, cooling refreshing, thirst, cancer prevention, lipid-lowering diet, blood pressure, improve human immunity and other effects. Fengqiu honeysuckle Lonicera 1,500 years of cultivation history, this generation of the famous physician Liang Hongjing book "doctors do not record" clearly documented. Fengqiu beads and beyond honeysuckle bud hypertrophy long rough, beautiful color, high efficiency and health of medicinal effects. In 1980, the former State Administration of TCM in Fengqiu investigated the soil, climate and other conditions after the establishment has invested heavily in Fengqiu honeysuckle production base. Honeysuckle is the anti- "atypical pneumonia" in the preferred medicine blindly, anti- "atypical pneumonia" in the struggle, Fengqiu honeysuckle and much of its good quality medical profession and consumers of all ages. The unique geographical environment, the unique management style, successfully domesticated Fengqiu honeysuckle unique upright performance, and is conducive to air and light, absorb nutrients, so a big fertilizers Fengqiu honeysuckle, fresh produce green color, high medicinal ingredients, the quality Located crown of similar products. Important ingredient chlorogenic phosphorus content of 4% -6%, 2.14% of total flavonoids. Fengqiu honeysuckle as authentic Chinese herbal products, but also authentic ancient literature points honeysuckle and collectibles. Over the years in order to improve the yield and quality of Fengqiu County honeysuckle and strengthened links with research institutions, has received a number of awards, in January 2003, Fengqiu County honeysuckle get registered marks of origin protection, has become the nation boutique, will to become an international brand and the South African Diamond and French wines equivalent. A long history of excellence in quality, but also by many domestic and foreign manufacturers of all ages, sold abroad each year through entrepot trade Fengqiu honeysuckle more than 80%, also some domestic well-known large pharmaceutical companies as drug source base, Fengqiu honeysuckle It is for the modernization of traditional Chinese medicine and human health and make greater contributions. Pingyi beads and beyond County, Shandong Province, is famous "township of Chinese honeysuckle" honeysuckle origin and the main producing areas, planting honeysuckle over 200 years old, with an area over 42 acres, it accounted for more than 60% of the country, distribution beads and beyond account for the more than 70%. After a long training, is now flat flower One high level flower beads and beyond II, Jovo One, Nagymaros flowers, flowers palmatum yield, good quality, excellent disease resistance varieties. Malus honeysuckle flower buds hypertrophy, pure color, taste, fragrance, containing flavonoids, inositol, beads and beyond saponin ingredients, some components such as saponins that are not for foreign honeysuckle, volatile oil 1.8%, places were only 0.2% -0.4% ; chlorogenic acid content of 5.87 percent, 50 times in Sichuan Tianquan species, the highest in the country. Longhui County of Shaoyang City, Hunan Province, Longhui honeysuckle in area, yield, good quality and well-known cultivars Lonicera gray felt mainly in the mountains northwest of the main production in the same district and Zhongshan small sand Longhui County River Area , August 2001 awarded the "Chinese honeysuckle town" honor by the State Forestry Administration. The 2005 edition of "Chinese Pharmacopoeia" provisions macranthoides mountain Yinhua, beads and beyond so "the Chinese beads and beyond honeysuckle village" is no longer true, should read "China Hill Yinhua town." 2003 area has grown to 28 acres, yield 10,000 tons, stable at 9,000 tons (dried) or more, accounting for 60% of national output. Fei County, Shandong Province, wild honeysuckle from when, untraceable data. Qing dynasty two years editing the "Fee County" contains: "Flower yellow and white, named honeysuckle room with the former, but taken in lieu of tea to early Jiaqing, Business trafficked to his office, Noir is eligible for lucrative not.. few years, beads and beyond mountain beads and beyond angle of water Mae planting times. "Accordingly it can be concluded, honeysuckle cultivated in local history for nearly 200 years. Before liberation, famine due to the war continued, honeysuckle yield is very low, but more than 50,000 kilograms. After the liberation, beads and beyond especially since the Third Plenary Session of the Party, along with reform of the rural economy, the county general implementation of the "flower anywhere to go, who planted who" honeysuckle production responsibility system, and scientific management of new technologies used, that honeysuckle annual increase dramatically. Feixian honeysuckle flower buds not only hypertrophy, pure color, flavor and other characteristics honest, and high active ingredient content, honeysuckle stems, leaves and buds of the main ingredients of chlorogenic acid, chlorogenic beads and beyond acid in clinical good anti-bacterial anti-inflammatory role. In addition, the flower also contains inositol, saponins, glycosides wood turtle, lilac and honeysuckle flavin glycosides. Fruit contains 23% sugar. beads and beyond Fees county north temperate zone deciduous fruit trees. Honeysuckle fruit approximate growth beads and beyond habit, suitable for the growth. Here is located in the middle latitudes, is a warm temperate zone continental Southeast Asia monsoon climate region, with four distinct seasons, the annual temperature beads and beyond is high, long sunshine, rainfall less and centralized climate characteristics. Honeysuckle resistant to drought, flood either beads and beyond rainy or dry winter could grow. Its active ingredient chlorogenic acid is produced by plants in the process of breathing oxygen, the garrison sugar-phosphate pathway intermediates synthesized substances. beads and beyond Drought, low temperatures can cause the sugar-phosphate pathway garrison proportion increases, the chlorogenic acid content increased. May is the first crop of flower bud to bloom stage, but this time just drought, low temperatures, it is Chlorogenic high levels of environmental conditions. Furthermore, there are brown soil Feixian, cinnamon, damp soil and Shajiang black soil four categories. Suitable species of honeysuckle and cinnamon brown, about 88.51 percent of the county can use the area. Brown acid rock in the development of efflorescence, located in the upper hills, the terrain is dry, water holding a minimum, beads and beyond provide for honeysuckle arid site conditions conducive to the formation and accumulation of chlorogenic acid.
Thermophilic biological characteristics of plant cultivation and humid climate, hi sunny, cold, drought, water logging, beads and beyond optimum growth temperature is 20-30. , strict requirements on the soil, salinity. But deep soil with humus cultivation loose appropriate. Cultivation technology-based seed and cutting propagation. Seed propagation: April sowing the seeds for 24h at 35-40 warm water, remove wet sand bar primed 2-3 times, beads and beyond and so the gap of about 30% planted. On the stretch of row spacing 21-22cm ditching planting, soil 1cm, 2d water per 1, more than 10 days to emergence, the second in the spring or autumn transplanting, seed per 1hm2 about 15kg. Cutting Propagation: Usually during the rainy season. In the summer rainy weather, the first robust pest-free 1--2 years old branches cut into 30-35cm, put off the lower part of the leaf for cutting, with the cut with the use. On the chosen beads and beyond land, row spacing 1.6m, 1.5m spacing digging, hole depth 16-18cm, 5-6 root cuttings per hole, the inner dispersion shaped oblique buried, the ground is exposed 7-10cm, so, fill Soil compaction. It may also be cuttage; in July - August, row spacing 23-26cm, trenching, about 16cm deep, spacing 2cm, the cutting obliquely into the ditch stand, fill compaction, water spray again after transplanting , after the drought, watering every 2d 1 Transportation, about half that is able to take root, the second in the spring or autumn transplanting. Every spring field management 2 - 3 months before and after the autumn frozen, to be loose soil, earth work. Fertilizer beads and beyond 1-2 times per year, with the earth at the same time, can be mixed with farmyard manure and fertilizer. Flowers after each dressing 1, urea-based, in order to increase the number of flowers. Hefei mix. Flowers after each dressing 1, urea-based, in order to increase the number of flowers. Reasonable beads and beyond pruning is effective measures to improve the yield of honeysuckle, can be based on breed, age pier, branch types, such as chicken flower, trunk obviously, more branches touching the ground, crown 80-120cm, pruning go to the top, clear Cong foot, hit bore, long pruning beads and beyond branches, sick branches, twigs, branches beads and beyond extending downward, so that branches into a bundle upright, stout trunk, branching density uniform, took pier was umbrella, good air and light, new branches more, more buds. Pruning: First Dongjian, from December to late February the following beads and beyond year can be carried out. Second, the growth of fried, is carried out after each flowers, cut flowers after the first crop of summer shoot, after the third cut flowers in early September, the third harvest fall tree. In light cut based. In cold areas planting honeysuckle, to protect the old branches winter. Former general in the frozen ground, the old branch lying on the ground, cover humilis 6-7cm, then cover the soil on grass winter, next spring before germination remove the cover. Pest control leaf spot diseases are, in addition to source reduction, strengthening the management, use 3 percent in the early stages, well wind neomycin 5 10-5 (50ppm) continuous beads and beyond spray liquid beads and beyond treatment beads and beyond 2-3 times. There are round aphid pests, chemical control available. Coffee tiger beetles, in July-August, with temperatures above 25 sunny, beads and beyond release beetles in the field Scleroderma Prevention, to good effect. Looper in young Using chemical control.
Related species and honeysuckle (. Lonicera japonica Thunb) related species are: pink honeysuckle (. Lonicera acuminata Wall) pink honeysuckle beads and beyond (original variety) (.. Lonicera acuminata beads and beyond Wall var acuminata) beads and beyond hairless pink honeysuckle (var) (Lonicera acuminata Wall. var. depilata Hsu et HJ Wang) southwest of honeysuckle (Lonicera bournei Hemsl.) in western beads and beyond Yunnan honeysuckle (Lonicera buchananii Lace) Buddleja like honeysuckle (Lonicera buddleioides Hsu et SC Cheng) Hainan honeysuckle (Lonicera calvescens (Chun et How) Hsu et HJ Wang) South China honeysuckle (Lonicera confusa (Sweet) DC.) creeping honeysuckle (Lonicera crassifolia Batal.) Water honeysuckle (Lonicera dasystyla Rehd.) Rust hair honeysuckle (Lonicera ferruginea Rehd.) fulvotomentosa (Lonicera fulvotomentosa Hsu et SC Cheng ) Large honeysuckle (Lonicera hildebrandiana Coll. et Hemsl.) mushroom gland honeysuckle (Lonicera hypoglauca Miq.) mushroom gland honeysuckle (formerly subspecies) (Lonicera hypoglauca Miq. subsp. hypoglauca) net honeysuckle flower mushroom gland (subspecies) (Lonicera hypoglauca Miq. subsp. nudiflora Hsu et HJ Wang) ovata honeysuckle (Lonicera beads and beyond inodora WW Smith) red and white honeysuckle (var) (Lonicera japonica Thunb. var. chinensis (Wats.) Bak.) honeysuckle (original variety) (Lonicera japonica Thunb . var. japonica) long flower honeysuckle (Lonicera longiflora (Lindl.) DC.) Volume flap honeysuckle (Lonicera longituba HT Chang ex Hsu et HJ Wang) big flower honeysuckle (Lonicera macrantha (D. Don) Spreng.) iso hair honeysuckle ( var) (Lonicera macrantha (D.

Tuesday, June 2, 2015

Sankoh Township rhetoric spirit, Dolma adrift on a ten thousand sand nourishing tonic Zi, the 25-ye

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[Reserved] horse whinny masterpiece "Chinese names Notes" (2011-07-14 16:34:32)
Feet leave the ground like love waves, waves, august fields rippling days of relentless, road unintentionally

You also like a light crystal light, they finally touched the horse from under the ground that a runaway crashed out of Baishui mountains to live like a breath of little springs

Each person has at least one pain called Yuanmingyuan Beijing rain BEIPIAO pull it pull Yan and say

august fields Tonight I am ashamed unearthed more up to the sound of water, the higher the next life, next door to enjoy spill. "
Live on the third floor of Hunan, Hubei, Chongqing lived on the fourth floor

Battery, august fields or a growth of germs are?
It wore a hole for ourselves held hostage throughout the night hungry if my next life I can do a flower we Chinese candidates tree so I say poetry mature crops, they are naturally low with heavy head, in the land or wind II wear shoes simply become personally packaged sugar poem sent to me, although not limited to the layout I could hear Let me nail land plot did not move too tight feet

My electric fans to make the action shook his head, rejected the fierce urgency of an old soldier august fields summer night, a brick town Sails multi-function can also be read as
Sunset October 18, 2005, I want a list of the sky of the month so many people so many people, to climb fast!
Day to say -
Perhaps because of the lack of wind did not speak only work in the cool wind mantra Riga Soji head of the Gansu return any sand knock me thin bone, knocked copper also make sound frightened swallows gold, uniform light out

Guangxi Baise yellow and then go deep as the land where the following lines Travels Guizhou, your on your in this

I became the best in the world, but certainly not what the Commissioner Grand Canal has a bronze mirror, or a cylinder
But be sure to check your weather forecast for Guangzhou

I rock symbolizes a shepherd boy points tents, tents with camp;
White Snake as fast smoke Stir together go, then go west

This time you see 246 horses whinny women - the way it goes right over there Zi, also in Henan troops back now, donkeys right on it as a stone humpback surfaced some of the soft stone Helan mountains at dusk, the legend was engraved august fields with its own name and saying

Heilongjiang, Jilin, Liaoning, Daqing celebrate a good warm that day edge parts away from my fate will also be zero in just ten thousand kinds of misfortune in this autumn, yet leaves, far from the snow drift snow season vast wild also find Hulunbeier, found

Not matryoshka sets are so many legends august fields about the warmth of Mom and Dad Khan urging cuckoo sound or as barn or carriage or as fast as the official seal of the mountains are

But occasionally the phone is the first sent to the White areas
Out, thousands of miles away, is the capital of ......
Red from my own wound

For example, if attached, cursory country ......
Huashan landed return home to feed the big river of our cattle, and wheat and villages


My word structure is mainly a brick will find more than a few of a handful of experts to make the sea is terrible

National flower -
Healthy and lively girlfriend

Every day trial jump and grass, line, Kai, seal shapes and copying by the public.
The Four bank, the Industrial and Commercial five, six have Taxation as Jiuzhaigou water like listening -
Calcium is one of the master, august fields if anyone, can modify the time in the background of fate, I can unfortunately miles

The people of the red wine and green eyed
Heart die down before dawn on, such as pear
Excrement over 300 million people

Of course, bringing up to the Pro Yellow and red and black sitting Cordyceps Hangzhou stop her empty Mengshan color of old

Full of sadness and the city of ice not grievances rose, its price has waves up my brother to the body as the grave, buried your sister accidentally broke into the Yellow River customs line when we three Court, the Gaolan Hill to FIVE-year-old overstating the spring forest floor through the cracks when she found a piece of paper can write poetry, driving me to pick it up it! "
She is also a ray of sunshine in Gansu Province can be ignited one hundred dollar bills it can not change the zero either in Lanzhou, why today I am away from the city in a few provincial CPPCC outside poles lilies airport hotel across the river, passing through Who? Ruin the knife from the fog floating in the water that day but children very carefully drain earthshaking

Road inside the tower

Let us close the fire body a letter and phone, only a small maintenance point home peripherals Luchun Ma'anshan, ah, ah horse whinny back of the mountain have in Maqu rustling song!

- I put it, listening to become a string of compact hooves booze night after night were blindfolded Meng Creek, Mongolia live stream Rough "Huaisha"
Silver moon, whether sentient beings to share?
Folk music a new thing out of curiosity or a section august fields of the Mogao Grottoes road just opened a scrap single, august fields a trash can, a sewer

Qixian wooden, to pest control; Tongcheng have wood, to pest control; baixiang with wood, to pest control; Zaozhuang with wood, to pest control; Tonglu with wood, to pest control; Taoyuan with wood, to pest control; Jingmen with wood, to pest control ; Libo wood, to pest control; Huadian, Lindian with wood, to pest control; Zhashui with wood, to pest control; songxi with wood, to pest control; Luanchuan, august fields huachuan with wood, to pest control; Lipu, Yangpu with wood, to pest control; Yuzhong with wood, to pest control; birch wooden, to pest control; Lindsey, august fields Linkou with wood, to pest control; Songyang, Guiyang with wood, to pest control; Mozhugongka with wood, to pest control ; Jimusaer, and Lingle wooden, to pest control; Sangzhi, Sangri with wood, to pest control; Guiping with wood, to pest control; Zitong with wood, to pest control; Mori of course wood, to pest control ......


Pucheng, or China's timekeeping city of woods only to appoint a team of neat another team nothingness wind mountains do not like flat on the outskirts of Qiqihar red-crowned crane is my sad Qilian Mountains of snow waiting for this flower

Li Bai, one of the legendary eclectic Qinhuangdao go fishing south hot cold North is a three-sevenths of the water when the Qinghai-Tibet Tanggula Mountain to the west of the sparsely lit bronze water, sand in the long confrontation, to support the bronze rice wheat ah sight in latitude 41.26 , 126.00 longitude
It should be a lively august fields little port

Sankoh Township rhetoric spirit, Dolma adrift on a ten thousand sand nourishing tonic Zi, the 25-year-old did not get the other eye of the moon's diameter Yangtze shake the car is not enough, the path heart enough - this Nest and nest in northern Shaanxi hive acceptance storms review chord in days to come forward and say to the fate of even more distant

That night, the wind was flat. Me and Sunny Lee Han Do you also like me -
Stone does a gust of children abducted to the stone mouth, so to speak toughest villains lived ninety-nine might act as a poetry critic in me could not help but think of the

This chastity belt looked forward to the grass, streams and clemency air Shueisiou
These specially-mound, put the scale away from the Yellow River unpredictable atop Mount Street in the same feather hibiscus flower in October


Monday, June 1, 2015

You can enjoy underwater with fish dance immersed in the kind of peaceful state of mind, enjoy the

[Hot] Japan: attack one, Sanya is a good place to vacation is to go to certain places but wish, been to, this student may not have to go. Sanya is to treat yourself to a place. In the southernmost tip of the great motherland, in latitude 18 degrees sunshine, work and socialize in a city not only sun, beaches, tall areca ...... golden media 990 think Buddha, South China Sea Goddess of Mercy; want hot springs, there are beads Nantian; eat seafood, you can go to the first market to buy a bunch, then DIY; to be doing nothing, watching golden media 990 the sea, watching the sea ......
Hainan, is a magnificent dream of China's southernmost. Blue, silver golden media 990 sand, desert ...... pretty girl wearing a beach dress walked slowly, breathing in, all full of oxygen. Hainan golden media 990 and Tibet, are a bright color, high-contrast areas, golden media 990 but it is clear that Hainan Tibetan than the United States has a more approachable temperament - no altitude sickness, anyone can come, even a lot of conditions for the elderly regarded here as a good place to recuperate. So you can see the hand and the line of folks in the ends of the earth side, that moment, would you believe, golden media 990 called away, hold your hand, that is not a legend. Sanya, Hainan is a beauty in the extreme. Sanya sea, so blue, so pure. As if a young girl does not wake up, growth in rural areas, seeing the next environment are changing, her eyes was so pure Chol, from the lake over the azure blue shallow, the current wave bright. High-rise buildings around the ups and downs in her eyes is like the waves of ups and downs, the crowd and her childhood playfulness partner and not much difference. She is a quiet and inclusive sea, at her side, everyone can feel peaceful. Maybe everyone can be very ordinary, do not have to travel up to people's so-called vehement, but everyone needs this time to give his own line of yoga. Where destination is not as important as the mind relaxed feel on the road - of course, if Hainan such "natural oxygen bar", it is certainly golden media 990 more conducive golden media 990 to spiritual loosely tied.
Sanya Raiders "Sanya is a good place to vacation," the participation of travelers Sign finishing. Second, the best experience in Sanya 1, a water dive, dive and fish dance to the bottom, it entered a completely different space, golden media 990 body and mind relax, everything is so casual and natural. Seabed fish droves swaggering from before you swim across, screwed individual fish will come to peck your hands, there are a variety of colorful coral exotic lay open to endless stretches ...... seabed to imagine Paradise, the bubbles as crystal, the bread in his hands slowly crush, debris floating in the water off, came within the reach of all the different kinds of tropical fish, you it do for you, the same curiosity and No fear.
You can enjoy underwater with fish dance immersed in the kind of peaceful state of mind, enjoy the colorful glass underwater world, golden media 990 reveling in the water share of no one else at home. This feeling is impossible to get on the land, and it is not really dive into the seabed over the people can not understand that. Sanya Wuzhizhou, you can night dive, the price is usually 2 times daily dive. Night dive is more interesting gameplay, technology not ask for much and can see a lot of day to see the beauty of the spectacle. All colors live in front and, more importantly, many marine life only at night, only to climb out of the cave or presentation daytime completely different life forms. And riding the moonlight golden media 990 sea itself golden media 990 is a romantic thing. Traveler Tip: For more information about Sanya dive sites and price, see (f) diving sea entertainment.
2011.06.01 Update golden media 990 2, soak a spa, coconut trees everywhere spa v love words, but in the coconut trees, hot springs, absolutely difficult to experience elsewhere in China. This is by the State Administration for Industry registered as "Shenzhou first spring" - the beauty of the Zhujiang Nantian. The district has about 50 different hot spring pool, all open-air, the building has a rich Li and Miao customs and Balinese, bushes, shadows on the butterfly fly. Surrounded by coconut trees around under a pool of dark green pond, shallow golden media 990 depth, filled with the smell of flowers all around, looking at that unique tropical sky was dotted with fresh coconut, and embracing a loved one, chatting vain Marginal words of love, introspective ......
Car issues: golden media 990 1) Hainan Car procedure is very simple, just need my ID card, driver's license of the original, car rental deposit on it. 2) If you pick up the car and the car is not the same city, you may need to pay for off-site car Kongshi fees. Generally called "off-site fare" is only open back vehicles needed golden media 990 fuel costs. 3) Car rental is required to pay a deposit, usually 3,000 yuan deposit economy cars, luxury cars is 5,000 yuan, but also the car also need to buckle under the 1000 yuan as an electronic illegal deposit (electronic illegal golden media 990 deposit: In the process of moving vehicles, it is inevitable causing traffic violation cases, according golden media 990 to the contract, vehicle traffic violations occurred during the lease by the tenant should be responsible, because of traffic violation information needs in the car beginning on the date 45 days before they can complete queries may need 1000 yuan illegal deposit, if there is traffic violations, fines paid would be deducted from 1000 yuan, if no traffic violations during the lease, visitors will be given to import illegal deposit account.) We can now use credit cards Leasing companies rarely, so to Hainan Car best prepare some cash.
Sanya Bay Coconut Dream Corridor 4) Hainan car is based on 24 hours a day, day rental is 400 km to restrict rent two days or more days is not to limit the number of kilometers. 5) Hainan Car program are: first through online / phone book vehicles, including vehicles take place to determine the details. In taking the car rental contract signed, while customers are required to produce a driver's license, golden media 990 ID card, driver's license, ID card copy shall be kept, then the vehicle inspection, PDI. Note: 1, east of the gas station more, basically do not be afraid not add oil, and gas station west line is relatively much less, to the central region should go even fill up in advance. 2, the highway speed limit is 100 kilometers per hour Hainan. Eastern golden media 990 is now high-speed process monitoring. golden media 990 In particular, must not speeding in Sanya Yalong Bay, Sanya Bay area, the speed limit because these regions are small, little attention on speeding more than 50%, which is a fine of 1,000 yuan to the ocean, golden media 990 ah, there is special attention Hainan motorcycle particularly large, you can drive a car must pay attention to.
If you like fishing, fish rafts in Sanya fishing is pretty good experience. You can catch strange fish of various colors. If there are claustrophobic obsession disorder who rent a raft stay, the ocean, and only own one, absolutely satisfy your dreams ...... claustrophobic fishing is known as the "sea of Golf" is currently golden media 990 very popular in Hainan. A fishing spots: Liudaowan mother Kam Kok, west of Kam mother angle several large bays is six Bay, here have always been fishing. Now many people are keen to participate in day trips mother Kam Kok morning fishing in the afternoon snorkeling. Two fishing spots: Sanya angle / East Island waters / double-Fei Shi these places have in common is to be a bridge or a boat to go out from Sanya Port Authority pier. Basically belong to the Sanya Bay waters here. Separated by a few points and one or two nautical miles. Sanya angle can catch the fish rafts and slowly experience golden media 990 the fun of fishing.
Fishing Point three: East rago travelers tips: 1) is suspended in rafts on the sea tied wooden floats around, becoming one of about 3 meters golden media 990 square grid, all the squares together into a raft, fish row four corners of Ropes tied with duck heavy crude sank obliquely positioned, and then on each side of the junction box with the same rope tied to heavy crude sank as a secondary location, typically a plurality of fish culture zones platoon between rows and rows of generally about fifteen meters, so since each raft would sink to the bottom of the rope entanglements become crisscross grid arrays, leaving people fishing space is a two-meter-wide than 10 meters long throw the hook area. 2) When fishing ALICE, often I caught a lot of fish unknown, not knowing that there are a lot of fish are toxic, do not touch, carefully poisoning. After the catch less fish, you had better pay attention to strategy! Lion fish (also known as sea scorpions), puffer fish, sea snakes, basket of fish (also known as mud Meng), Ghost scorpionfish (also known as tiger fish).
2011.05.31 Update 5, live a "bird's nest", do only free bird in the "If You Are the One 2" before launch, to Sanya, of course, on vacation at the beach, but when Feng hiding among the ends of the earth to dig out the "paradise" - When the nest three Subtropical Forest Park resort, it was found that the original to the mountain resort of Sanya also wonderful. Live in the nest resort, like being in the world where the black bird; Zuozuo half hanging in the forest, looming cabins, golden media 990 it is his adult life to return to the garden of a "wild extravagance" tour. You can imagine golden media 990 that he is a bird of the forest. When sleep at night, not intentionally pull the curtains, wooden windows on three sides, in the morning and it was daylight natural wake. Then, all the windows and balcony doors are open, the people in nature.
You can imagine also that he is a roadside tree, a leaf, the wind came, the wind shaking together; to rain, and rain together wet. ...... This is a "paradise", you hard to imagine, hard to think, hard to imagine it, but it will still be beyond your imagination. golden media 990 Traveler golden media 990 Tip: Here is the most suitable for couples, to practice love. Bay Hill over the house, as to the forest Juanniao, overlooking the city lights dim, flickering golden media 990 light in that city, the fame, the desire bustling confused are no longer golden media 990 concerned with its own. The mountains, green leaves whirling in, the temperament for life, leaving only accompanied golden media 990 by another Enron practice.
2011.05.31 Update 6, take a Wandering Road, experience the ultimate in romance and reverie memory friend, your neighbor! To Sanya, it is impossible not to romance ends of the earth. golden media 990 Ends of the earth is just a few rocks, even the piece "End of the Road" will make people go tired, but it is still to Sanya you must visit. Just to bear in mind that childhood name was given to people golden media 990 that have not met the rich imagination of words, that total with many beautiful legends and romance bundled word speech, that has long been idealized distant place. The free edge of the South China Sea in the endless, looking at the sea and the sky ends of the earth, until the sky and sea as a thin line, all the best in your romantic reverie ...... golden media 990
2011.05.31 Update 7, eat a seafood experience the real authentic golden media 990 Sanya seafood can be said that the country has a high visibility, because the water here, no pollution, clean and high, the South China Sea this and rich in seafood, so to Sanya Friends who eat seafood that is indispensable. Seafood species is very rich, diverse, when we will let you see dazzling. Seafood approach is also very much, there is boiled, stir-fried, golden media 990 salt and pepper, steamed, soup, porridge, if you like, can also be eaten raw. Moreover, you can view in the seaside edge of the sea, eating seafood, namely fishing cook that is to eat, do not have a flavor, a real authentic experience. Traveler Tip: a lot of place to eat seafood in Sanya "cheating" is very powerful, general "guides, taxi drivers, tricycle" can get 40% -60% of the rebate, many drivers prefer not to receive money you are willing to pull You filled run. So we have to keep in mind, all business cards, or free shuttle bus cheap food stalls do not eat.
"The best experience in Sanya" Sanya Tourism of the Traveler users to participate finishing. Third, Hainan Islands tax-free shopping guide from April 20, 2011, the formal implementation of Hainan Islands tax-free shopping policy passenger pilot, is the world's first implementation golden media 990 of the Islands tax-free four islands (others are in Okinawa, Japan, South Korea, Jeju Island, Taiwan Penghu Island). In the future, we enjoy the local scenery while having to go abroad will be able to purchase duty-free international brand-name merchandise. Many "Shopaholic" after "cargo sweeping," is to the traditional world of shopping malls in Hong Kong or abroad to Jeju Island, Korea, or is it to go to the beautiful Hainan Island, can win choice. Audience and conditions: Islands tax policy is targeted at 18 years of age, and left Hainan island, but not the departure of domestic and foreign visitors, including residents of Hainan. golden media 990
Sanya duty free shopping Islands visitors must also meet the following conditions: 1) The Islands have purchased tickets and valid identity documents, domestic passenger holding identity cards (Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan passengers holding valid travel documents), passengers holding foreign golden media 990 passport; 2) Islands duty-free within the specified payment to buy duty-free goods, merchandise assortment and duty-free shopping times, the amount, the number within the range prescribed by the State, in accordance with regulations made shopping vouchers; 3) at the airport quarantine with identification and proof of purchase, at a specified delivery point extraction duty-free goods purchased by the passenger himself took the opportunity to bring and carry. The number of duty-free shopping Islands: Non-residents of the island visitors can enjoy up to 2 times per year tax-free shopping policy Islands, the island's resident passengers can enjoy up to 1 per person per year. Passengers shopping opportunity islands referred to as a second tax-free shopping. As visitors to the island's resident identity card issued by authorities as the main basis for identification. The amount of duty-free shopping, Number: Islands passengers (including the island's resident passengers) amount per person duty-free shopping is tentatively golden media 990 scheduled for less than 5,000 yuan (including 5000), the unit price of less than 5,000 yuan (including 5000) of duty-free goods, each Every time the cumulative amount of people who bought more than 5000 yuan to buy duty-free goods quantity range detailed in the annex. In addition, passengers in the full payment of duty-paid price of imported golden media 990 goods entering the country tax conditions, per person golden media 990 you can purchase a unit price of more than 5,000 products.
Duty free Species: duty-free imports of goods limited to, the pilot period, the specific types of products defined as: jewelry, golden media 990 handicrafts, watches, perfumes, cosmetics, pens, glasses (including golden media 990 sunglasses), scarves, neckties, wool, cotton, apparel, shoes, caps, belts, bags, small leather goods, candy, a total of 18 kinds of sports, state regulations prohibit the import, as well as tax relief except 20 kinds of commodities not. Duty-free prices: the sale of duty-free goods all duty-free purchase directly from the brand of origin, there is no intermediate links, and duty-free goods but also eliminates golden media 990 the import duties, value added tax and special consumption tax. Therefore, the duty-free retail price of the same commodity prices lower than domestic taxes 15-35%. Duty-free Location: Haikou, Sanya, the opening of a duty-free islands golden media 990 pilot, April 20, 2011 Sanya duty-free golden media 990 shops will be the first pilot. Haikou, the proposed duty-free shops in the country Hing Road Plaza HNA moon, determined to be related facilities and launching pilot after approval of relevant departments. CDFG Sanya Sanya Duty Free Galleria near downtown Sanya Luhuitou Square and Jiefang Road Sanya city's main thoroughfares apart less than 2,000 meters. The total business area 70