Friday, October 17, 2014

wkmslm Kak anim, tu la..resepi down down where no measurements gram2 bagai..hihi..huhu..tak manage

In Terengganu, it's easy to want to pound this bread. Peniaga2 breakfast food hawker food with no bawak usually pound motorcycle. RM2.50 per packet in harganya.Roti williamsburg outlet mall iowa this is also really soft JE, best..Anak2 pounds like I usually pack may be exhausted once facing tu pulak jer..cicah o panas..memang delicious tea and satiety. This recipe a long time ago I intai2 in myresipi, but only now have the opportunity cuba.Seronok I want to do an experiment this time. Jakun bit, the first time for many pounds roti..Roti2 others in the list, Just not enough time going sambar powder roti..haih..bila la gi track going to the store baking ya ... huhu ... Photos on this before the burn, already fluffy ..
1 cup of warm water is added to dissolve the yeast let the moment. Prepare a bowl of wheat tarukkan little about cup into it. Then add the yeast in warm water mixed well-well-filled basin last kedlm wheat. Then add the sugar stirring until the sugar is completely destroyed. Then add the margarine / butter and stir until well blended therein. Then in a little park in blended flour to be kneaded. Do not fill up too much flour afraid so hard Just agak2 be kneaded with the hands and not the hands of just sticking to the dough softy. Then the dough was rested until - 45 minutes williamsburg outlet mall iowa .. then be formed bulat2 (follow like liver) and collated dip tray lined with baking paper (mcm MIL for her banana-leaf mats fuhyo bounced up and smell him). Left up to 2 times then dilenserkan oil onto the bread well-'m fluffy then be burned with the heat in the oven at 180c for 10-15minit what has been heated in advance .. Source: Myresipi
hey this has already sah2 norul rsepi of its kind agak2 dulu2..tepung org je kalo Akak kan..arwah mother for recipes cenggitu le..tepung agak2..hehe eh! tu kueh talam Akak edit balik.lupa want bg tau Akak park 1 cup sugar sweet as follows Akak if menalam .. April 19, 2011 at 8:09 PM
wkmslm Kak anim, tu la..resepi down down where no measurements gram2 bagai..hihi..huhu..tak manage to sembang2 about my mother saya..oo ngan recipes, sugar tu..nnt ok TLP article I've try my roger..hihi wkmslm mama, hihi..tenkiu willing jalan2 williamsburg outlet mall iowa suitable sgt kat sini..mmg som2 time eating porridge hot, cold JE tekak..mmg best..hihi..apalagi in, start the engine la ... April 19, 2011 at 8:41 PM
norul .. AOK org GOK to pahang? org KOME lepeh .. AOK where? Depok to? org can roll the other ame juge lepeh becakap..jeranutt other Temerloh / Kuantan already .pekan other Yek said .. ame te tue tue org, swift water imbalances to Sungei pahang..haha weh good juge roti.lama not meroti neh April 20, 2011 at 9:47 AM
Izah, oo Yek org lepeh rupenyer AOK? org koi triang..tau to? beloh2 want to Bailieborough williamsburg outlet mall iowa other te..emang dough betui accent daeroh2 pahang ni..lepeh MMG koi idok how long the dough Pulok nok gheti..hihi..lg leave pahang..sob sob .. koi new jack nok belajo2 meroti neh .. hihi April 20, 2011 at 10:16 AM
org wee one PHG'm an EEE koi next week temerloh..lama'm going bali x back her long labor day ... leave a little in sana..lalu bt 7 going toward kg. awah tu le singah NSC outlets koi yeee mother-in-law April 20, 2011 at 10:38 AM
Kak Sheila, alone lg org phg..hihi..ohh..macam situ..masa kecik2 know jack, dock koi tok kat kg awah luor te la koi could bermain2 kat te area awah dulu2..hihi..kedai kg feed banyok2 shop kat kat te junction to? April 20, 2011 at 10:52 AM
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