Monday, April 21, 2014

Studies have shown that Hidden Gems of the Week ,

Studies have shown that Hidden Gems of the Week ,’s collection of reader-submitted ridiculata, is the best way to enjoy Dancing With the Stars without ever having to turn it on. It’s a visual feast of sparkles, fringe, and flesh. Ready to go down the rabbit hole? Behold this bountiful smattering of Visible Gems!
MVG (MOST VALUABLE GEM) OF THE WEEK Click to enlarge, or “pump it up” if you will “When Brooke mentioned Evan was ‘shy in his package,’ Ana looked down at Evan s ‘package’ and made a face to someone off-camera? Cracked me up. Of course, I am pretty dirty-minded so I may have imagined it .” – Misty , Ellen , Colleen , Terri , Chris , Gio Gio , China Trail , Kate , Lars , Jenny , Collin , Rachel , kevinkawa , and Jenn , who watches with her mother
“When largo mall movies the band was introduced, it was cute how they all waved hello. I can t remember seeing this before. Usually they focus on Harold, but this time it was a wide shot from above. Loved it!” – Lin “I thought that was really funny! Especially the band member that waved his sax in the air!!” – Lilly
“Hidden Gem: After one of Len s critiques, largo mall movies he had an oval red light (?) over his head. He looked like a teletubby!” – KWo “Or like he was trying to channel the ancient Pharaohs of Egypt ” – Lady Pirate “I saw that too! It looked like a glowing pod from a sci-fi movie. Crazy!!” – gigi “Thanks I thought I was hallucinating that glowing red orb!! Gotta stop hitting the catnip before the show.” – queue55 “I think it is an anthurium sans the spadix (little boy).” – Karamba
“There was a woman sitting a couple of rows behind largo mall movies the judges table who was wearing a white shirt with sequins. You got a little sparkle everytime the judges largo mall movies gave their comments it was like she was channeling her own personal largo mall movies mirror ball” – MLM “I saw your lady with the sequiny top and she had friends with her. There were about three or four ladies wearing their sparkly tops. I thought it was cute.” – Gidget
I didn t notice a whole lot of hidden gems except for [Farmer] Damian hiding out in the 2nd row. Why can the pros not get good seats?” – KelbelDance , JHF , Fridge , Lin , Gemologist , Colleen , Lilly , Melissa “I was momentarily horrified largo mall movies as I thought I spied Spencer Pratt over Tom s right shoulder. NOOO!” – Meg
“I vote for Evan s dimples as a hidden gem. So cute! Didn t know he had them until that segment aired.” – Stee , seconded by Lorie and EW “Evan & Anna are watching the video of Evan s nephew — behind them on a shelf are two dancing figures and there s a light that makes it look like they re dancing in flames.” – Hunter, Gem Hunter
“Right before Evan s first dance they cut from rehearsal footage largo mall movies to the judges table where Evan was worshiping the picture of Anna Carrie Ann was totally caught doing a boob check!” – anonymous
“Not-so-hidden gem for my house: Evan dressed largo mall movies for the paso doble in a sequined old lady jacket. My husband said it looked like something Lucille 2 might wear.” – Katja , seconded by jrm [This is possibly the greatest Hidden Gem in history. There were so many jackets to choose from but DWTS is such a f---ing fiesta all the time that I went with this one! -- Annie not wanting to start her recap ]
“My Not-So-Hidden Gem: Evan getting a well-deserved standing ovation largo mall movies for his paso by everyone as he and Anna entered the celebaquarium. They all clearly loved his dance.” – Lorie , endorsed by EW , JH , Mohtra
“After the paso, Evan pulled largo mall movies a Governor Paterson largo mall movies like on SNL/WU.” – Melissa , IAA Evan “Were the creepy largo mall movies trees used during Evan s paso doble stolen from the set after Lady GaGa performed on Idol a couple of weeks ago?” – Tiffanie , JD
“Hidden gem: Is Princess Sparkle starting a men s line? Because I loved the sparkly bangle/cuff largo mall movies Maks was wearing.” – gigi “Uhhhhh Maks’ nips? Anyone?” – largo mall movies ANWTWHR
“Erin s sister has Alias hair from the pilot episode. Awesome.” – IAA Evan “The hair decoration on the top of Erin s mom s head looked a bit like something sparkly from Planet Mirroballus.” – Collin
“Hidden gem: Following Erin/Maks largo mall movies paso, Brooke began her interview saying ‘After watching your package .” meanwhile, her eyes seemed to be lasered in on Maks’ crotch. (Can t say that I blame her!) Perhaps, though, it was just an illusion caused by her heavy lashes and eye shadow.” – Scooter
“When Chad and Cheryl were sitting in the steps waiting for their number to begin, the fog machine was on and it

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